groupBy and addGroupBy does not group up - query-builder

I am trying to group products with deleted and non deleted items, but code does not work(also not crushes), tried to group by categories but still does not work... any idea?
const sales = await getRepository(Sales)
.where("sales.selfMerchantId = :id", {id:})
return sales;

Two group by attributes mentioned in the query sales.deleted_at and makes each attribute of the result set unique. I would rather write two different queries with where clause to get deleted and non deleted records.
Update 1
I verified that ORM is returning an expected response with the above query. In the response, I am getting non deleted records first and then deleted records.


Perform Incremental Load On Qlik Sense

New to Qlik Sense.
I would like to perform incremental insert, update and delete. Through research i managed to write this script
//This fetches deleted records
SELECT `sale_detail_auto_id`
FROM `iprocure_ods.deleted_records` as dr
INNER JOIN `iprocure_ods.saledetail` sd ON sd.sale_detail_auto_id = dr.identifier AND dr.type = 2
WHERE dr.delete_date > TIMESTAMP('$(vSaleTransactionsRunTime)');
//This fetches new and updated records
FROM `iprocure_edw.sale_transactions`
WHERE `server_update_date` > TIMESTAMP('$(vSaleTransactionsRunTime)');
FROM [lib://qlikPath/saletransactions.qvd] (qvd) Where Not Exists(`sale_detail_auto_id`);
//This part updates runtime dates
LOAD Timestamp(MAX(`server_update_date`), '$(TimestampFormat)') As maxServerUpdateDate
FROM [lib://qlikPath/saletransactions.qvd] (qvd);
Let vSaleTransactionsRunTime = peek('maxServerUpdateDate', 0, MaxUpdateDate);
DROP Table MaxUpdateDate;
New and update records works fine. The problem is with the deleted records are replaced with empty column except sale_detail_auto_id column.
How can i fetch data from saletransactions.qvd that are not in deleted records?
In first SELECT you select sale_detail_auto_id fields which is also exists under the same field name in new and updated records, so then you see deleted ids together with new ones. You need to rename that column to avoid conflict.
Please use AS, for example:
sale_detail_auto_id` AS `deleted_sale_detail_auto_id`
and then in EXISTS use that field:
Where Not Exists(deleted_sale_detail_auto_id, sale_detail_auto_id);
Additionally I think it doesn't make sense to store deleted ids in data model so you can name that table:
SELECT sale_detail_auto_id` AS `deleted_sale_detail_auto_id`
and then in the end of the script remove it:
DROP Table [TEMP_deleted_ids];

Laravel Eloquent - How do I select columns of the updated row?

I'm trying to update a single row,
using this query,
$update_row = PayRecord::where('date_from',$date_from)
what I want to do is to get the id of the updated row, without creating another query to get the id,
$get_updated_row_id = PayRecord::where('date_from',$date_from)
Thank You,
Remove extra -> from where clause.
This may useful to you.
$update_row = PayRecord::where('date_from',$date_from)
$update_row->id; // to get the id

Laravel query builder - Select elements unique or null on specific column

I have a model Form for table forms. There is a column called guid which can be null, or contain some sort of grouping random hash.
I need to select all forms that have column guid either null or unique in current search. In other words, for repeating guid values in current search I select only first occurence of every guid hash.
I tried:
$results = App\Form::where(... some where clauses .. ).groupBy('guid')
and it's almost ok, but for all rows, where guid == NULL it groups them and selects only one (and I need all of them).
How can I get the unique or null rows either by building proper SQL query or filtering the results in PHP?
Note: I need my $results to be an Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder instance
I fount out that SQL version of query I need is:
SELECT * FROM `forms` WHERE .... GROUP BY IFNULL(guid, id)
What would be equivallent query for Laravel's database query builder?
UPDATE: Using DB::raw
App\Form::where(... conditions ...)
->groupBy(DB::raw("IFNULL('guid', 'id')"));
Or the another way could be:
You can also use whereNotNull, whereNull & at last merge both the collections using merge() like this:
First get the results where guid is grouped by (excluding null guid's here):
$unique_guid_without_null = App\Form::whereNotNull('guid')->groupBy('guid')->get();
Now, get the results where guid is null:
$all_guid_with_null = App\Form::whereNull('guid')->get();
and at last merge both the collections using merge() method:
$filtered_collection = $unique_guid_without_null->merge($all_guid_with_null);
Hope this helps!
For your edited question, you can use raw() as;
->groupBy(DB::raw("IFNULL('guid', 'id')"))
So your final query will be as:
$results = App\Form::where(... some where clauses .. )
->groupBy(DB::raw("IFNULL('guid', 'id')"));
By above query, your $results will be an instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder.

.Where in LinQ not working correctly

I have Documents table and Signs table. Document record can be related with many records in Signs table.
Now, I want to get all records of Documents table when document ID appears in Signs table.
Here I get all documents:
var documents = (from c in context.documents select c);
Here I get all my signs and save into List:
var myDocuments = (from s in context.signs where s.UserId== id select s.ID).ToList();
This list contains collection on document ID.
And here, I'm trying to get all documents that exists in myDocuments list:
documents.Where(item => myDocuments.Contains(item.ID));
But, when I do .ToList() allways return all records (in database only exists one compatible record)
What is wrong in LinQ statement?
The problem is that this statement doesn't modify the contents of documents, it merely returns the results (which you're not doing anything with):
documents.Where(item => myDocuments.Contains(item.ID));
documents is still the full list.
Change this line to something like:
var matchingIDDocs = documents.Where(item => myDocuments.Contains(item.ID));
And then use matchingIDDocs in place of "documents" later in your code.

Linq Contains issue: cannot formulate the equivalent of 'WHERE IN' query

In the table ReservationWorkerPeriods there are records of all workers that are planned to work on a given period on any possible machine.
The additional table WorkerOnMachineOnConstructionSite contains columns workerId, MachineId and ConstructionSiteId.
From the table ReservationWorkerPeriods I would like to retrieve just workers who work on selected machine.
In order to retrieve just relevant records from WorkerOnMachineOnConstructionSite table I have written the following code:
var relevantWorkerOnMachineOnConstructionSite = (from cswm in currentConstructionSiteSchedule.ContrustionSiteWorkerOnMachine
where cswm.MachineId == machineId
select cswm).ToList();
workerOnMachineOnConstructionSite = relevantWorkerOnMachineOnConstructionSite as List<ContrustionSiteWorkerOnMachine>;
These records are also used in the application so I don't want to bypass the above code even if is possible to directly retrieve just workerPeriods for workers who work on selected machine. Anyway I haven't figured out how it is possible to retrieve the relevant workerPeriods once we know which userIDs are relevant.
I have tried the following code:
var userIDs = from w in workerOnMachineOnConstructionSite select new {w.WorkerId};
List<ReservationWorkerPeriods> workerPeriods = currentConstructionSiteSchedule.ReservationWorkerPeriods.ToList();
allocatedWorkers = workerPeriods.Where(wp => userIDs.Contains(wp.WorkerId));
but it seems to be incorrect and don't know how to fix it. Does anyone know what is the problem and how it is possible to retrieve just records which contain userIDs from the list?
Currently, you are constructing an anonymous object on the fly, with one property. You'll want to grab the id directly with (note the missing curly braces):
var userIDs = from w in workerOnMachineOnConstructionSite select w.WorkerId;
Also, in such cases, don't call ToList on it - the variable userIDs just contains the query, not the result. If you use that variable in a further query, the provider can translate it to a single sql query.
