Selector for React-Redux - react-redux

To use selector, I tried to follow this URL reference:
One of the example is :
const selectSomeData = state => state.someData;
const selectFilteredSortedTransformedData = createSelector(
(someData) => {
const filteredData = expensiveFiltering(someData);
const sortedData = expensiveSorting(filteredData);
const transformedData = expensiveTransformation(sortedData);
return transformedData;
const mapState = (state) => {
const transformedData = selectFilteredSortedTransformedData(state);
return {
data: transformedData
Question: Within mapState we are calling selectFilteredSortedTransformedData and we are also passing State as parameter. However, the function itself is not taking any parameter, how does it work?
const selectFilteredSortedTransformedData = createSelector(

did you add mapState function in redux connect function ?? something like this.
export default connect(mapState)(Component)


Dynamic axios request url in Vue 3 Composables

I've tried this and it worked:
const posts = ref{[]}
const urlEndPoint = 'posts'
const getPosts = async () => {
let response = await axios.get('/api/'+urlEndPoint)
posts.value =
but that one is not dynamic. My goal is to make the urlEndPoint value reactive and set from the components
then i tried this:
const urlEndPoint = ref([])
but I don't know how to send the value of urlEndPoint constant back from the component to the composables.
I tried these in my component:
const urlEndPoint = 'posts'
const sendUrlEndPoint = () => {
urlEndPoint = 'posts'
but none worked.
is there a way to accomplish this goal? like sending the component name to urlEndPoint value in composable or any other simple way.
Define a composable function named use useFetch :
import {ref} from 'vue'
export default useFetch(){
const data=ref([])
const getData = async (urlEndPoint) => {
let response = await axios.get('/api/'+urlEndPoint)
data.value =
return {
in your component import the function and use it like :
const urlEndPoint=ref('posts')
const {getData:getPosts, data:posts}=useFetch()

Cannot be used as a JSX component. Its return type 'Promise<Element>' is not a valid JSX element

I have an React Component Editor. I am trying to initialize the state using an async function. But I am unable to .
How we can do that in React.
const Editor = () => {
const { id } = useParams();
const [schemas, updateSchemas] = useAtom(bfsAtom);
const schema = id && _.get(schemas, id, {});
type InitialStateType = {
properties: KeyedProperty[];
validations: ValidationDataProperty[];
const getInitialState = async (): Promise<InitialStateType> => {
return {
properties: createPropertiesFromSchema(schema),
validations: initializeConditions(schema),
const initialState = await getInitialState();
const mainReducer = (
{ properties, validations }: InitialStateType,
action: Action
) => ({
properties: propertyReducer(properties, action),
validations: validationReducer(validations, action),
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(mainReducer, initialState);
return (
<PropertyContext.Provider value={{ state, dispatch }}>
<SchemaEditor schema={schema} />
TL;DR moving the async from top level to inside the component did the trick
Is not directly linked with your question but one thing that I was doing wrong is the following:
I had a component that looked like:
const MyComponent = async () => {
const apiResponse = await apiFunction();
return <div>
{apiResponse.success && (
<p>It was a success!</p>
BUT you shouldn't use async in your components at top level. So to fix it I did this:
const MyComponent = () => {
const apiResponse = async () => {
return await apiFunction();
return <div>
{apiResponse().success && (
<p>It was a success!</p>

Add and Edit in same component in react

if url is shipping/1245abcde, the form should load with the data comes from dispatch(getOrderDetails(orderId)). It does works fine when loading for first time but when I click refresh in the browser, it shows error at line: setAddress
TypeError: Cannot read property 'shippingAddress' of undefined
Here, I cannot call useSelector inside the useEffect. Is there anyway to get orderDetails state inside the useEffect().
Below is the ShippingScreen components
const ShippingScreen = ({ history, match }) => {
const orderId = match.params.orderId
const dispatch = useDispatch()
const cart = useSelector((state) => state.cart)
const { shippingAddress } = cart
const [address, setAddress] = useState(shippingAddress.address)
const [city, setCity] = useState(
const [postalCode, setPostalCode] = useState(shippingAddress.postalCode)
const [country, setCountry] = useState(
const orderDetails = useSelector((state) => state.orderDetails)
const { order } = orderDetails
useEffect(() => {
if (orderId) {
}, [orderId])

override one value with a new value gives value undefined

To summarize what I want to do:
Update the state depending on the previous state
I have searched in vain for a solution to the above problems. Found 3 solutions, unfortunately without any success.
const Form = (props) => {
const [newValue, setNewValue] = useState(0);
const submitHandler = (e) => {
const incrementOne = {
value: setNewValue((prevState) => {
return {...prevState, newValue: newValue + 1}
const submitHandler = (e) => {
const incrementOne = {
value: setNewValue(newValue + 1),
const submitHandler = (e) => {
const incrementOne = {
value: setNewValue(prevState => prevState + 1),
Thank you in advance for your time and effort
/ Peter
In all your examples you are creating an object with a value property. You assume that is supposed to get it's value from calling set function returned by useState. However, the result of calling this function is updating the state, and re-rendering. The function itself doesn't return anything (undefined).
const incrementOne = {
value: setNewValue((prevState) => {
return {...prevState, newValue: newValue + 1}
You should call the setNewValue function when you want to update the value. You can calculate the new state using the previous one:
setNewValue(newValue + 1);
Or use a functional update to avoid depending on the state directly:
setNewValue(prevState => prevState + 1);
Note that the new value is only available after the component re-renders.
const { useState } = React;
const Form = (props) => {
const [newValue, setNewValue] = useState(0);
const submitHandler = () => {
setNewValue(prevState => prevState + 1);
const incrementOne = {
value: newValue,
return (
<button onClick={submitHandler}>Submit</button>
<Form />,
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>

Redux action ajax result not dispatched to reducer

I just get to experiment with Redux and I know that middleware is essential to make ajax calls. I've installed redux-thunk and axios package separately and tried to hook my result as a state and render the ajax result to my component. However my browser console displays an error and my reducer couldn't grab the payload.
The error:
Uncaught Error: Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions.
This is part of my code and how the middleware is hooked up:
//after imports
const logger = createLogger({
level: 'info',
collapsed: true,
const router = routerMiddleware(hashHistory);
const enhancer = compose(
applyMiddleware(thunk, router, logger),
// store config here...
my action:
import axios from 'axios';
const url = '';
const request = axios.get(url);
export function saveSettings(form = {inputFrom: null, inputTo: null}) {
return (dispatch) => {
.then((response) => {
const alternatives =;
var routes = [];
for (const alt of alternatives) {
const routeName = alt.response.routeName;
const r = alt.response.results;
var totalTime = 0;
var totalDistance = 0;
var hasToll = false;
// I have some logic to loop through r and reduce to 3 variables
totalTime: totalTime / 60,
totalDistance: totalDistance / 1000,
hasToll: hasToll
payload: { form: form, routes: routes }
import { SAVE_SETTINGS } from '../actions/configure';
const initialState = { form: {configured: false, inputFrom: null, inputTo: null}, routes: [] };
export default function configure(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return state;
return state;
you can see the state routes has size of 0 but the action payload has array of 3.
Really appreciate any help, thanks.
It looks like you have an unnecessary dispatch in your action, and your request doesn't look to be instantiated in the correct place. I believe your action should be:
export function saveSettings(form = { inputFrom: null, inputTo: null }) {
return (dispatch) => {
axios.get(url).then((response) => {
payload: { form: form, routes: routes }
