Using a variable as the name of a TeamCity property - teamcity

I have the following powershell script:
$triggerBy = "Finish Build Trigger; Aed / My Application / Service / My Application Service, build #"
$buildId = $triggerBy -replace 'Finish Build Trigger; ', '' -replace ', build #.*', '' -replace '( \/ )', '_' -replace ' ', ''
When this runs, $buildId is set to Aed_MyApplication_Service_MyApplicationService.
I then want to get value of the variable But I need to use the value of $buildId for the middle part of that.
Is there a way to say $buildNumber = %dep.$ and TeamCity recognize that $buildId should be expanded before it evaluates the variable?

No, sadly there is no way to force TeamCity to evaluate the build lazily.
If this is a $triggerBy "switch/case" kind of choice though, you could create a build step (at the beginning of the build), that will :
test if your calculated $buildId is Aed_MyApplication_Service_MyApplicationService
if it is, the following should enable you to use %myDepBuildNumber% in the next build steps :
echo "##teamcity[setParameter name='myDepBuildNumber' value='']"
else do nothing.
Repeat this if/else for any $triggerBy case.
If you get an error for unset : setting this parameter should fix the issue. (e.g. if your build and Aed_MyApplication_Service_MyApplicationService both belong to Aed_MyApplication_Service then declare the parameter here).


Gradle execute a command with spaces and pipe output while running

I am trying to do an Xcode build in Gradle. Requirements:
Some of my arguments have spaces in them.
I want to pipe the output through xcpretty. Otherwise gitlab complains that there is too much output and I can't see any errors toward the end of the build
I don't want to wait for the command to complete before seeing the output. I want to be able to watch it build, like any ci job
Gradle exec{} doesn't seem to let me pipe the output while building. I can save the output to a file but that doesn't let me watch the build
exec {
executable 'xcodebuild'
ext.output = {
return standardOutput.toString()
args = [
"-sdk", "iphoneos",
"-configuration", "Release",
"-scheme", "${schemeName}",
"| xcpretty"
doesn't work
I can't use groovy "xcodebuild ... CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=${"${appleIdentity}"} ... | xcpretty".execute() because my code signing identity contains spaces and for some reason groovy wants to stick its own quotes into the command string when it finds spaces.
I tried the array execute method but ended up with the same problem.
def cmd = [
'xcodebuild ',
"-sdk", "iphoneos",
"-configuration", "Release",
"-scheme", "${schemeName}"
println cmd
def proc = cmd.execute()
... except that it's even harder to debug because I can't see the actual command being executed.
I have found various solutions online but nothing that fits these requirements

setting up ANTLR's CLASSPATH on macOS installed via HomeBrew

Following this question, I have ANTLR installed via HomeBrew:
brew install antlr
and it is installed on:
and installed the Python runtime via
pip3 install antlr4-python3-runtime
From here, I ran the
export CLASSPATH=".:/usr/local/Cellar/antlr/<version>/antlr-<version>-complete.jar:$CLASSPATH"
but when I run the command
grun <grammarName> <inputFile>
I get the infamous error message:
Can't load <grammarName> as lexer or parser
I would appreciate it if you could help me know the problem and how to solve it.
P.S. It shouldn't matter, but you may see the code I am working on here.
This error message is an indication that TestRig (that the grun alias uses), can’t find the Parser (or Lexer) class in your classpath. If you’ve placed your generated Parser in a package, you may need to take the package name into account, but the main thing is that the generated (and compiled) class is in your classpath.
Also.. TestRig takes the grammarName AND a startRule as parameters, and expects your input to come from stdin.
I cloned your repo to take a closer look at your issue.
The immediate issue for why grun is giving you this issue is that you specified your target language in the grammar file (looks like I need to retract that comment about it not being anything in your grammar). By specifying python as the target language in the grammar, you didn't generate the *.java classes that the TestRig class (used by the grun alias) needed to execute.
I removed the target language option from the grammar and was able to run the grun command against your sample input. To get it to parse correctly, I took the liberty of modifying several things in your grammar:
Removed the target language (It's generally better to specify the target language on the antlr command line so that the grammar remains language agnostic (it's also essential if you want to use the TestRig/grun utility to test things out, since you'll need the Java target)).
changed SectionName lexer rule to section parser rule (with labeled alternatives. Having lexer rules like 'Body ' Integer will give you a single token with both the body keyword and the integer, that you'd then have to pull apart later (it also forces there to be only a single space between 'Body' and the integer).
set the NewLine token to -> skip (This is a bit more presumptive on my part, but not skipping NewLine will require modifying more parse rule to specify where all NewLine is a valid token.)
removed the StatementEnd lexer rule since I skiped the NewLine tokens
reworked theInteger and Float stuff to be two different tokens so that I could use the Integer token in the section parser rule.
a couple more minor tweaks just to get this skeleton to handle your sample input.
The resulting grammar I used was:
grammar ElmerSolver;
// Parser Rules
// eostmt: ';' | CR;
statement: ';';
statement_list: statement*;
sections: section+ EOF;
// section: SectionName /* statement_list */ End;
// Lexer Rules
fragment DIGIT: [0-9];
Integer: DIGIT+;
[+-]? (DIGIT+ ([.]DIGIT*)? | [.]DIGIT+) ([Ee][+-]? DIGIT+)?;
'Header' statement_list End # headerSection
| 'Simulation' statement_list End # simulatorSection
| 'Constants' statement_list End # constantsSection
| 'Body ' Integer statement_list End # bodySection
| 'Material ' Integer statement_list End # materialSection
| 'Body Force ' Integer statement_list End # bodyForceSection
| 'Equation ' Integer statement_list End # equationSection
| 'Solver ' Integer statement_list End # solverSection
| 'Boundary Condition ' Integer statement_list End # boundaryConditionSection
| 'Initial Condition ' Integer statement_list End # initialConditionSection
| 'Component' Integer statement_list End # componentSection;
End: 'End';
// statementEnd: ';' NewLine*;
NewLine: ('\r'? '\n' | '\n' | '\r') -> skip;
'\\' WhiteSpace? ('\r'? '\n' | '\r' | '\f') -> skip;
WhiteSpace: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip;
LineComment: '#' ~( '\r' | '\n')* -> skip;
With those changes, I ran
➜ antlr4 ElmerSolver.g4
javac *.java
grun ElmerSolver sections -tree < examples/ex001.sif
and got the output:
(sections (section Simulation statement_list End) (section Equation 1 statement_list End) <EOF>)

