Cat command with pipe working in bash but not in script - bash

Pretty simple script, but I am stuck.
It connects to a battery balancer, spits out the info into a json formatted file. I then have a pipe the output into jq to obtain the info I need.
It works in the bash shell, but not in the script:
Here is the script:
echo "Checking battery voltages"
jkbms -p 3C:A5:19:7B:28:09 -o json > /home/bms/batt.log
echo cat /home/bms/batt.log | jq -r '.highest_cell_voltage'
echo "done"
The cat line shows this in the script output:
Checking battery voltages
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 4
From the shell it works as expected:
cat /home/bms/batt.log | jq -r '.highest_cell_voltage'
I have tried enclosing the whole cat command in quotes etc, but I am at a loss.
This, however, works:
echo "Checking battery voltages"
jkbms -p 3C:A5:19:7B:28:09 -o json > /home/bms/batt.log
batt=$(cat /home/bms/batt.log)
echo $batt | jq -r '.highest_cell_voltage'
#echo /usr/bin/cat /home/bms/batt.log
echo "done"

jkbms -p 3C:A5:19:7B:28:09 -o json > /home/bms/batt.log
echo cat /home/bms/batt.log | jq -r '.highest_cell_voltage'
The echo here is wrong. By the way, you can simplify the above to:
jkbms -p 3C:A5:19:7B:28:09 -o json|tee /home/bms/batt.log|jq -r '.highest_cell_voltage'
If I need to print the output of the comand on the screen, how do i do it without using echo?
If you want the saved output in /home/bms/batt.log, you can cat /home/bms/batt.log anytime.
If you want to print the output of the comand on the screen only at the time of execution, you can tee /dev/tty instead of tee /home/bms/batt.log.
If at the time of execution you want the output on screen as well as in the log file, you can tee /home/bms/batt.log /dev/tty at once.


bash get command that was used before pipe symbol

For a half-finished script that already uses the output of a program I also need the name and the parameters of the program that was used to pipe to my script.
So I run it like this:
yay something | ./myscript
Now I need to store "yay something" into a variable.
There is a way to to get previous runned commands or the current one by using set -o history -o histexpand and echo !! or echo $0 but that doesn't include what I wrote right before the pipe.
Maybe you would suggest to pass the name of the program and it's parameter to my script as parameters and then run it there but I don't want this (pass a command as an argument to bash script).
#!/bin/bash -i
#get processes
processes=$(> >(ps -f))
echo beginning:
echo "$processes"
#filter bin/bash -i
pac=$(echo "$processes" | sed '1,/bin\/bash -i/!d')
pac=$(echo "$pac" | tail -2 | head -1)
delete=$(echo $pac | grep -oP "(?<=$USER\s)\w+")
pac=$(echo "$pac" | grep -o -P '(?<=00:00:00).*(?=)')
echo "$delete"
kill -9 "$delete"
echo " "
echo end:
echo "${pac:1}"
Note: When you use echo, man or cat then $pac will be empty.
OLD Text:
Thanks to Charles for his enormous effort and his link that finally led me to processes=$(> >(ps -f)).
Here a working example. You can e.g. use it with vi test | ./testprocesses (or nano or package helpers like yay or trizen but it won't work with echo, man nor with cat):
#!/bin/bash -i
#get processes
processes=$(> >(ps -f))
echo beginning:
echo $processes
pac=$(echo $processes | grep -o -P '(?<=CM).*(?=testprocesses)' | grep -o -P '(?<=D).*(?=testprocesses)' | grep -o -P "(?<=00:00:00).*(?=$USER)")
delete=$(echo $pac | grep -oP "(?<=$USER\s)\w+")
pac=$(echo $pac | grep -o -P '(?<=00:00:00).*(?=)')
kill -9 $delete
echo " "
echo end:
echo $pac
The kill part is necessary to kill the vi instance else it will still be running and eventually interfer with future executions of the script.

execute a string in a bash script containing multiple redirects

I am trying to write a bash script which simply acts as an emulator. It takes input from the user and executes the command while forwarding the command along with the result onto a file. I am unable to handle inputs which have either a | or a > in them.
The only option I could find was segregating the commands based on the | into an array and run them individually. However, this does not allow > redirects.
Thanking in advance.
$cmd is a command taken as input from the user
I used the command
$cmd 2>&1 | tee -a $flname
but this does not work if there is a | or a > in $cmd
/bin/bash -c "$cmd 2>&1 | tee -a $flname" does not run/store the command either
Try this:
read -r -p "Insert command to execute"$'\n' cmd
echo "Executing '$cmd'"
/bin/bash -c "$cmd"
# or eval "$cmd"
Example of execution:
$ ./
Insert command to execute
printf '1\n2\n3\n4\n' | grep '1\|3'
Executing 'printf '1\n2\n3\n4\n' | grep '1\|3''

tee not working in script but working in bash

So i'm trying to take the line-by-line output of a program, then send it to a file if it matches "CPU", also I want every line to go to the screen.
This command works but only after quitting the script with ^C:
cpuminer-multi/cpuminer -u user -p pass -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp:// -t cputhreads | tee >(grep "CPU" >> cpu.txt);
but then if I copy and paste it into a bash script ""
cpuminer-multi/cpuminer -u user -p pass -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp:// -t cputhreads | tee >(grep "CPU" >> cpu.txt);
and run it from bash as "./", it populates cpu.txt with nothing, even after quitting with ^C
So my questions are
A: Why does it only populate the cpu.txt file after ^C?
B: Why does it work as a plain bash command, but not in a script?

Read full stdin until EOF when stdin comes from `cat` bash

I'm trying to read full stdin into a variable :
while read line
echo "$line"
done < /dev/stdin
echo "$input" > /tmp/test
When I run ls | ./ or mostly any other commands, it works fine.
However It doesn't work when I run cat | ./ , enter my message, and then hit Ctrl-C to exit cat.
Any ideas ?
I would stick to the one-liner
Of course, Ctrl-D should be used to signal end-of-file.

Truncating File in Bash

I am writing the output of a command into a bash file. The command gradually produces output, and I am using grep to retrieve part specific lines, and tee to write it to the file. Right now, the command is writing all the lines into the file. I want the file to be truncated everytime the bash command has some output, such that there is always one line in the file. How can I achieve such an effect?
The command I am using is:
2>&1 zypper -x -n in geany | grep -o --line-buffered "percent=\"[0-9]*\"" | tee /var/log/oneclick.log
This produces output like percent="10" and so on. Each time, only one line should exist in the file
If you need to overwrite the file for each line:
2>&1 zypper -x -n in geany |
grep -o --line-buffered "percent=\"[0-9]*\"" |
while read line; do
echo "$line" > /var/log/oneclick.log
echo "$line"
