Google Maps API - Nearby Search requests - PlaceID - google-places-api

I am calling the following API from Google Maps:{latitude},{longitude}&radius={radius}&type={type}&keyword={keyword}&key={api_key}
and even tried:{latitude},{longitude}&**fields=place_id**,formatted_address,geometry,name&radius={radius}&type={type}&keyword={keyword}&key={api_key}
at the end I got the result of places but the place_id is null, which would give more detailed information about this place...but always null.
Any experience?
Thanks in advance,Csaba


Google Classroom: Find userId from the google doc

How can I find the userId of the student to which a CourseWorkSubmission has been submitted?
Student is assigned coursework using Google Classrooms.
Teacher views coursework ( URL).
I click Add On, to try and pull out student info, but can't find the context for the student (e.g. userId, actorId) or even the submissionId in order to make a call to the API to get the information.
Any help or pointers gratefully received :)
Have checked out the Google Classroom API:
And the Google Drive API:
When you do your get of the studentSubmission here the response will contain a userId. That userID is the Students google ID you're looking for.
Go ahead and run the Try this API functionality on the page and you should see what I"m talking about.
The full response information is listed here
If you're having a problem finding the relevant courseWork ID, then use the list capability here (Put a - in for the courseWorkId)

RegionCode in YouTube API v3

I can't seem to find any information on the implications of using/not using regionCode in the YouTube v3 API, for example the search/list resource.
In the specific, if the regionCode is not specified in the call to the API, will all the videos matching the criteria be returned?
If a video is allowed only in certain regions, not specifying the regionCode in the search request, will the API return it? Or only the unrestricted videos will be returned?
Where can I find some clarification on the topic?
If you do not specify the Region Code then the API automatically determines the region based on your location. So, for example, if I queried the API on my laptop in New Zealand, then the region code would be NZ.
The API outputs the region code. In JSON it is under the tag regionCode.
Generally Region Code is not required. You will get a good matching results output without it.
The regionCode parameter instructs the API to return search results for the specified country. The parameter value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. (string)

Google Global Address List for Domain limited to 250 results [rehash]

Reposting due to lack of answers
I'm trying to query Google Global Address List for a specific domain, being led by this answer here (Specifically the answer by Jay Lee).
It's all well and good and works perfectly in Google's OAuth Playground, however it seems to be limited to 250 users. Given that this feature seems completely undocumented, and that I can't tell by looking at their github repo (specifically this file), does anyone know how to query for the next 250 users or how to set the number of results?
Thank you!
My last answer was converted into a comment, but I now have a complete answer to this question.
EDIT: I repeatedly mention JSON but you don't need to parse this in JSON to get the syncToken. Google will provide you the syncToken regardless.
The Google GAL API seems to operate in a similar manner to the Google Calendar or YouTube API's "nextPageToken" parameter, which allows you to query the next page of results as long as you have a token.
The Google GAL uses the "syncToken" parameter as a replacement. Much like the other Google API's, if you append this syncToken to the end of your URL, you will get the next page of results. Note that I was unable to get the startIndex parameter to work (which allows you to begin at a specific item in the JSON), so if you are trying to get a specific result through the query you will most likely have to parse the entire JSON file. Inside the parsed JSON, there should be a key called "gal$syncToken." You can find it in the json right before the "entry" key/array which is where all of the global domain contacts are listed.
Here is an example of what it would look like:
"gal$syncToken": {
Your syncToken will look different. To get the next page of results, Google actually provides a link that already has the syncToken pre-appended:
"rel": "next",
"type": "application/atom+xml",
"href": ""
However, this will only give you the next 250 results. If you want more on each page, you can append the max-results parameter to this and have Google spit it back out in JSON format.
Hope this helped anyone seeing this. The Google GAL seems to be largely undocumented for the most part and I was unable to find an answer to this question anywhere else on the internet. If anyone from Google can confirm that this is the best method for accomplishing this that would be great!

How to get Country for Google Places API nearby search

I'm using Google Places API to get nearby places, but I've noticed that while I get the place names and addresses, the results don't include the Country.
Is there a way to get the country included in the results?
This is the call I'm using:<lat,lng>&radius=100&sensor=true&key=<api_key>
The Geocoding API is what you want.
it'll return fully formatted address info in several ways (split by administrative level, formatted as an address,etc.)
also the place Types blog in google api will is here

How to sort results by distance with google places api using textsearch

I want to get all the restaurants near my location order by distance.
I am using textsearch with google places api using this url :,34.806618&radius=200&sensor=true&key=api_key. The results that I am getting are sparse with no order what so ever. I tried rankby=distance but accurding to the documentation ( you can use it only with regular search,means that when using textsearch there is no such parameter option (I tried it anyway -> not working).
I am using textsearch because regular search returns only "types" : [ "establishment" ].
How can I order by distance the textsearch of google place api ? I can't believe that google didn't create a way to do it...
You are correct, Places API Textsearch does not support the rankBy=distance parameter. If you believe that this would be a useful feature, please submit a Places API Feature Request.
You can however obtain the result you are looking for by performing a Places API Search Request using the rankBy=distance parameter and the keyword=restaurant parameter:,34.806618&rankBy=distance&sensor=false&key=YOUR_API_KEY
The keyword parameter is matched against all available fields, including but not limited to name, type, and address, as well as customer reviews and other third-party content.
