Disable integration flow - Spring integration - spring

I need to implement a spring integration flow for error queues handling. The flow needs to be activated based on configuration property as the error queues are not setup for lower environments like DEV.
How can I activate/enable integration flow based on spring configuration property?
my integration flow looks like this:
<bean id="error.jms" class="com.xxx.backend.integration.jms.MyMessageListener">
<property name="destinationName" value="#{queueConfig.getError().queueName()}"/>
<property name="errorHandler" ref="ErrorHandler"/>
<intjms:message-driven-channel-adapter id="errorAdapter"

It sounds more like you need to make yourself familiar with Spring's Bean Definition Profiles.
So, what you would need is something like this for your config:
<beans profile="production">
<bean id="error.jms" class="com.xxx.backend.integration.jms.MyMessageListener">
<intjms:message-driven-channel-adapter id="errorAdapter"
Then you just need to activate it when you start the app in the production., e.g. -Dspring.profiles.active=production.


MongoDB Batch Job Broken in Spring XD 1.2.0+

We have a batch job running in Spring XD which reads from MongoDB using the standard MongoItemReader which converts mongo records to our domain model. Up to Spring XD version 1.1.3 this worked fine, however in versions 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 the job is failing with the following error (package name shortened)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: c/s/r/b/b/domain/IndexId
at c.s.r.b.b.domain.IndexId_Instantiator_hxmj4p.newInstance(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
org.springframework.data.convert.BytecodeGeneratingEntityInstantiator$EntityInstantiatorAdapter.createInstance(BytecodeGeneratingEntityInstantiator.java:193) ~
at org.springframework.data.convert.BytecodeGeneratingEntityInstantiator.createInstance
(BytecodeGeneratingEntityInstantiator.java:76) ~[spring-data-commons-1.10.0.RELEASE.jar:na]
org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.convert.MappingMongoConverter.read(MappingMongoConverter.java:250) ~[spring-data-mongodb-1.7.0.RELEASE.jar:na]
org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.convert.MappingMongoConverter.read(MappingMongoConverter.java:231) ~[spring-data-mongodb-1.7.0.RELEASE.jar:na]
Looking into this I found the threads NoClassDefFoundError when making a query in spring-data-solr within a play framework application, and NoClassDefFoundError after upgrading to 1.7.0.RELEASE which suggest this is due to a change in spring-data-mongo 1.7.0 and the underlying spring-data-commons to change the default entity instantiation technique to improve performance.
Based on the suggested fix in those threads I've modified the mongo template in my job module XML definition as follows and this fixes the problem:
<bean id="mappingConverter" class="org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.convert.MappingMongoConverter">
<constructor-arg ref="dbRefResolver"/>
<constructor-arg ref="mongoMappingContext"/>
<property name="instantiators" ref="entityInstantiators" />
<bean id="dbRefResolver" class="org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.convert.DefaultDbRefResolver">
<constructor-arg ref="mongoDbFactory"/>
<bean id="mongoMappingContext" class="org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.MongoMappingContext"/>
<bean id="entityInstantiators" class="org.springframework.data.convert.EntityInstantiators">
<constructor-arg value="#{T(org.springframework.data.convert.ReflectionEntityInstantiator).INSTANCE}"/>
<bean id="mongoTemplate" class="org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoTemplate">
<constructor-arg name="mongoDbFactory" ref="mongoDbFactory" />
<constructor-arg name="mongoConverter" ref="mappingConverter" />
However this is verbose and obviously isn't an ideal fix. The problem doesn't show up in our job module integration test so I have a hunch its caused by a combination of the default entity instantiation change and the fact that when a module executes in Spring XD the domain classes will be in the module's class loader and not visible to the spring data mongo classes in XD's main class loader.
So should this be regarded as a bug in Spring XD or Spring Data Mongo? One fix might be an improvement to the Spring Data Mongo mongo:mapping-converter XML configuration to allow forcing the use of the ReflectionEntityInstantiator which would at least reduce the amount of XML needed above. Alternatively maybe Spring XD should handle this scenario automatically?
I don't think there is anything we can do from the XD side since this is a custom job. We have to rely on the spring-data-mongodb functionality.
It looks like you're running into DATACMNS-710, which is fixed in Fowler SR1 (equivalent to Spring Data MongoDB 1.7.1). You might wanna try the just released Gosling release, too.

