spring web flow enable scopes - spring

Spring web flow provides additional bean scopes like flow, conversation, flash etc. I can define flow scope beans in flow.xml using var or i can set values to new scoped variables. How i can define it in spring application context xml file. I tried to use this pattern:
<bean id="abc" class="abc" scope="flow"/>
I got error that no scope defined. I searched on google and found this thing
but don't know how to enable it in spring web flow 2.3

try to define it in your application context:
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer">
<property name="scopes">
<entry key="flow">
<bean class="org.springframework.webflow.config.scope.FlowScope"/>


What is the purpose of conversion-service and content-negotiation-manager in Spring?

What is the purpose of conversion-service and content-negotiation-manager in Spring? We have this in our Spring appContext but I am not sure about its purpose.
For content-negotiation-manager:
I have read here:
http://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/3.2.x/spring-framework-reference/html/mvc.html#mvc-config-content-negotiation that the content-negotiation-manager acts like a 'resolver' for #RequestMapping - e.g. if my mapping URL is "/person/create" - it will be called when the client accesses /person/create.json and /person/create.html (given the configuration below).
I am also able to access /person/list.xml and it returns an xml result even if xml is not defined in the content-negotiation-manager since I have the Jackson in my classpath:
For file extensions in the request URI, the MVC Java config and the
MVC namespace, automatically register extensions such as .json, .xml,
.rss, and .atom if the corresponding dependencies such as Jackson,
JAXB2, or Rome are present on the classpath.
So, we defined the content-negotiation-manager since we support html, and it is not mapped by default. Is my understanding correct?
For conversion-service:
In our classes, we have an ObjectMapper.readValue(json, Obj.class) and #RestController returning an object in xml/json format depending on the request (it returns an xml format if you access /list.xml and returns json format when you access /list.json). But I've read that #RestController can work without the conversion-service. So I am not sure why it is supplied in the <mvc:annotation-driven>
<mvc:annotation-driven conversion-service="conversionService" content-negotiation-manager="contentNegotiationManager"/>
<bean id="conversionService" class="org.springframework.format.support.FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean" />
<bean id="contentNegotiationManager" class="org.springframework.web.accept.ContentNegotiationManagerFactoryBean">
<property name="mediaTypes">
<entry key="json" value="application/json" />
<entry key="html" value="text/html"/>
<property name="defaultContentType" value="application/json"/>
Both the conversion service and the content negotation manager are always used by Spring MVC, regardless whether you define them or not. You can configure them according to your needs. That's the case here.
E.g. name="defaultContentType" value="application/json" means that if the client doesn't prefer a specific media type the server should send back JSON.

OpenEntityManagerInViewInterceptor for CXF

I have a Web service application based on JPA (Hibernate), Spring and CXF.
I am facing some lazy-load exceptions after transactional business methods (because I need some extra beans to be rendered in the rpesentation layer), and I wanted to give a try to the OpenSession/EntityManagerInView pattern.
Please do not argue this choice, we are just giving it a try.
The issue is that, since I am using CXFServlet, instead of standard Spring Servlet, I cannot use OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter in web.xml.
I cannot use either OpenEntityManagerInViewInterceptor which applies as a WebRequest Interceptor (and does not work with CXF interceptor/filters).
Finally I am aware of the HibernateInterceptor, an AOP proxy which wraps any method into a session. But still : this one is for the Hibernate API, not JPA API (I am using EntityManagerFactory, rather than SessionFactory).
So, are you aware of either :
A HibernateInterceptor for the JPA API (EntityManagerInterceptor ?)
A way to adapt a Spring WebRequestInterceptor into a JAX-RSfilter ?
Any other solution ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Once again, I finally found what I wanted ...
There is actually a JpaInterceptor that does what I want (it seems deprecated though. I do not really understand why).
Here is the resulting configuration that works like a charm, with a bit of auto proxy by name :
<bean id="jpaInterceptor" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaInterceptor">
<property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="entityManagerFactory" />
<bean id="jpaAutoProxy" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.autoproxy.BeanNameAutoProxyCreator" >
<property name="beanNames">
<property name="interceptorNames">
<jaxrs:server id="services" address="/">
<ref bean="myService1" />
<ref bean="myService2" />
<ref bean="..." />

