to implement a kind of watchdog with inet - omnet++

I am wondering how to monitor a node in manet that whether it forwards data packets or not?
The monitoring node works as a watchdog.
My objective is to detect selfish nodes (refuse to forward packets) in a distrubited manner.
Thank you in advance!


how to make that node still moving while sending a Airframe messages in veins example?

I'm working on the veins example in Omnetpp.
In the veins Omnetpp example, I amrun the Erlangen simulation. While sending airframe messages, all nodes were stopped and then they continue moving after finishing sending messages to RSU.
How to make that node still moving while sending messages?
thenk you for helping
The nodes do not actually stop moving. The simulation is slowed down a lot so the communication between vehicles and the RSU can be visualised. As all the communication happens in a split second the nodes only seem to be standing still. In reality they are moving very slowly.

Wireless channel implementation in VEINS

Where the channel is implemented in VEINS? (file names etc)
What is the type of the channel that is implemented in VEINS?
Are all the channel parameters accessible?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
The comment by #Rudi is spot on. In more detail, the wireless channel model of Veins (as of version 5.1) determines reachability of nodes, communication delay, bit error rates, etc. according to transmission parameters, where network nodes are in relation to each other, buildings, and many more parameters. You can freely influence all of these parameters in a simulation.

Calculate end-to-end delay of a network by using endToEndDelay:vector and endToEndDelay:histogram

How to calculate end-to-end delay of a network by using endToEndDelay:vector and endToEndDelay:histogram in omnet++?
Is there better another way?
Measure the endToEndDelay in each node, and (weighted) average the results for each node to get a single value. Or you can add the endToEndDelay:vector statistics to the network module itself. Signals emitted by the modules are bubbling up in the topology tree, so you can opt also to catch all the signals at network level.

send to the nearest node in a wireless network

In a wireless simulation with omnet++ inet 3.6, how can I manage sensor nodes to send the packets to the nearest mobile nodes? There are several sensor and mobile nodes in the field and thus cannot choose a specific destination like *.host[*].udpApp[0].destAddresses="host[0]"
Thanks for your answer.
If you have specific needs in the behavior of the application you are using, you need to implement that application. I assume you want to send UDP traffic (as TCP is connection oriented). Take a look at UdpBasicApp and modify it in a way that instead of reading the destination address once during the initialization, it must calculate the destination IP on each new packet (based on the position of nodes).

Omnet++ Send wireless message to limited distance

I develop simulator of mobile nodes, each one with transmission range of 100m for example. The communication between the nodes are wireless and TDMA based.
I have notice that if 2 nodes (not in the same range) broadcast message on the same time, it's cause to a problem.
How can i limit the distance of nessage that is sent from a node ? such that i can broadcast 2 or more messages on the same time, and just the nodes in the range of the sending node will hear the message ?
The code that processes the reception of the packet should calculate the distance from the sender and drop the packet if it's out of range.
A little less accurate solution: before sending the packets the broadcasting node should check the distance to the potential receiving node and not send the packet if it is out of range. This is a bit faster (as it generates less packets) and more clear (you will see the broadcast animation only for the packets that actually delivered)
A much easier solution: Use INET Framework, which already has the necessary implementation. You would only need to implement a MAC module that handles the TDMA protocol.