ML Gradle task.Server.Eval.Task setting variables using xquery

I'm using ml-gradle to run a block of XQuery to update the MarkLogic database. The problem I am running into is I need to wrap all of the code in quotes, but since the code itself has quotes in it I am running into some errors when I try to declare variables i.e. let $config. Does anyone know a way around this? I was thinking I could concatenate all of the code into one big string so it ignores the first and last quotation.
task addCron(type: com.marklogic.gradle.task.ServerEvalTask) {
xquery = "xquery version \"1.0-ml\";\n" +
"import module namespace admin = \"\" at \"/MarkLogic/admin.xqy\";\n" +
"declare namespace group = \"\";\n" +
" let $config := admin:get-configuration()\n" +
It bombs out when it is trying to declare $config as a variable. With the error:
> Could not get unknown property 'config' for task ':
Here is an example that works
task setSchemasPermissions(type: com.marklogic.gradle.task.ServerEvalTask) {
doFirst {
println "Changing permissions in " + mlAppConfig.schemasDatabaseName + " for:"
xquery = "xdmp:invoke('/admin/fix-permissions.xqy', (), map:entry('database', xdmp:database('" + mlAppConfig.schemasDatabaseName + "')))"
Here is some documentation for ServerEvalTask:
I suspect you are hitting some string template mechanism in Groovy/Gradle. Try escaping the $ sign as well.
Note that you can use both single and double quotes in XQuery code.

how to use choice parameter in Jenkins pipeline in batch command

how to use choice parameter in Jenkins declarative pipeline in batch command.
I'm using following stage:
choices: 'apply\ndestroy\n',
description: '',
stage ('temp') {
steps {
echo "type ${params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY}"
bat'echo "type01 ${params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY}"'
bat'echo "type01 %{params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY}%"'
bat'echo type01 [${params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY}]'
echo does resolve to correct parameter value but under bat none of the above code works.
You almost got the syntax right.
If you change it to one of the below options, the bat command receives the value of your choice.
steps {
bat "echo type01 ${DESTROY_OR_APPLY}"
steps {
bat 'echo type01 ' + DESTROY_OR_APPLY
You can also use ${params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY} in the first or params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY in the second example if you want to use the params definition consequently in your code.

Executing SQL Script using OSQL do not return resultcode

I am executing some sql queries using OSQL through inno setup. I am using following code to run OSQL. This is just for example purpose
SQLQuery:= '"EXEC sp_addserver ''PCNAME'';"';
Param:= '-S(local) -Usa -Psa -Q ' + SQLQuery;
Exec('osql.exe', Param, '', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode);
This works fine. The problem is ResultCode value is always 0. Even if the query does not get executed. For example if I try same query like below where I pass in an invalid stored procedure name the ResultCode is still 0.
SQLQuery:= '"EXEC sp_invalidname ''PCNAME'';"';
Param:= '-S(local) -Usa -Psa -Q ' + SQLQuery;
Exec('osql.exe', Param, '', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode);
Why don't this return me a proper code. If I run the second query in management studio I get an error like this
Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1
Could not find stored procedure 'sp_invalidname'
Here return code is 2812. Why dont I get this when I run it through inno. What do I need to do to get this error code in inno?
Thanks to TLama, I updated my code as below and its working now. I had to add -b command line parameter and now it returns 1 if the command fails.
Specifies that osql exits and returns a DOS ERRORLEVEL value when an error occurs. The value returned to the DOS ERRORLEVEL variable is 1 when the SQL Server error message has a severity of 11 or greater; otherwise, the value returned is 0. Microsoft MS-DOS batch files can test the value of DOS ERRORLEVEL and handle the error appropriately.
I updated my code as below.
Param:= '-S(local) -Usa -Psa -b -Q ' + SQLQuery;
Its explained in the documentation.
