Update domain url in laravel paginate api response - laravel

I am working in Microservices architecture.
I need your guidance in my implementation that I am working correctly or not.
I and internal service [Property] which calls from API Gateway.
In Property service I am sending responses using API resources with paginate, now the issue is my property service returns its internal URL within paginate. How can I change this custom domain URL from property to API gateway?
Or if I am doing something wrong please guide me about that. How can I use/implement paginate in internal services with next page click and search features?
I want to update the domain URL in the above image.

Laravel has withPath method for pagination since version 5.4.
You can set relative path or absolute url with this method.
I suggest you can send request with pagination base path and dynamically set inside microservice.


How to connect Woocommerce WordPress plugin to a Spring Boot API based on Spring Security Oauth2 JWT?

I am a Spring Developer trying to figure out how to connect a WordPress WooCommerce Website to my REST Spring boot Service. I haven't worked with WordPress, so there are a lot of unknown unknowns for me there. I am in collaboration with another developer on the WordPress side of things, trying to solve this issue, but we are a little lost.
Are there Best Practices for a WordPress website to access the Spring boot Oauth2 API (including JWT Token delivery Service) ?
State right now (working):
Someone orders a Product on the WooCommerce website and the order status is set to processing.
The goal:
WordPress WooCommerce Backend calls the Spring boot API to send how many Products were ordered.
Spring boot:
We found out that Spring boot outh2 is the way to go for the REST API ENDPOINT
The only resource I found about this are this once, which are very good and sufficient:
The Problem is, that we find a lot on WordPress Webhooks but not a lot on how to call an API Endpoint with a Token system.
Here are some resources we worked through, which are not sufficient:
In WordPress, I manually safely store a Username and a Password which
Spring Security knows about, on WordPress.
WordPress, an order has been finished.
WordPress calls Spring boot Https Request to /api with Payload:
OrderInformation, Password and Username.
Spring sees that there is no Token or the Token is outdated
Spring searches the Request Payload for Username and Password
Spring generates a signed JWT Token based on Username and Password.
WordPress receives that Token and stores is safely
WordPress HTTPS Request /api with Payload: OrderInformation, Token.
Spring validates the Token, accepts the OrderInformation
Spring does what ever it needs to do with the information and when
everything works out
Spring Oauth2 somehow has to tell Woocomerce that the information
was successfully delivered. Otherwise Woocomerce has to resend the
information. And start form point
If someone knows any resource or best practices how to configure WordPress WooCommerce, please let us, who have a lot of unknown unknowns, know what to do next.
We hope this post and its answers can be a gateway and vertex for other people to find the information they need.
Thank you very much in advance
I am not sure about Spring Boot API specifically, but I have done this type of integration with other REST API's.
I would recommend using wordpress action hook. The hook that I would recommend you to use is woocommerce_order_status_changed.
// define the woocommerce_order_status_changed callback
function action_woocommerce_order_status_changed( $this_get_id, $this_status_transition_from, $this_status_transition_to, $instance ) {
// make action magic happen here...
// add the action
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_changed', 'action_woocommerce_order_status_changed', 10, 4 );
At the place of // make action magic happen here... write the logic where you contact with your API. Run your code when $this_status_transition_to is processing. The $instance should have woocommerce order instance which you can use to push to API.
Some pointers that I would like to give are.
Save the API Token/Credentials in an Enviroment Variable for security.
Would recommend using Guzzle package to make http request. Use composer to install the package.

AWS API gateway: Custom domain supporting multiple Http APIs

I have created two lambda functions
and both of them are getting triggered from respective "Http APIs" in the API gateway. I have set up the stage for both of them as prod. Now I want to call them using my custom subdomain e.g prodapi.mydomain.com by setting the path as "v1"
I am able to achieve it for a single API but when I try to do API mapping for the other one using the same path, it doesn't allow that and says "ApiMapping key already exists for this domain name".
Any suggestion on how to achieve this?
can you share the endpoint url, before adding the subdomain, and after adding the subdomain
And can you explain your endpoints, how it should look like before adding the subdomain and after

How to include Marklogic rest-api in custom rewriter code in Xquery?

I'm new to url rewriting process in Marklogic and need help to resolve the below issue.
I have written Xquery implementation to redirect my API endpoints to the respective Xquery modules as /rewriter-ex/rewriter.xqy.
xquery version "1.0-ml";
let $url := xdmp:get-request-url()
return if(fn:matches($url,"/fetchRecord")) then
else if(fn:matches($url,"/saveRecord")) then
else (xdmp:set-response-code(404, "Not found"),"/no/such/resource")
And the url-rewriter path in the App server configuration is set to /rewriter-ex/rewriter.xqy and rewrite resolves globally parameter is set to true in App server.
I'm able to redirect my API urls to the respective endpoints.But I'm not able to use predefined ML Res-API endpoints like /v1/documents,it is showing 404 error as returned in the rewriter.xqy.
Is there a way I can implement rewriter to support both rest api endpoints as well as custom API endpoints?
If you'd like to create your own RESTful API on top of MarkLogic, with your own custom end-points. Please check out XQuery API for RESTful Services (XQRS).
function fetch-record($record-id as xs:string) {
function put-record($record-id as xs:string, $doc as document-node(element())) {
xdmp:document-insert($record-id, $doc)
Your RESTXQ Modules can sit on their own separate HTTP App Server (on their own port) and live side by side with another HTTP App Server which has the default MarkLogic REST API on it.
XQRS is totally compatible with the rest of MarkLogic's software, including Data Hub Framework, they can party together.
The REST API doesn't support customization or replacement of the default declarative rewriter configured during initialization of a REST API server. In addition, the REST API doesn't provide an XQuery API interface to the functionality of the REST API endpoints.
Instead, the recommended approach is to extend the REST API through one of the following alternatives:
Providing an endpoint module in the modules database and specifying the actual path of the module in the modules database on a request to the REST API server to invoke the endpoint without rewriting as in http://myhost:8010/the/directory/path/to/my/module.xqy
Such endpoints can be Data Service endpoints. See https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/java/DataServices
Using the /v1/invoke endpoint to invoke a main module. See https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/rest-dev/extensions#id_72813
Using a Resource Service Extension. See https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/rest-dev/extensions#id_41710
Hoping that helps,
Thanks for your answers.I'm planning to use two app servers one for rest calls and other for API calls.These two app servers will point to the same DB.Please let me know if this is a right approach.

Why is CORS allowed when calling to dummy API?

When I created a WebAPI project, and then a MVC project. In MVC project, I run a sever https://localhost:44303/ which has a page. In this page I created a button for ajax call. I call to my WebAPI project https://localhost:44369/ (different origin), and of course I get CORS policy. I cannot get any data. But when I change the ajax call to a fake API like on the internet https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1, I can get data. I think the fake API and the MVC project have different origin, so CORS should prevent the ajax call. Why can I still get the data from that fake API?
They are simply accepting request from all ip

ASP.NET MVC request forwarder

I would like to achieve this kind of functionality:
When a client makes GET request to
GET http://www.myserviceurl.com/rest/facebook/profile/me
to get response from
GET http://graph.facebook.com/profile/me
Application logic will append all nessesary parameters so the final url will look like:
POST myserviceurl.com/rest/twitter/statuses/update.json
with post data
POST api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.json
with POST data
This way I want to create a layer of apstraction and allow my clients to invoke my rest service using the same structure of provider rest url.
What will be a recommended approach?
Maybe You could use Facebook C# SDK (which is basically a wrapper for Facebook Graph API) to fetch json data from Facebook and return it to Your users.
