ASP.NET MVC request forwarder -

I would like to achieve this kind of functionality:
When a client makes GET request to
to get response from
Application logic will append all nessesary parameters so the final url will look like:
with post data
with POST data
This way I want to create a layer of apstraction and allow my clients to invoke my rest service using the same structure of provider rest url.
What will be a recommended approach?

Maybe You could use Facebook C# SDK (which is basically a wrapper for Facebook Graph API) to fetch json data from Facebook and return it to Your users.


Springboot authentication for a webhook post

I need to authenticate a webhook post from a third party integration on my backend api server. The only thing I can define is the endpoint url they will call. It can't be dynamic once they have to register and the process takes 3 days. And we use a multi-tenant solution, so we have to authenticate with different schema on every call.
So the problem is that I have to create a filter for this webhook, so I can authenticate it through a value contained in the json of a post body.
So I defined a WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter and added a AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter so I can intercept the request, read the value in the json body authenticated with the appropriate credentials.
I follow this tutorial Reading HttpServletRequest Multiple Times in Spring so I could be able to read InputStream from the request without erase it.
So my question about it are two.
1: Is there a better/easy approach so I can archive this result?
2: I guess this tutorial are missing something, because I'm getting null pointer at servlet when try to read the request (again, after I have already read at the filter).
Any guess would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
Are we allowed to know which 3rd party service?
PayPal/Stripe for example have docs already to explain how to verify the data.
If you can add metadata/custom fields to the webhook, you could sign it for example.
As far as checking the signature/verifying it, why not do this in the #Contoller=>#Service?

AJAX calls within MVC and Identity Server

I have been playing with Thinktecture IdentityServer3 and am keen to use it as the product looks great. However, I don't fully understand how to accomplish my flow which is probably fairly common:
Create Identity Server using Implicit flow
Setup an MVC web site
Setup a separate Web API
So far so good, as demonstrated in the examples on the site. I now wish to call the API using AJAX calls directly but for this i need an access token. It seems like a large overhead to have to route these through the MVC site itself (again, in the examples).
How can I accomplish this flow? Would it essentially blend the MVC and Javascript Client samples or is there a smoother way so the user only has to sign in once? Perhaps send the access token in a hidden field but then how would it renew?
Any help on understanding this would be great.
I've managed to come up with a solution which seems to work, not sure if it's best practice though...
Expose a method on the MVC site at AJAX/AccessToken
Method should be locked down with Authorize attribute to ensure the MVC part of the site is authenticating properly with IdentityServer
Method returns the users Access Token which was generated through the above call via MVC controllers
In JavaScript, simply use this endpoint to get an Access Token and then call the API manually
The call to get the Access Token should be secure as its within the same domain/authentication model as the MVC site itself
I've put up a sample here for anyone interested:
Check out the form post client to see the endpoints being called explicitly. You will need to hit the token endpoint to get your access token.
You should be able to use these endpoints in your AJAX calls, store the received claims and tokens in a cookie and take it from there.
Note that to renew the access token, you will also need to store the refresh token. The Implicit flow does not allow for refresh tokens (you'll need to use the Authorization Code Flow or the Hybrid Flow).

Using AngularJS, how to make a cross-domain ajax request with basic authentication?

New to AngularJS, and trying to hit a web service with basic auth using either $http or $resource. I haven't written any services or directives and basically just trying to do a call in my controller. Initially I prepended my url with the user/pw separated by an '#' symbol and I also have a callback that does a console out on the returned payload. Now I'm trying to change the $http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'], but I feel like I should be using $resources. Any assistance on how to do basic auth with $resource (or $http) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
$resources is a higher level abstraction that utilizes $http, so regardless of which one you choose to use, adding the Authorization header is a valid solution. Head over to the angular $http docs for information on how to do that.
If you're doing anything more than hard coding a user/password into your application, you might want to take a look at response interceptors as a way to catch 401s and have your user log in. I've studied this blog post in the past when I was looking for a way to build fluid authentication into my app. I'd definitely recommend it if you're thinking about going down that path.

Securing jQuery calls to Spring MVC REST API using Spring Security

I'm developing a REST JSON API with the Spring MVC Framework. I want to serve a single HTML application to the user and the whole communication between server and client is done with JSON format. So the client single HTML application uses jQuery to send AJAX calls to the server.
My big problem is to find the right way to do integrate a proper security technique. I read a lot about basic, digest or form based authentication via Spring Security, but I don't think this is the right way. I want to get JSON responses if the user isn't logged in and I don't want to send a jsessionid with each request.
Could you please tell me the right way or the best-practice how to authenticate user by performing AJAX requests? Maybe it's OAuth 2-legged? (don't have much clue of OAuth)
If you don't want to store auth information in server-side session (and use JSESSIONID in cookies/urls) you may send auth info with every ajax request using BASIC auth header (created in JS).
I've never used 2-legged oauth, so I won't comment about it.
edit: typo

Repeating logic in each ASP.NET Web API request, where should that go?

I need to store some information in session(or in whatever in ASP.NET Web API) that I need to retrieve in each API request. We will have one api IIS web site and multiple web site binding will be added through host header. When any request comes in for example,, host header will be checked and store that website information in session that will be used in each subsequent api request when making a call to database. Hope this is clear.
I found a way to handle session in ASP.NET Web API. ASP.NET Web API session or something?.
I know lot more about web forms where we can override PreRequestHandler. I am looking for similar in ASP.NET Web API where I can have my logic to get database id for api domain(for example, and store it in session which I want to access in each API GET/POST request.
Somebody will definitely say by adding session I am making it stateful but REST is stateless. But I wanted to save database trip for each api request. If I don't use session or something similar, I end up repeating the same logic for each api request.
Is there a better way to handle this situation? how?
If that logic needs to happen for all requests, you better use an Implementation of delegating handlers.
