RegionCode in YouTube API v3 - youtube-data-api

I can't seem to find any information on the implications of using/not using regionCode in the YouTube v3 API, for example the search/list resource.
In the specific, if the regionCode is not specified in the call to the API, will all the videos matching the criteria be returned?
If a video is allowed only in certain regions, not specifying the regionCode in the search request, will the API return it? Or only the unrestricted videos will be returned?
Where can I find some clarification on the topic?

If you do not specify the Region Code then the API automatically determines the region based on your location. So, for example, if I queried the API on my laptop in New Zealand, then the region code would be NZ.
The API outputs the region code. In JSON it is under the tag regionCode.

Generally Region Code is not required. You will get a good matching results output without it.
The regionCode parameter instructs the API to return search results for the specified country. The parameter value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. (string)


Find Place requests Returns Only One Result

I'm using the Google Places API endpoint "findplacefromtext" and tried a search similar to the example.,formatted_address,name,opening_hours,rating&locationbias=circle:2000#47.6918452,-122.2226413&key=YOUR_API_KEY
However, when you use this it only ever returns one result. There is a cafe near me that's called "Cream" but when you pass that as the "input" parameter it returns shops that have a category of "Ice Cream". I thought it should only search the name of the business.... If I can't find the place by name does it search the category type as a fall back? When I execute the same search in Google Maps it returns the same data but I get multiple results and I can see the place I am trying to retrieve 3rd on the search result list.
Is it possible to make it return more than one result? The documentation doesn't mention anything about this.
I believe what you need is the Text Search request. The Find Place request is meant for exact addresses.
The Google Places API Text Search Service is a web service that
returns information about a set of places based on a string — for
example "pizza in New York" or "shoe stores near Ottawa" or "123 Main
Street". The service responds with a list of places matching the text
string and any location bias that has been set.
The service is especially useful for making ambiguous address queries
in an automated system, and non-address components of the string may
match businesses as well as addresses. Examples of ambiguous address
queries are incomplete addresses, poorly formatted addresses, or a
request that includes non-address components such as business names.
Taken from

Get Region of the video viewers using YouTube API

I'm in the research using YouTube-Data-Api. I get like count, comment count like that. I need to get region(Country) list of the viewers of that video one by one in my list. How do I get that.
No you can't, it is only for user who upload the video. In youtube api v3 docs. A url is given something like{video->id}&key={$key->key}&part=snippet,contentDetails,statistics,status&regionCode=es
The part of url in which regionCode is given by you. It is only application if The regionCode parameter instructs the API to select a video chart available in the specified region. This parameter can only be used in conjunction with the chart parameter. The parameter value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. For more information You can use this below link.
Hope it helps you.

Can I obtain the country name with Google Places API?

On the request for current place I receive a list of places. Every place has an address but that address is a string so I can't get only the country name.
Could someone help me on this matter?
Country is only explicitly available when using the Place Details API, not the Places API. (
You first need to look up a place_id for the specific place you're looking for. You then use your place_id to pull details from the Details API, which includes information like:
Fully formatted address, including country
Address components
Sample reviews
Phone # and website
Operating hours
If you have read the Google Places Autocomplete doc,you must know about API can use the type as '(region)' and will return you many results (plus country).And if you look inside address_components field (it's array with dynamic length),you will see,that the last item of array is what you need.Here is a great page to read a correct doc and try examples yourself.

Google Places Autocomplete to return non-abbreviated administrative areas?

Running the HTTP request:<api_key>
returns results that include Atlanta, GA, United States
Is there a way to return results of a query that don't includes abbreviated names? So I could get back Atlanta, Georgia, United States?
Or do I need need to make an additional query with the reference token?
Try using Google Place Details API with the "reference" parameter returned by Google Place Auto Complete. This will return extensive information on your location query, including long and short names.
where x is the "reference" from your auto complete query, and y = your API key.
Here is the link for the Details API:

How to get Country for Google Places API nearby search

I'm using Google Places API to get nearby places, but I've noticed that while I get the place names and addresses, the results don't include the Country.
Is there a way to get the country included in the results?
This is the call I'm using:<lat,lng>&radius=100&sensor=true&key=<api_key>
The Geocoding API is what you want.
it'll return fully formatted address info in several ways (split by administrative level, formatted as an address,etc.)
also the place Types blog in google api will is here