Multi-tenant webapp using Spring MVC and Hibernate 4.2.0.Final

I have developed a small webapp using and SpringMVC(3.1.3.RELEASE) and Hibernate 4.2.0.Final.
I'm trying to convert it to be a multi-tenant application.
Similar topics have been covered in other threads, but I couldn't find a definitive solution to my problem.
What I am trying to achieve is to design a web app which is able to:
Read a datasource configuration at startup (an XML file containing multiple datasource definitions, which is placed outside the WAR file and it's not the application-context or hibernate configuration file)
Create a session factory for each one of them (considering that each datasource is a database with a different schema).
How can i set my session factory scope as session? ( OR Can i reuse the same session factory ?) .
Url for client a - URL: http://project.com/a/login.html
Url for client b - URL: http://project.com/b/login.html
If client "a" make request,read the datasource configuration file and Create a session factory using that XML file for the client "a".
This same process will be repeating if the client "b" will send a request.
What I am looking, how to implement datasource creation upon customer subscription without editing the Spring configuration file. It needs to be automated.
Here is my code ,that i have done so far.
Please anyone tell me,What modifications i need to be made?
Please give an answer with some example code..I am quite new in spring and hibernate world.
<bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource"
destroy-method="close" p:driverClassName="${jdbc.driverClassName}"
p:username="${jdbc.username}" p:password="${jdbc.password}" />
<bean id="sessionFactory"
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<property name="configLocation">
<property name="hibernateProperties">
<prop key="hibernate.dialect">${jdbc.dialect}</prop>
<prop key="hibernate.show_sql">true</prop>
<bean id="transactionManager"
<property name="sessionFactory" ref="sessionFactory" />
JDBC.properties File
hibernate.cfg.xml File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD//EN"
<mapping class="pepper.logis.organizations.model.Organizaions" />
<mapping class="pepper.logis.assets.model.Assets" />
First create a table for Tenant with tenant_id and associate it with all users.Now, you can fetch this details while the user logs in and set it in session.
We are using AbstractRoutingDataSource to switch DataSource for every request on Spring Boot. I think it is Hot Swapable targets/datasource mentioned by #bhantol above.
It solves our problems but I don't think it is sound solution. I guess JNDI could be a better one than AbstractRoutingDataSource.
Wondering what you ended up with.
Here are some ideas for you.
Option 1) Single Application Instance.
It is somewhat ambitious to to this using what you are actually trying to achieve.
The gist is to simply deploy the same exact application with different context root on the same JVM. You can still tune the JVM as a whole like you would have if you had a truely multi-tenant application. But this comes at the expense of duplication of classes, contexts, local caching, start up times etc.
But as of today the Spring Framework 4.0 does not provide much of an multi-tenancy support (other than Hot Swapable targets/datasource) etc. I am looking for a good framework but it may be a wash to move away from Spring at this time for me.
Option 2) Multiple deployments of same application (more practical as of today)
Just have your same exact application deploy to the same application server JVM instance or even different.
If you use the same instance you may now need to bootstrap your app to pickup a DataSource based on what the instance should serve e.g. client=a property would be enough to pickup a **a**DataSource" or **b**DataSource I myself ended up going this approach.
If you have a different application server instance you could just configure a different JNDI path and treat things generically. No need for client="a" property because you have liberty to define your datasource differently with the same name.

Unit Testing based on JNDI , ejb and spring

In my application I am injecting some of services based on EJB with use of Spring IOC through JndiObjectFactoryBean like below mentioned so during run the junit I am getting this exception "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: This JNDI operation is not implemented by the JNDI provider."
Could some please let me know how I'll configure for Junit.
<bean id="xxxMenuItemService" class="xxxMenuItemServiceyyy">
<property name="xxxMenuItemDelegator" ref="xxxMenuItemDelegator" />
<bean id="approveMenuItemServiceRemote"
<property name="jndiName"
value="ejb/XXXXXXXX" />
have a look at the SimpleNamingContextBuilder from org.springframework.mock as it provides a full context builder where you can bind mock or other objects for use by Spring's JNDI lookup.
One thing to do though is to make sure you build the SimpleNamingContextBuilder in the static #BeforeClass of JUnit 4. this means that it is all initialized and waiting before the Spring Application Context is started and you won't have any JNDI lookup failures.

spring web flow enable scopes

Spring web flow provides additional bean scopes like flow, conversation, flash etc. I can define flow scope beans in flow.xml using var or i can set values to new scoped variables. How i can define it in spring application context xml file. I tried to use this pattern:
<bean id="abc" class="abc" scope="flow"/>
I got error that no scope defined. I searched on google and found this thing
but don't know how to enable it in spring web flow 2.3
try to define it in your application context:
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer">
<property name="scopes">
<entry key="flow">
<bean class="org.springframework.webflow.config.scope.FlowScope"/>

Good example of Spring Configuration using java.util.prefs or Commons Configuration

One application I'm working on has several URLs and other information that is instance specific. The first pass uses a typical Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer with a properties file:
<bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="location" value="classpath:application.properties"/>
The main issue with this is of course the property file is an artifact that must be checked in, and for starting a new instance would require updating that artifact. For a streamline deployment, I would like to have the ApplicationContext bootstrap itself based on database table(s). I have seen solutions like this forum post, does anyone here know of better tools or is this defacto approach to this problem? I would also like to be able to update/reload the settings at runtime using JMX or other facilities, but having to restart the app after changes to the database would still be a better solution to the current one.
The way we did it was to put some configuration information in the environment and then pull the relevant info from there.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="searchSystemEnvironment" value="true" />
If configuration changes then the app will need to be restarted. Can also put all the different configurations into the environment and nest the variables like the following:
<bean id="db" class="org.DataSource"
p:databaseName="${${MODE}_DBNAME}" />
where $MODE = dev, qa, etc.
