When making a promise in Rescript:
let myPromise = Js.Promise.make((~resolve, ~reject) => resolve(. 2))
The ReScript compiler will give a warning on unused variable reject.
Is there a way to suppress this error?
You can bind a parameter to a new name using as, i.e. ~reject as newName, and as with any binding/pattern you can use the wildcard pattern, _, to tell the compiler that you're intentionally ignoring it.
So put together it'd be:
let myPromise = Js.Promise.make((~resolve, ~reject as _) => resolve(. 2))
I have a use case where I would like to pass two arguments to a function generated by Function.ScalarVector (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powerquery-m/function-scalarvector).
I would like the second argument to, optionally, capture two or more columns of a table, e.g. ScalarFun([Col1], {[Col2], [Col3]}). I would expect this to pass a list of lists to the function itself. Alas, it does not.
Consider this example, if I define a function to simply capture the generated input list (which we'd normally pass on to a function doing something useful with the list) we can see that passing a list of two values and a concatenation of two values generate very different behaviour:
ScalarFun =
type function (col as any) as any,
(t) =>
buf = Table.Buffer(t)
List.Transform(buf[col], each List.Distinct(buf[col]))
TestTable = Table.FromColumns(
{{"a","b","c"}, {"x","y","z"}},
{"Col2", "Col3"}
#"List syntax" = Table.AddColumn(
each Text.Combine(List.First(ScalarFun({[Col2],[Col3]})), ";")
#"Concactenation syntax" = Table.AddColumn(
#"List syntax",
each Text.Combine(ScalarFun([Col2] & [Col3]), ";")
#"Concactenation syntax"
Given this output I can see that the syntax where we combine two values into a list ScalarFun([Col1], {[Col2], [Col3]}) actually operate row by row. Concatenating two text values however works just fine (the function gets passed a list containing the entire column).
A list is just a value like any other, so I don't understand why my preferred syntax doesn't work?
It's clear to me that the function does not behave in the way I anticipated due to lazy evaluation. I see the same issue if I try to use a record. Passing a list in this rather convoluted way 'works' however:
Text.Split(Text.Combine({[Col2],[Col3]}, ";"),";")
I'm not going to post this as an answer because I don't fully understand why this (silently, without an error) breaks the intended behaviour of Function.ScalarVector.
A list of lists is not the same as concatenated lists so I don't see any reason to expect them to behave the same way.
{TestTable[Col2], TestTable[Col3]} = {{a,b,c},{x,y,z}}
TestTable[Col2] & TestTable[Col3] = {a,b,c,x,y,z}
So I have some json response content represented as string and I want to get its property names.
What I am doing
let properties = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(responseContent).Properties()
let propertyNames, (jprop: JProperty) = properties.Select(jprop => jprop.Name);
According to this answer I needed to annotate the call to the extension method, however, I still get the error.
A unique overload for method 'Select' could not be determined based on type information prior to this program point. A type annotation may be needed. Candidates: (extension) Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.Select<'TSource,'TResult>(selector: Func<'TSource,'TResult>) : Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'TResult>, (extension) Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.Select<'TSource,'TResult>(selector: Func<'TSource,int,'TResult>) : Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'TResult>
Am I doing something wrong?
First, the syntax x => y you're trying to use is C# syntax for lambda expressions, not F# syntax. In F#, the correct syntax for lambda-expressions is fun x -> y.
Second, the syntax let a, b = c means "destructure the pair". For example:
let pair = (42, "foo")
let a, b = pair // Here, a = 42 and b = "foo"
You can provide a type annotation for one of the pair elements:
let a, (b: string) = pair
But this won't have any effect on pair the way you apparently expect it to work.
In order to provide type annotation for the argument of a lambda expression, just annotate the argument, what could be simpler?
fun (x: string) -> y
So, putting all of the above together, this is how your line should look:
let propertyNames = properties.Select(fun (jprop: JProperty) -> jprop.Name)
(also, note the absence of semicolon at the end. F# doesn't require semicolons)
If you have this level of difficulty with basic syntax, I suggest you read up on F# and work your way through a few examples before trying to implement something complex.
I've seen a few other questions and answers stating that let _ = foo() destroys the result at the end of the statement rather than at scope exit, which is what let _a = foo() does.
I am unable to find any official description of this, nor any rationale for this syntax.
I'm interested in a few inter-twined things:
Is there even a mention of it in the official documentation?
What is the history behind this choice? Is it simply natural fall-out from Rust's binding / destructuring rules? Is it something inherited from another language? Or does it have some other origin?
Is there some use-case this syntax addresses that could not have been achieved using explicit scoping?
Is it simply natural fall-out from Rust's binding / destructuring rules?
