Text width does not adjust for console width and code is not visible anymore in Spyder4 - anaconda

I just downloaded Spyder 4. The IDE's look and feel are nice.
However, there is one thing that I don't like about it. When adjusting the width of the right-side panel (variable explorer and the console), the code in my text editor on the left doesn't adjust accordingly.
This causes my code to not be visible anymore whenever the right side is pulled over it (my picture below makes it clearer what I mean).
Is there a setting in Python to change this?


InteliJ IDE 2021.2: How to adjust the header vertical space usage?

Is it possible to adjust the header rendering in InteliJ. Currently almost a centimeter of vertical is completely wasted to emptiness (Which is significant when working on the 15 inch mac laptop).
Going 'Full Screen' isn't acceptable option right now since then then it adds transition delay when going to another window like the terminal.
Try Distraction Free mode: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/ide-viewing-modes.html
In Distraction-free mode, the editor occupies the entire main window with the source code centered. All other elements of the UI are hidden (tool windows, toolbars, and editor tabs)

How to make VSCode editor stop scrolling past bottom of a file?

In the VSCode editor when you pull the scroll bar down to the bottom of the file, all you see is a blank page, since the text has scrolled up past the top of the text editor window. This makes scrolling to the bottom difficult because you can't just pull the scroll bar quickly all the way down but have to carefully position the cursor so you can still see your code.
Very similar to How to make Visual Studio editor stop scrolling past bottom of a file?, but comments have pointed out that question/answer is for Visual Studio. This answer is for VSCode on the macOS and Windows.
The correct answer is seen here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40588828/1189470
There is a configuration option provided in VSCode for the functionality you specified. To enable it, go to File -> Preferences -> user settings
On the right side of the editor in settings.json paste the below line at the bottom (before closing bracket), save and close.
"editor.scrollBeyondLastLine": false
This will prevent the editor from scrolling beyond the last line.
This is now exposed as a simple checkbox labeled "Editor: Scroll Beyond Last Line" in File/Apple -> Preferences.
If just for readability you would like some space at the bottom of the file - a configurable amount - try this setting as of v1.43:
editor.padding.bottom in pixels
Editor> Padding: Bottom
Controls the amount of space between the bottom edge of the editor and
the last line.
editor.padding.top // but this isn't sticky in the sense that you can scroll right past the padding top and it is gone. It doesn't stay.

Increase error font size in XCode

Is it possible to make these tiny messages larger? I didn't find it preferences.
It is indeed: head over to Xcode - Preferences and find the Fonts and Colors section. Switch to the Console Tab and select an option you want to change (typically Executable Console Output and Debugger Console Output appear in the debugger).
Now click the tiny little T icon at the bottom and change the font to something more palatable. The default font is Menlo 11.
Alternatively you can switch to either of the Presentation presets, which will increase the font size for the debugger and your code font (good for screencasts).
It appears that the font size of the tiny red error messages is governed by the space available: if you make the default font size larger (or the size of any of the elements on that line), the error message will expand to fit.
An alternative is to show the issue navigator on the left, which has larger type, especially if you fiddle around in the preferences and allow more than 3 lines per entry, or whatever the default setting is.

VS2012 Text Editor Width

Is it possible to change the width of the text editor in VS2012 - I've got a fairly wide screen and use fairly small text so I end up with a lot wasted real-estate in the middle of my screen.
I don't want to turn off word wrap - I just want the wrap to start further right on the line. If that makes sense!?
You can set this with HTML in Visual Studio 2012 but there is no global setting and it's missing in quite a few languages.
You can just put another "dummy" window next to the one you are writing in, so the actual editor window will be smaller. You can put it on the left if you want to pan the text to the right, and to the right if you want to shorten the lines.
I actually found the answer elsewhere; VS doesn't appear to provide this functionality but Resharper does. Resharper -> Options -> Code Editing -> C# -> Formatting Style -> Line Breaks and Wrapping -> Right margin (columns)
I put mine to 200 which fixed the issue
I know that this is not what you are looking for, but I believe it solves the same problem. I too have a fairly large screen and try to make use of it as optimally as possible.
I hate tabbing between code or design tabs and try to avoid that as much as possible.
VS has a feature that permits the user to create Horizontal or Vertical Tab groups and ever since I have started using it, I have found it very helpful. These options are present in the context menu by right clicking the tab or in the VS Window Menu (Menus are seen only if the tab groups feature is not active).
I have created a screenshot with Vertical Tab Groups created as shown below. In this example, I have a overview of both the designer and the code view at the same time.
We can use tab groups whenever there is a dependency such as comparing code, redesigning a module, etc. I know it takes a little time to get used to this feature but try it out and see :)

How to change out-of-focus text selection color in Xcode?

Okay, I'll bite.
I've got really pleasant code/window colors set up in Xcode. Ordinarily, my selection color is very visible.
When I am doing a project search and iterating through the results, however, the results list stays in focus and the found text remains out of focus, using a different background color. This color is extremely hard to detect, especially when the text is embedded in a larger code block and the view is shifting around as it scrolls to the results.
Here's an example:
Left side is in focus (just normal selection), right side is out of focus (during project find)
Often it takes a few seconds to find where the heck the selected text is.
Unless I'm just missing it, Xcode seems to offer no way to change this particular selection color. Interestingly, it also doesn't seem to follow the selection color from the Appearance panel.
Does anyone know a way to change this color or force it to be more visible, short of changing my entire color scheme around?
Use this Xcode plugin:
Instructions for using it are here: http://github.com/tjw/XcodeSelectionColorFix/blob/master/README.markdown
You can manually edit the theme file, which might allow a different selection color. If I recall (not on my dev machine), personal themes are in ~/Library/Application Support/Xcode/(should be intuitive from here/can't remember)
You can edit them in Property List Editor, if I remember right. The Xcode preferences don't expose all of the options available in the theme file.
