Performance testing java application that includes webdav protocol - jmeter

I am trying to test a java application which has webdav integrated in it.
The application does some preprocessing and uploads the data on server and i would like to test this complete workflow including the data transfer speed by Webdav.
I am trying to test the performance of this application using JMeter but there seems to be no help on how this can be done.
Does anyone know whether this is possible using JMeter or is there any other free tool to do so.

If you're looking for a free performance testing tool which fully supports all WebDAV methods you can try out Tsung. See WEBDAV related features documentation bit.
If you just need to upload file you can do it using JMeter as follows:
Add HTTP Request Sampler to your test plan. Configure it as follows:
Method: PUT
Send Files With the Request
Full path to file for upload
Provide correct MIME type
If your WebDAV server requires authentication add HTTP Authorization Manager as a child of the HTTP Request
Add View Results Tree listener to check request/response details.


WinInet Implementation in JMeter

I am looking for a small help regarding JMeter. I have one application that is recorded in LoadRunner using WinInet setting (Port Mapping => Capture Level as WinInet).
Is there a way in Jmeter where we can have WinInet setting?
Out of the box it is not possible, JMeter uses either Java sockets or Apache HttpComponents in order to execute HTTP Requests with its HTTP Request sampler. No OS-specific code is included into JMeter so it can be run on all platforms
If your test relies on some very specific features of Windows Internet, be aware that there is no easy way of adding this functionality to JMeter
Developer audience
WinINet is designed for use by C/C++ programmers. It requires a basic understanding of the FTP and HTTP protocols.
So theoretically you can load the .dll(s) implementing WinInet protocol using JNI from JSR223 Test Elements using Groovy language and call the function(s) you need.
However my expectation is that you don't need this and you can just simply convert your LoadRunner script to JMeter using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder or online LoadRunner/SoapUI to JMeter script converter
Check out How to Convert LoadRunner Tests to JMeter article for more details.

Is there any possible way to load test WOWZA Cloud Live streaming video?

I am using JMeter to test load /performance of live streaming severs including WOWZA live streaming engine. But I am unable to test Live streaming of WOWZA cloud, since I am getting a lot of Time out errors. I am very well aware that the timeout is not because of the delay in response because the live streaming is running smoothly when opened from an external network. I found out that, after some period of load request being send to Wowza cloud, the domain name itself is getting changed(its dynamic). I have created the config in jmeter in such a way that all the URL path, Playlist.m3u8, chunklist.m3u8, and corresponding stream(ts) files are dynamic. But, since the domain name itself is getting changed after a period of load test, the request sending are partially getting failed(maybe because the domain name which I am sending request is not responsible to handle all the requests anymore). Can anybody suggest what to do? And is there any way to test load in WOWZA cloud?
You can use this JMeter plugin.
It is a plugin that will do URL extraction automatically from manifest without you needing to use JMeter extractors, as a consequence even when segment’s URLs will change due to Wowza Cloud scaling, this will be taken into account.
Besides, it will accurately similate how player request the server and give metrics on User Experience.
Still as written by the other answer ensure you:
ask for authorization to avoid your test being marked as DDOS
ensure you disable Java DNS caching for JMeter's JVM
Disclaimer: I work for the company that develops it.
As you are testing a multi-tenant cloud environment the first thing you must do is get permission from Wowza. Almost all Cloud applications have restrictions on the use of automation outside of their published interfaces. Your point of contact inside of Wowza will work with you for your testing window, scale, approve your performance test plan, your pacing and think times to ensure that they are reasonable and will not impact their service to other tenants on the system.
They can also provide technical insight on how to construct your tests given some unique features/capabilities/engineering for the site. They may even be able to provide you with sample code.
As a general rule of thumb, you don't point and fire tactical nuclear software at sites you don't own, manage, control or have direct written permission from those that do have those rights.

How to I obtain a web applciation performance metrics through browser extension?

I need to be able to obtain performance metrics such as loading times, REST Calls time through a google extension and mozilla firefox add-on.
The challenge is to get the extension itself. I can't seem to be able to obtain an extension having those functionality on both google extension and mozilla firefox add-on.
Another challenge is that the data obtained from the performance metrics should be exported so as to be put in a structured database.
Anyone know any extension/add-on with those requirements?
I don't think you will find such extension, in particular storing the results into the database will not be possible at all as extensions can only access limited subset of browser functionality, so called sandbox.
So instead of looking for an extension I would recommend investigating Navigation Timing API
The output of the API can be converted into i.e. JSON object using JSON.stringify() function
JSON is some kind of universal data interchange format so databases either can consume it directly or you can convert it into whatever you want.
If you're looking for a way to automate everything you can consider using Apache JMeter tool as an unified testing solution:
browser automation is being provided via WebDriver Sampler
database connectivity is implemented via JDBC Connection Configuration and JDBC Request elements
JMeter by nature is a load testing tool so you can combine the above steps which check client-side performance with the backend performance test.

Jmeter script for Infinispan distributed mode using hot rod

I am new to Jmeter. I have requirement for run load test for Infinispan distributed mode using hot rod client server on Jmeter.I have Infinispan clusted server available and running using some application. Please someone guide me to write Jmeter script for this.
Thanks in advance.
Mahesh Bubanale
As far as I understand you shouldn't be testing Infinispan itself, I believe that it's tested by other people and considered reliable. My expectation is that you need to test an application, which is using Infinispan to implement some clustering functionality. If so and your application is web-based you can use JMeter to produce load and insert some assertions into your code to check that your test data is being correctly replicated. The best way to start with web application testing is recording your test script via JMeter HTTP Proxy server.
If I'm getting you wrong and you need to explicitly test Infinispan HotRod endpoint, JMeter doesn't support HotRod protocol out of box. You'll need to get relevant libraries (.jar files) which implement org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.protocol with dependencies, drop them to /lib/ext folder of your JMeter installation and after that do one of following:
Develop a custom JMeter Sampler containing protocol implementation details, arguments, entrance and exit criteria, etc.
Create a Java Request similar to option 1
Use BeanShell samplers to represent your test cases.
Hope this helps
If you want to load test Infinispan Hot Rod server, you can use some Grinder scripts I created a while back. We've got some instructions here but they're a bit outdated. Maybe you can help us update them and convert them to talking to Infinispan Server distribution and update to version 6.0? :)
Otherwise, if you want to test Infinispan embedded/library mode, we've RadarGun which is a benchmarking framework for data grids.

Quick REST server that answers with static responses?

Is there any program that could help me build a REST client without having access to the server? I just want to get custom static HTTP answers when accessing a specific url via POST. It should be as fast and easy as one of the many REST-clients for backend developers.
(No it's not because I develop the client before developing the server, it's because somebody else develops the server and I want to program even when neither this person nor his | her server is available.)
Platform: Windows 7
As long as you can serve static files, you can use any web server as a response generator. Generate your data and save it in the file structure with an extension like .json or .xml. I have found that this works for GET requests but is not very useful for POST/DELETE requests. Sometimes a tool like fiddler can let you capture the request while the server is live and then you have it when it goes offline.
If you want a more complex and true rest environment you can use mongoDB's http interface. A word of caution. Mongo is a great tool but the learning curve is a little steep of you have not worked with NOSQL before. The plus side is that it doesn't really require an application server since you hook your calls straight into the document structure via it's http console.
