Hibernate search quarkus compatibility questions - elasticsearch

Im working in a quarkus project, I have to connect to an elasticsearch clusert and in production exists a mysql database with data.
Im thinking about using Hibernate Search but I have some questions.
1-Which version of hibernate search use quarkus? In the pom is not specified. Is 6?
2-It compatible with elasticsearch 7.11.1?
3-In my project I will connect to the mysql database just once to initialize all the index, then the connection is going to be closed, is this possible? or hibernate search needs to be connected to mysql database always?
4-To initialize the indexs with hibernate search is mandatory to use hibernate annotations (for example #Entity and #Column) in the entitys?
5-As I said, the connection with mysql database is going to be close after first indexing, is there a way to add new records to index if I get a list of objects from other system? (for example something like batch)

It's Hibernate Search 6 - in Quarkus 1.13, 6.0.2.Final
Yes, it should be. Our main testing is now against the latest Open Source version of Elasticsearch but we are still testing 7.11.
Hibernate Search handles reads/writes and also hydrate your search data from the database so you should have the MySQL database around. If you are only doing read-only stuff AND only using projections, maybe not having the database around is possible but I don't think it's a supported use case
You will have to implement it yourself, there's nothing built-in.


What is the best way to maintain queries in Spring boot application?

In My Application, Using the below technologies
Spring boot 2.7.x
spring batch 5. x
java 11
As part of this, I need to extract data from the Cassandra database and need to write out the file
so here I need to use queries to fetch data so
just want to know what is the best way to maintain all queries at one place so any query changes come in the future, I shouldn't build the app rather just need to modify the query.
Using a repository class is necessary. If you are using JPA i recommend using a repository for each Entity class. With JDBC it is possible to create a single repository which contains all the queries. To access the query methodes i would use a service class. In this way your code is structured well and maintainable for future changes.

what is the best way to create session from java spring boot using oracle Database?

I created user in oracle database and I am trying to create session but I find many ways in spring boot so what is the easy way if I want to create classe connections using the Username and Password ?
You can jdbc template, spring data JDBC or spring data JPA, well depending on your use case.
If your data model is quite complex, you should avoid using the JDBC template as you will need to write prepared statements which can be cumbersome. JPA will allow you to use object-oriented programming principles and also will help you map the entities to your database columns.
For example, if you are going to use spring data JPA, you need to set the application properties as follows:
spring.datasource.oracleucp.sql-for-validate-connection=select * from dual
This would behind the scene create an Oracle Datasource. In this example, we are using Oracle Universal Connection Pooling. You can also use HikariCP which is quite popular.
check this out
If you want to use UCP with above properties then you must have SpringBoot version higher than 2.4.0.
Check out the Spring Boot code sample on GitHub.

jdbc data independence without using hibernate api?

I am trying to solve problem by using properties file but in properties file we can handle only database driver problem.if we want to mysql to oracle database need to change all my query.the problem is now how to make query independent without hibernate api?? please suggest

Easiest Way to Access Neo4J from Java

I want to access a Neo4j DB with Java and wanted to know what the preferred way to do this is. I just want to write a quite simple data structure to the DB.
http://neo4j.com/developer/java/ gives following options:
Hibernate OGM
Spring Data
Rest API via Unmanaged Extensions
I looked into accessing Neo4J with JDBC and Hibernate OGM. It seems that its not worth it to use for me. JDBC gives me some trouble. So should i go with the REST way or try to fix my JDBC problems?
The JDBC driver is really a wrapper around the REST interface (as of neo4j 2.3). There is a example application how to use it. Should suffice for very simple use.
Then there is neo4j-ogm (different from Hibernate OGM) - this is an object graph mapping library, similar to hibernate in ORM world. This has minimal external dependencies and is very easy to use - ideal for cases where you want to map couple of objects into graph.
Then there is the Spring Data Neo4j project, which since version 4 uses neo4j-ogm for mapping, but adds other Spring data features, like repositories, derived finder queries, transactions ...

Embed database in spring project with hibernate

In my previous spring projects, I always use hibernate+postgresql to store the data. I rencently start to use spring-boot, and I am looking for a database system which allow me embed it in my project, without be required the installation of a external DBMS.
I try use SQLite, but in my searches I found some afirmations Hibernate isn't compatible with SQLite.
Anyone knows if this is possible and could point me a solution?
We've successfuly used HSQLDB with Hibernate for ages.
This is actually super cool for sales, you can demonstrate a working application on (potential) customers machine with the embedded HSQLDB database. And still be able to switch to "the real thing" later on.
See also this:
Does Hibernate Fully Support SQLite
and this:
