I am planning to automate REST API functional testing using jmeter and robot framework but unable to find any documentation for the same.If you guys have implemnted the same in any of your project can you pls share your experience also documentation link if any.
I believe there is a lot of documentation, you just should be searching for these topics separately, example guides:
REST API Testing - How to Do it Right
Robot Framework JMeter Library
From JMeter perspective it's only:
HTTP Request sampler to send the request
HTTP Header Manager to add headers if needed
Assertions for defining pass/fail criteria
And from Robot Framework you need to just execute JMeter's .jmx test script
You can use these Robot Framework libraries to test REST API:
Requests library
RESTinstance library (last updated at October 2019)
Is it possible to extend Jmeter http script test recorder?
Would like to edit recorded requests automatically instead of doing it manually.
JMeter is an open source software distributed under Apache License 2.0 so you can add whatever functionality you need.
JMeter source code is available via Git and SVN repositories and you can find the official manual on extending JMeter at How to Write a plugin for JMeter
If you'll create something very useful for others I believe it would be a good idea to contribute it back, send a message to Apache JMeter Developer for further instructions on how you can add your code to JMeter.
If your idea of "automatic editing" is about adding missing automated correlation and you need the functionality right away you can consider and alternative recording service instead of JMeter's built-in proxy, check out How to Cut Your JMeter Scripting Time by 80% guide for details.
Of course it is possible. Look at this one
I am trying to write a framework on top of Mesos and so far I was able to download Mesos for Ubuntu and start a master and slave on a single machine.
I want to build a Mesos framework using Python, should I use the HTTP API or the native API? What is the difference between them?
I was able to find no documentation on the Python native API, except for some examples.
The HTTP API has documentation but no examples on how to use it. Should I be building a web service if I choose to use the HTTP API?
You should use HTTP API
Native API is easiest way to build Mesos Framework. Just include lib in your project and implement interfaces. Although it comes with some limitations:
Native API is no logger extended, new features goes only to HTTP API e.g., Maintenance Mode MESOS-2063
Native API require mesoslib to be available on system. This makes hard coupling between framework and platform it runs on. With HTTP API you can run your framework on any system no needed to load mesoslib.
Documetnation for HTTP API exists here. It's language agnostic. So there are no examples in python, rather raw HTTP requests. But there are some tutorials how to use it. I can recomend one givien by Marco Massenzi at MesosCon EU 2015
ForUI automation testing, I need to be able to use SOAP interfaces to write and read from an external server - SOAP is the only exposure the server has. I searched on the internet and so far I found out that REST can be used from Protractor but have not seen any examples of using SOAP in Protractor (see Bare HTTP Calls from Protractor Tests
(for Bomi/Yogesh and Stiggler answers) and Direct Server Http Calls in Protractor...can SOAP be directly called from Protractor?
Also, for some other tasks, need to be able to run SQL statements / procedures on an Oracle server. node-oracledb npm was recommended but it seems to be such a big hassle to install. What is the best library to use when it comes to Oracle / Protractor interactions?
That is not the problem that you should try to solve with protractor. Protractor is cool tool for manipulating with browsers, but for all other things it is better to use tools that was designed for them.
You can put any nodejs libraries to your project and use them. Just be sure that you execute them in correct place in your tests.
For example - here is library for soap - https://www.npmjs.com/package/easysoap
And for oracle:
BTW: In this example - http://squirrel.pl/blog/2014/01/15/direct-server-http-calls-in-protractor/
additional node js module used - 'requests', that is not protractor feature.
I am trying to test a java application which has webdav integrated in it.
The application does some preprocessing and uploads the data on server and i would like to test this complete workflow including the data transfer speed by Webdav.
I am trying to test the performance of this application using JMeter but there seems to be no help on how this can be done.
Does anyone know whether this is possible using JMeter or is there any other free tool to do so.
If you're looking for a free performance testing tool which fully supports all WebDAV methods you can try out Tsung. See WEBDAV related features documentation bit.
If you just need to upload file you can do it using JMeter as follows:
Add HTTP Request Sampler to your test plan. Configure it as follows:
Method: PUT
Send Files With the Request
Full path to file for upload
Provide correct MIME type
If your WebDAV server requires authentication add HTTP Authorization Manager as a child of the HTTP Request
Add View Results Tree listener to check request/response details.
Is it possible to record JMeter scripts for performance testing Siebel?
Siebel uses a custom format for ENCODING its requests plus some necessary technical parameters.
So it's possible provided it's the http module but rather hard job as there are a lot of correlations to do on technical IDs.
For recording, see this:
JMeter record Siebel CRM System
You can use this commercial plugin that will do auto-correlation for you:
Yes, it is possible to test Siebel with JMeter. I have done so for one of my projects with my client TataSky where I have used JMeters distributed testing approach for generating upto 2000 users with 4 - 5 normal desktops. Siebel uses http protocol so it is finally about understanding the requests sent by browser and responses by the web-server and correlating between them. It gets really messy though, so my suggestion is correlate parameters which are mandatory.
You can use JMeter-Siebel-plugin which provides Siebel HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder test element handy for capturing and correlating Siebel traffic.
The plugin can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager
Check out Introducing the Siebel CRM Correlation Plugin in JMeter article for comprehensive instructions.