Blueprint CXF serviceFactories: Need an instance per request

I am using Apache Karaf, CXF, and Aries Blueprint.
I have a bundle which defines a number of JAX-RS services. By default, CXF will make these services singletons, but this will not work for me. I need a new instance to handle each request.
Referencing the CXF documentation, I tried to create JAX-RS ServiceFactories which return new instances of the services. The documentation had examples for Spring and I tried to Blueprint equivalent.
<reference id="groupService" interface="org.ozoneplatform.owf.server.service.api.GroupService"/>
<bean id="groups" class="org.ozoneplatform.owf.server.rest.GroupController" scope="prototype">
<property name="service" ref="groupService"/>
<bean id="groupFactory" class="org.apache.cxf.blueprint.jaxrs.BlueprintResourceFactory">
<property name="beanId" value="groups" />
<jaxrs:server id="ozoneplatform_cxf_endpoint" address="/owf">
<ref bean="groupFactory" />
Blueprint fails to start giving the error
Error setting property: PropertyDescriptor <name: resourceProviders, getter: null, setter: [class org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSServerFactoryBean.setResourceProviders(interface java.util.List)]
You must define "blueprintContainer" property for BlueprintResourceFactory instance as:
<bean id="groupFactory" class="org.apache.cxf.blueprint.jaxrs.BlueprintResourceFactory">
<property name="beanId" value="groups" />
<property name="blueprintContainer" ref="blueprintContainer"/>
Where ref="blueprintContainer" is a reference to top-level manager (see 121.11 Blueprint Container)

how Spring MVC find its handler mapping

in Spring MVC we can configure handler mapping as bean.but how spring examine what is the handler mapping we mentioned in xml?
<bean id="simplehandler" class="" />
do we need to specify "simplehandler" bean id to somewhere for spring to identify bean handler?
First thing that must be clear is that: Spring has several handler mappings.
And the "DefaulAnnotationHandlerMapping" is activated by default (See DispatcherServlet.properties in the Spring distribution or just google for it. All default handlers are listed there). Spring will choose "DefaulAnnotationHandlerMapping" by default.
If you want Spring to use another handler mapping strategy, you have to tell him explicitly
<bean class="org.blablabla......ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping" />
Note that this cancels the use of the default handler mapping strategy
You can also tell Spring to use several handler mapping strategy and prioritized them by using the order property in the mappers declaration
something like
<bean class="org.blabla....DefaulAnnotationHandlerMapping" >
<property name="order" value="0"/>
<bean class="org.blablabla......ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping">
<property name="order" value="1"/>
Hope this helps. And sorry if the syntax of my bean declaration is not 100% correct. I had to write quickly ;-)

host/role dependent spring configuration

I have a cluster of servers running a spring application. Some of the spring components need to be configured differently depending on the role their server is playing (primary, secondary, etc). I don't want to maintain separate spring config files for each role, rather I want to dynamically detect this when the application is started. Its almost like I want conditional bean instantiation (which doesn't exist in spring).
Q: What is the best way to achieve this type of configuration?
Example: Only the primary node in a cluster should create durable subscription to a JMS broker (which requires a globally unique JMS clientID). I can detect if the current host has this role by looking up the running server's hostname in a database and start this container manually (if my node happens to be primary); however, I don't want every node in the cluster to create a durable subscription (by instantiating this bean).
<bean id="auditrecordListenerContainer"
<property name="concurrentConsumers" value="1" />
<property name="clientID" value="${server-hostname}" />
<property name="durable" value="true" />
<!-- only started on the primary node: via application listener -->
<property name="autoStartup" value="false" />
Note, however there is no ${server-hostname} property in the spring container (at least that I know of)
If your code already conditionally starts the appropriate services based on object properties, you can use utility methods in the following manner:
<!-- Factory methods to determine properties -->
<bean id="hostname" class="MyUtil" factory-method="determineHostName"/>
<bean id="isHost" class="MyUtil" factory-method="isHost"/>
<bean id="auditrecordListenerContainer"
<property name="concurrentConsumers" value="1" />
<property name="durable" value="true" />
<!-- Reference properties here -->
<property name="hostname" ref="hostname" />
<property name="autoStartup" ref="isHost" />
To use a property of a singleton bean instead, use a PropertyPathFactoryBean:
<bean id="config" class="MyConfig"/>
<util:property-path id="hostname" path="config.hostname"/>
<util:property-path id="isHost" path="config.host"/>
You can implement a conditional instantiation logic
as a FactoryBean
