How to load flat file into Oracle database - oracle

I am trying to import data from a csv file to an Oracle database, I am using Visual Studio 2017 I have downloaded all required components such as SSDT 15.8; and Attunity version 5.0
I was wondering if someone could please guide me on how I can load the flat file from csv to an Oracle table.
So far, I dragged and dropped the flat file and connected it to an Oracle Destination, however, even after mapping, as you can see, the red cross in Oracle Destination is still there
And when I tried to "Start" the process, this is the error message I got:
If somebody could please help me, that would be great. Below is a screenshot of the mapping i did:
thank you

Thank you for our help everyone, I resolved it by ensuring that the datatype in source matches the datatype in destination. Also, a major thing to consider is to ensure that the user you are logged in as has permission to write to the database, the user I was logged as did not have permission which is why I was getting that error


SQLLDR in instantclient_21_9 cannot run

I'm a Window user and I have a problem with Oracle SQLLDR.
Whenever I run SQLLDR in CMD, it shows Errors: The code execution cannot proceed because xxx.dll was not found. It pops up several times for some xxx.dll files missing.
I have both instantclient_21_9 and ODAC122011 in my computer. ODAC122011x64 is required by PowerBI to Get data from Oracle database. And I'm still able to connect to Oracle database as well.
I have followed many instructions but they all not work to me. Then I really need your help here.
I have download:
and extract them all in the same directory
I have set PATH in System Variable as below
The ODAC122011\product\12.2.0\client_1 must be above for PowerBI getting data from Oracle Database
I have also tried to remove ODAC from PATH to test, but it's still the same error:

Oracle Developer Tools (ODT) & Visual Studio Integration

I've installed the ODT for Visual Studio 2015 (I've also tried VS2013) in hopes of using the "Oracle Database Project" but experiencing some specific error messages that don't appear to be very common.
When I browse the database via the Server Explorer, there is an option for you to be able to right click on a Relational Table and click "Generate Create Script to Project...".
However, when clicking this option I get a very non-specific error message and cannot work out why;
"Create script was not generated to Project for some of the selected object(s). See the 'Oracle Database Output' output pane for more information."
When I look at the "Oracle Database Output" window I get the message;
"Script Generation failed - Internal Error."
For here-on-in, it's gets very frustrating to find out what's wrong and to debug this non-descriptive error message.
What's most interesting is that the script generation function works for other database objects such as views & procedures, it just fails to work for database tables.
Has anybody experienced this error before? I'm wondering if it's a driver issue of some sort! (I have the oracle 11g client installed, and just tried with a specific ODAC/ODT combination package which appears to also install the 12c client, connecting to an Oracle Elements 11g server)
Any help appreciated, Thanks.
I have this problem too.
I was able to Create the scripts earlier, but now I cannot.
I did some investigating and decided this is not a problem with the oracle database. It is something to do with the state of VS.
I restarted VS2015 and I could create scripts again.

Can't generate table from Oracle Designer 6i

a little background, I really don't know any technical terms from Oracle. My company have a pre built machine and I'm trying not having to go there backup my files and lose a day of job because I cant.
Recently I'm learning how to use Oracle Designer (6i) to build a diagram and later a table so I can request it to be created... While using the software it requested to install some file for the repository... after doing it, It screwed up every Oracle product I was using... I couldn't connect to PLSQL or even the designer...
After fixing some registry to point to the right TNSNAME and manually adjusting PLSQL, I managed to access both. The problem in hand is in oracle Designer at the "Designer Editor", when I right click a table and select generate, the message bellow shows up
CDD-23564: The file "C:\ORACLE\DSG6I\BIN\cds61.dll" could not be loaded or does not exist.
The specified file or one its dependent files could not be loaded.
This may be because a file has not been installed, or is not
correctly defined in the system registry.
As an example dependency, the Forms Generator files require the
Form Builder files installed as part of Developer.
Check the registry settings for the location of the required
file. Also check the product and any required dependencies
e.g.Developer have been installed correctly.
If necessary, try reinstalling.
The dll mentioned IS and EXISTS on the mentioned folder.
Considering I don't have the Oracle Developer 6i intaller, what can I do? What registry entry should I update?
Designer 6 is long out of support. Oracle has a free tool, SQL Developer Data Model, which does not break.
Even Designer 9i was flaky and would crash at random intervals and poke along with larger schemas. Anything over hundred tables could take days to edit. Ah, good times...
I managed to fix the problem by copying and replacing the whole ORACLE_HOME\DSG6I folder (in my case c:\Oracle\DSG6I, for those confused in terms like me) and the oracle system registry (regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Oracle) from a coworker machine!

SSIS value does not fall within the expected range with OLE DB Datasource

I'm using Visual studio 2013 with update 3 and a collegue of mine with update 4 installed each. We are using the data dools for sql server 2014.
I've created a few DTS packages which my collegue updated so far it worked without problems.
But all of a sudden I get "value does not fall within the expected range" warning from the datasource and can't edit columns there,.. . I needed to recreate the datasource for the message to disappear again.
My question here is can it be that the appearance of additional columns in the table which the datasource accesses was the cause of this problem? (I've seen out of sync warnings for datadestinations whenever a destination table got new columns or lost columns, but this is the first time something changed for a source table).
Or can that problem have a completely different cause?
It has been a long while since I've worked on an SSIS project, but I do recall seeing this error as well.
My experience was that it was caused to the metadata of the input being out of date in a certain way, and what you describe as your suspicion fits with this.
The solution I found to avoid this was to be very specific on all my input components, selecting the exact columns I wanted rather than selecting all. I think in the end I actually changed them all to use hand written SQL queries rather than the GUI column selector.
Also I don't remember if this was the same error but a similar one: sometimes after a schema changing when trying to open a component the GUI would throw an error and not open but when I tried again it would have resolved the error.
Sorry I couldn't be more definitive in my answer but hopefully this information helps point you in the right direction.
I used a simple method and it is working fine. In the OLE DB Source Editor while I retained the same connection manager, changed Data access mode (from Table/View) to SQL command and used SQL command to select the required columns. Error message no longer appeared and I could see the column values....

VBOLEDB data connection not recognizing all the .DBF files

I'm using Visual Studio 2013 and I'm trying to import some .DBF database files into a dataset. I'm using the OLE DB FoxPro Data Source Provider and it does work, it just will not load all the .DBF files using the Data Connection so that I can choose which files to add as tables in my dataset. It's as if it doesn't even see them. I cannot use an ODBC connection because it crashes Visual Studios every single time for whatever reason. However, when I add it as an ODBC connection, it does recognize all the files like it is supposed to. I just can't use them or it will crash. I've been working on this for days, so please help! It will not allow me to add these files using the Microsoft Jet 4.0 either.
Without seeing your connection string, I can only suggest posting it. However, I would also preemptively guess that your connection string is pointing to a specific .DBF file which connects to a single table.
Your connection should point to the LOGICAL DRIVE / PATH and not explicitly name a .dbf file.
The other possibility is that if the files are part of a database CONTAINER (via .DBC file extension), then you should be able to query and table in the database container.
What MAY be failing is if the table is part of a database container, and it has long column names beyond the 10 characters of the older / free-form table formats, that MIGHT be preventing querying for that reason.
Let's see your connection information as best as you can without any possible id/password information.
