Can we use customHooks into redux Saga function - react-hooks

Following custom hooks as state selector and using that within "functional View" component.
Now, I need to use that in redux Saga function. Can we use that into Saga function or I have to use some other approach instead of using custom hooks into Saga function ?
export function useSelectAllEntries()
return useSelector(
({allEntries=[]}) =>[...allEntries],shallowEqual
export function useSelectFilteredByMakeEntries()
const selectAll = useSelectAllEntries();
return selectAll.filter(...);
export function useSelectFilteredByCreatorEntries()
const selectAll = useSelectAllEntries();
return selectAll.filter(...);

Instead of defining these as custom hooks, define them as selectors instead. Redux selectors may be freely shared between multiple different use-cases.
export const allEntriesSelector = ({ allEntries = [] }) => allEntries;
export const allEntriesFilteredByMakeEntriesSelector = state =>
export const allEntriesFilteredByCreatorEntriesSelector = state =>
Then, when you want to use them in a function component, just call useSelector:
function MyComponent() {
const entries = useSelector(allEntriesSelector);
const filteredByMake = useSelector(allEntriesFilteredByMakeEntriesSelector);
const filteredByCreator = useSelector(allEntriesFilteredByCreatorEntriesSelector);
return (...);
and when you want to use them within a saga:
import { select } from 'redux-saga/effects';
function* mySaga() {
const entries = yield select(allEntriesSelector);
const filteredByMake = yield select(allEntriesFilteredByMakeEntriesSelector);
const filteredByCreator = yield select(allEntriesFilteredByCreatorEntriesSelector);


Dynamic axios request url in Vue 3 Composables

I've tried this and it worked:
const posts = ref{[]}
const urlEndPoint = 'posts'
const getPosts = async () => {
let response = await axios.get('/api/'+urlEndPoint)
posts.value =
but that one is not dynamic. My goal is to make the urlEndPoint value reactive and set from the components
then i tried this:
const urlEndPoint = ref([])
but I don't know how to send the value of urlEndPoint constant back from the component to the composables.
I tried these in my component:
const urlEndPoint = 'posts'
const sendUrlEndPoint = () => {
urlEndPoint = 'posts'
but none worked.
is there a way to accomplish this goal? like sending the component name to urlEndPoint value in composable or any other simple way.
Define a composable function named use useFetch :
import {ref} from 'vue'
export default useFetch(){
const data=ref([])
const getData = async (urlEndPoint) => {
let response = await axios.get('/api/'+urlEndPoint)
data.value =
return {
in your component import the function and use it like :
const urlEndPoint=ref('posts')
const {getData:getPosts, data:posts}=useFetch()

Apollo useQuery hook on component mount

I'm new to hooks and trying to use them more
How can I get data (with Apollo) when a component mount ?
I'm trying to use useQuery inside a useEffect, my code so far looks like this
const MyComponent = () => {
const getME = () => {
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(ME);
setMe( // useState hook
console.log('query me: ', me);
return (<>
but this gives me an error
Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons:
edit: this is the query
import { gql } from '#apollo/client';
export const ME = gql`
query me {
profile {
Here is an example on how you should use the useQuery hook and then stock the data in the state
const { loading, data, error } = useQuery(SOME_QUERY)
const [state, setState] = React.useState([])
useEffect(() => {
// do some checking here to ensure data exist
if (data) {
// mutate data if you need to
}, [data])`enter code here`

Unit testing redux-saga select

I have a simple saga of this form:
const getAccountDetails = function * () {
const { url } = yield select(state => state.appConfig)
const accountDetails = yield call(apiFetchAccountDetails, url)
I'm trying to write a unit test:
describe('getAccountDetails', () => {
const iterator = getAccountDetails()
it("should yield an Effect 'select(state=> state.appConfig)'", () => {
const effect =
const expected = select(state => state.appConfig)
This test fails. Although effect and expected are very similar, they are not identical.
At least one of the differences is buried in payload.selector.scopes, where the yielded effect and expected are as follows:
As the scopes of these two will always be different, how can these tests ever be made to work?
eta: this pattern is adapted from the example linked to from the redux-saga docs
Cracked it after finding this issue from way back.
The fix is to create a named function to do the select and export it from the module where the saga under test lives, and then use this same function in tests. All is well.
export const selectAppConfig = state => state.appConfig
const getAccountDetails = function * () {
const { url } = yield select(selectAppConfig)
const accountDetails = yield call(apiFetchAccountDetails, url)
import {selectAppConfig} from './sagaToTest'
describe('getAccountDetails', () => {
const iterator = getAccountDetails()
it("should yield an Effect 'select(state=> state.appConfig)'", () => {
const effect =
const expected = select(selectAppConfig)

Selector for React-Redux

To use selector, I tried to follow this URL reference:
One of the example is :
const selectSomeData = state => state.someData;
const selectFilteredSortedTransformedData = createSelector(
(someData) => {
const filteredData = expensiveFiltering(someData);
const sortedData = expensiveSorting(filteredData);
const transformedData = expensiveTransformation(sortedData);
return transformedData;
const mapState = (state) => {
const transformedData = selectFilteredSortedTransformedData(state);
return {
data: transformedData
Question: Within mapState we are calling selectFilteredSortedTransformedData and we are also passing State as parameter. However, the function itself is not taking any parameter, how does it work?
const selectFilteredSortedTransformedData = createSelector(
did you add mapState function in redux connect function ?? something like this.
export default connect(mapState)(Component)

Load data before createStore

I’ve created some React files where one initializes a Redux store. However, I really need to load some data from a json file before store is initialized.
I’ve tried to import a script loading the json structure then assigning it to the createStore initialState value. But createStore runs before the data is loaded and assigned.
Is there any simple way to say “dont do anything before my axios call is done”???
Action types
import * as Actions from './actiontypes';
function load() {
return { type: Actions.LOAD_DATA_REQUEST };
function success(res) {
return { type: Actions.LOAD_DATA_SUCCESS, payload: res };
function error(ex) {
return { type: Actions.LOAD_DATA_ERROR, payload: ex };
export function loadData(url) {
return (dispatch) => {
axios.get(url).then((res) => {
}).catch((ex) => {
use this in reducers that requires
import * as Actions from './actiontypes';
const newState = Object.assign({}, state);
switch (action.type) {
//maybe you load
newState.loading = true;
return newState;
const res = action.payload;
//do what you need for this reducer
return newState;
case Actions.LOAD_DATA_ERROR:{
/// maybe you will want to show some error message in some reducer?
return newState;
You just need the first screen of your application on componentWillMount() call the loadData() action
I hope this can help you
