Get original entry value in LogQL line_format - grafana-loki

In LogQL line_format template expression, is there a way to access the original log entry (assume the entry is not in JSON or any parseable format and all labels are log labels and not extracted labels).
... | line_format "{{.log_label1}}, {{.log_label2}}: {{<some way to show the entire original log entry>}}"

One way it to prepend it with a regular expression capturing the entire message
... |regexp '(?P<message>.*)' |line_format "{{.some_other_var}} {{.message}}"
Note that the ' around the regex should really by ` otherwise it might not work

It looks like instead of regexp you can use json parser:
... | json | line_format "{{.stream}}: {{.log}}"


gcs bucket how to get objects using filters [golang]

Is there a way to get list of objects which starts and ends with specific criteria
as example:
and we wanna query for
Prefix: "a/",
EndOffset: "id1.json"
expected output should be:
and we wanna filter out other options and we don't know what the b folder name would be.
a is always a
b is random uniq string
c is always c
and we always want the specific json.
As i am tying to achieve this with:
query := &storage.Query{
Prefix: "a/",
//StartOffset: "",
EndOffset: "id1.json",
Prefix: "c/id1.json",
Delimiter: "/",
IncludeTrailingDelimiter: true,
and for some reason i am getting in return all of those files.
And of course i would like to limit the results as much as possible for better performances.
Maybe there is a way to use some regex in Prefix definition ?
like a/*/c/id1.json
----------------------- ========= Edited ========= -----------------------
Please note that this is already implemented by me storage_list_files_with_prefix-go and do not work as i would like to have it. So the main question is HOWTO make this filtering working with the example I am showing.
Key points:
Cloud Storage Buckets do not have directories.
The namespace is flat.
Object names are just strings.
The slash / character which is often used to separate directory names in file systems is just a character in an Bucket object name. The slash has no significance but can be used as a delimiter.
You can specify a prefix and a delimiter to reduce the returned object list.
Cloud Storage does not support regex expressions.
The asterisk * is a character and not a wildcard.
You must implement additional filtering in your code.
List the objects in a bucket using a prefix filter

Add support for XPATH replace in JCR (Jackrabbit Oak)

I'm trying to determine if there's a way to create a custom Predicate to handle searches for text that contains accented characters.
The problem I am trying to solve is that I have the string "Montréal" stored in the JCR, and want it to show up if my query contains a search for "Montreal" or even "Montre".
I am trying to use the XPATH function fn:replace to do something like this:
replace('Montréal', '[éè]+', 'e')
Here's an example xpath query (run using the query tool in the CRX/DE):
(#jcr:primaryType = 'dam:AssetContent' and jcr:like(fn:replace(fn:lower-case(data/master/#city), '[éè]+', 'e'),'%montre%'))
However, when I attempt to use it, I get the error:
expected: jcr:like | jcr:contains | jcr:score | xs:dateTime | fn:lower-case | fn:upper-case | fn:name | rep:similar | rep:spellcheck | rep:suggest
Is there some way to enable the replace function?
I had faced a similar issue.
I will explain what I did to overcome that.
The requirement : There is a search bar, and in that user were using accented chars.
The problem : same. jcr:like & fn:replace didn't work.
What I did was, sent the search param as it is intp the backend (Java) through servlet, as I was building queries through a service there.
Then I just encoded them in base64, and added the same in the query, as AEM keeps non-english chars in base64 encoded values.
Then just decoded the results in the FE ( but you can do that in Java as well.)

XPath to be precised into one in order to extract text from a web page?

I have a few Xpaths as below:
All of the above are used to extract text from a single web page since text is located at different view--ports, but I wish to find a single xpath to extract text for all of them. Is it possible to use 'and' and multiple ID's to extract all of it through one xpath?
Any other suggestions would be appreciate.
You can use the or operator for the last four.
And the merge-nodes operator | to add the first one.
So to select all 5 expression in one, use the following expression:
//*[#id="904735f0-bb82-11ea-a473-6d0f51688222"]/div/p | //*[#id="729c0860-a71d-11ea-b994-53a3e91a35c2" or #id="2555ab30-bb84-11ea-9e8b-277e7f6208b2" or #id="7e100250-a71d-11ea-b994-53a3e91a35c2" or #id="811727d0-a71d-11ea-b994-53a3e91a35c2"]/div/div/div[1]/div/p
A shorter and more generic solution could be :
(//div/div/div[1]/div/p|//div/p)[parent::*[string-length(#id)=36 and substring(#id,24,1)="-"]]
First part with () is used to specify the end of the path. Since #id attributes have the same length, we use it inside the predicate. We also verify the presence of a - at a specific position with substring.

Not able to read session id from response in jmeter

i want to fetch "chat_session_id": 8216, from response data and apply regular expression extractor
"chat_session_id": (.+?)
but it only fetches 8 instead of 8216
You did correctly, the mistake is you need to add comma to your regular expression
Actual value: "chat_session_id": 8216,
Regx: "chat_session_id": (.+?),
Try amending your regular expression to look like:
"chat_session_id": (\d+)
This one will match any number following the chat_session_id: so it should work as it evidenced by View Results Tree listener output:
In general, given you are getting the response in JSON format it would make more sense to use JSON Extractor which is designed for working with JSON data type. The relevant JSON Path Expression would be as simple as:

return line of strings between two strings in a ruby variable

I would like to extract a line of strings but am having difficulties using the correct RegEx. Any help would be appreciated.
String to extract: KSEA 122053Z 21008KT 10SM FEW020 SCT250 17/08 A3044 RMK AO2 SLP313 T01720083 50005
For Some reason StackOverflow wont let me cut and paste the XML data here since it includes "<>" characters. Basically I am trying to extract data between "raw_text" ... "/raw_text" from a xml that will always be formatted like the following:
However, the Station name, in this case "KSEA" will not always be the same. It will change based on user input into a search variable.
Thanks In advance
if I can assume that every strings that you want starts with KSEA, then the answer would be:
using ? would let .* match as less as possible.
