how to change columns position in vb6? - vb6

I am working with a spread designer in visual basic 6 and am looking to change the display index of my table. I am adding extra columns and I need to rearrange them to match another form.
I am using visual basic 6 with spread designer 6.0
I have tried the below when loading the form:
lstTheLines.Col(1).DisplayIndex = 1
lstTheLines.Columns(25).DisplayIndex = 2
does anyone know how to do this without having to delete and re-add all columns?

The best way I found so far was to add the columns in the place I want using the spread designer and create an Enum in the code for each column index. This way I can give the columns a name and use that instead when populating the data. The benefit to this is that I can now rename the columns or add new ones and I just need to change the names around in the Enum given that the column type is correct.


Arrange imported columns after calculated columns in PowerBI

Is there a way to move imported columns after calculated columns? I know I can create a new table by using Selectcolumns, but that'll just balloon the size of the PowerBI data file. Seems like such a miss on Microsoft's part
No there is no way to. I would avoid calculated columns and instead create the additional columns in Power Query which will eliminate your problem anyway.
Simply start all calculated columns with an underscore (judging by your username, you seem to be fond of unnecessary underscores)
Another option would be to put imported and calculated columns into different Display folders (such a miss on user's part)

SSRS Static fields in groups

Good afternoon!
I have created a report with the wizard to create a matrix that is grouped and has drill down rows. I have added filters to the rows and columns and it works great! I then copied that matrix and modified the filters, so I had two matrixes.
But what I really wanted was those two rows in the same matrix, just in different row groups. So I added another group, using the adjacent below option, and then added all the child groupings. However, when I run the report it shows the values for the first row of the drill down data.
When I look at the groupings I can see the one I did manually has a 'Static' field in each row grouping but the ones that the wizard did (with the red ?), they don't have that "extra" row:
What do I need to change or how do I need to add my groups so that I don't get that "static" row and not show the data? I have the visibility set to 'Hidden' and the toggle set up for the prior grouping set data.
Assuming a few things....
the data comes from a single dataset
You are differentiating between Property and Violent crimes by filtering on a column, I'll call it IncidentGroup for the sake of illustration..
I've understood your question ! :)
Get to the point where you had just a single tablix filtered to show 'Property crime'.
Now remove or edit that filter so it shows all the data you need in the report.
Finally, right click on your Matrix1_IncidentCategory row and add a parent group, choose IncidentGroup (or whatever the column is actually called) and check the box to add a group header.
That should be it, there is no need for a second tablix.
Without knowing how you are filtering currently it's hard to give a complete answer but this should get you close, if not all the way there.
If this doesn't work for whatever reason, please post sample data from your dataset output and your current filters.

Removing a dynamic list of columns in powerquery

I'm working on a tool to help my team identify changes in some data files. Long story short, i managed to put something together (I'm quite the beginner with powerquery and M) that works well but it lacks user friendliness.
Issue is that not all team members need the tool to check for differences in all columns (different people, different interests). In order to manage this i used the following to remove all the unneeded columns before doing the compare:
= Table.RemoveColumns(myTable,{"col1","col2","col3"... etc
This works but if you want to change the configuration you need to go into the code and modify the list.
My question is the following: Is there any way to integrate a dynamic list into this code? i.e. have that list of columns in an easy to use table, "tick/untick" the ones you want and have the code remove the rest?
If your intent is to allow the user to select columns without entering the query editor then you may benefit from using a parameter table as described here: . You should be able to expose a 2colxNrow table to the user with some predefined column names/numbers. You can use data validation to constrain user inputs to a binary on/off behavior ( ).
( P.S. Based on the your description of your goals Inquire add-in may alread offer the functionality you are looking for )
Probably the easiest way is to use "Choose Columns" on the Home tab in the Query Editor and then rename the generated step like:
#"CHOOSE COLUMNS HERE ----->" = Table.SelectColumns(Source,{"Column1", "Column2", "Column3", "Column5", "Column7", "Column8", "Column9", "Column10"})
Then when you want to adjust the selected columns, you can press the small wheel to which the arrow is pointing, and a popup will show up from which you can do your (un)ticking.
Alternatively, if you use multiple queries with the same selection, you can create an additional query that outputs a list, like:
Source = Table.FromList(List.Transform({1..10}, each "Column" & Text.From(_)),null,{"Available Columns"}),
Transposed = Table.Transpose(Source),
#"CHOOSE COLUMNS HERE ----->" = Table.SelectColumns(Transposed,{"Column2", "Column3", "Column5", "Column6", "Column8", "Column9", "Column10"}),
TransposedBack = Table.Transpose(#"CHOOSE COLUMNS HERE ----->"),
ConvertedToList = TransposedBack[Column1]
And then use that list in your queries, like:
= Table.SelectColumns(#"Transposed Table",SelectedColumns)
where SelectedColumns is the name of the query with the selected columns.

Dynamically Add Columns .rdlc

Using Visual Studio 2013, is there anyway to create dynamic reports that allow the addition of unknown columns?
I'm creating a report that will show different columns per user with a possible limit of up to 8 columns. Is there a way to set some kind of variable column as a placeholder that if not in use, hide?
Using RDLC you can't dinamically add/remove columns.
In this case I would use an 8 columns DataTable filled at runtime depending on user and 8 ReportParameter to store the column name.
If a column name is nothing then set TableColumn Hidden property to True.

Does Spotfire provide any simple way of creating an "Other" category to group entries within a filter?

Right now, I am using a filtering scheme which only looks at the data of the 5 or 6 most common entries in the 'Clinic' field. But, there are a handful of other possibilities which might account for a few rows each. They are too inconsequential to include on their own (I am using pie charts and bar charts), but I would like these rows to be accounted for. For this reason, I would like to create an "Other" category which groups these entries together. What is the best way of doing this? I know I can create a calculated column that groups everything aside from the top 5 or 6 in an other category, but I thought there might be a way to keep working with the original column and achieve the same result.
Unfortunately not. In 6.5.x you will have to write a case statement that will specify everything that is not most common to other.
In 7.0.x you can go to insert binned column. Add the bottom you can use values to create a bin. Add the values you want to the bin and call them "Other". Of course if you look at the column created like this, it is a case statement. But it is a whole lot faster than writing it yourself.
Following phiver I came out with this solution in Spotfire 6.5.2:
Add a calculated column
With something like this:
If(DenseRank(Count([Formation]) OVER ([Formation]),"desc")<10, DenseRank(Count([Formation]) OVER ([Formation]),"desc") & " " & [Formation], "10 Other")
Hope that helps.