Yes. You use _ to indicate that you don't care about a value in a pattern and that it should not be bound in the first place. If a value is never bound to a variable, there's nothing to hold on to the value, so it must be dropped.
All the Places Patterns Can Be Used:
match Arms
Conditional if let Expressions
while let Conditional Loops
for Loops
let Statements
Function Parameters
Is there even a mention of it in the official documentation?
Ignoring an Entire Value with _
Of note is that _ isn't a valid identifier, thus you can't use it as a name:
fn main() {
let _ = 42;
println!("{}", _);
error: expected expression, found reserved identifier `_`
--> src/main.rs:3:20
3 | println!("{}", _);
| ^ expected expression
achieved using explicit scoping
I suppose you could have gone this route and made expressions doing this just "hang around" until the scope was over, but I don't see any value to it:
let _ = vec![5];
vec![5]; // Equivalent
// Gotta wait for the scope to end to clean these up, or call `drop` explicitly
The only reason that you'd use let _ = foo() is when the function requires that you use its result, and you know that you don't need it. Otherwise, this:
let _ = foo();
is exactly the same as this:
For example, suppose foo has a signature like this:
fn foo() -> Result<String, ()>;
You will get a warning if you don't use the result, because Result has the #[must_use] attribute. Destructuring and ignoring the result immediately is a concise way of avoiding this warning in cases where you know it's ok, without introducing a new variable that lasts for the full scope.
If you didn't pattern match against the result then the value would be dropped as soon as the foo function returns. It seems reasonable that Rust would behave the same regardless of whether you explicitly said you don't want it or just didn't use it.
I am trying to write a code that calculate the size of a list.
Here is what I've done:
let rec l = function
| [] -> 0
| t::q -> 1 + l q
print_int(l ([1;2;3;4]))
The problem is that it's saying me :
It is applied to too many arguments; maybe you forgot a `;'.
When I put the double semicolon ;; at the end of the definition of l it works well, yet I've read that ;; is not useful at all if you are not coding in the REPL, so here I don't see why it's giving me this error.
The following
print_int(l [1;2;3;4])
is a toplevel expression. Such expression needs to be preceded by ;;:
;; print_int(l [1;2;3;4])
Another option is to make this toplevel expression a binding with
let () = print_int(l [1;2;3;4])
When parsing the code the parser advances until it hits l q. At this point there could be more arguments that should get applied to the function l. So the parser keeps going and the next thing it finds is the value print_int. Another argument to l. Which gives you your error.
The parser has no way of knowing that you had finished the code for the function l. In the top level the special token ;; is used to tell the parser that the input is finished and it should evaluate the code now. After that it starts paring the remaining input again.
Now why doesn't compiled code also have the ';;' token?
Simply because its not needed. In compiled code the line print_int(l [1;2;3;4]) is not valid input. That would be a statement you want to execute and functional languages have no such thing. Instead print_int(l [1;2;3;4]) is an expression that returns a value, () in this case, and you have to tell the compiler what to do with that value. A let () = tells the compiler to match it against (). And the let ... also tells the compiler that the previous let rec l ... has finished. So no special ;; token is needed.
Or think of it this way: In the top level there is an implicit let _ = if your input doesn't start with let. That way you can just type in some expression and see what it evaluates to without having to type let _ = every time. The ';;' token still means "evaluate now" though and is still needed.
I want to define a symbol and use it within a function. For example, with IDnumbers defined as a list of numbers:
ParallelMap[{#1, Name[#1], Age[#1]} &, IDnumbers]
With userlist={#1, Name[#1], Age[#1]} becomes:
ParallelMap[userlist &, IDnumbers]
It works just fine with the list itself in the code, but not with the symbol. The same thing happens with a list of strings vs. a symbol assigned to a list of strings. Why is this?
Since f[#]& is shorthand for Function[f[#]] you should always complete your anonymous function with a trailing & to get a working function.
In your example:
userlist={#1, Name[#1], Age[#1]}&
ParallelMap[userlist, IDnumbers]
More thorough explanation:
By just using something like f[#] you get (in FullForm[])
In[15] := f[#] // FullForm
Out[15]//FullForm = f[Slot[1]]
whereas this gets transformed to a Function by the trailing & operator:
In[16] := f[#]& // FullForm
Out[16]//FullForm = Function[f[Slot[1]]]
If you do this in two steps, & doesn't evaluate the intermediate variable expr:
In[25]:= expr = f[#]//FullForm
In[26]:= expr &
Out[25]//FullForm = f[Slot[1]]
Out[26] = expr &
You can force the evaluation of expr before it gets wrapped in the Function[] by using Evaluate[]:
In[27]:= expr=f[#]//FullForm
In[28]:= Evaluate[expr]&
Out[27]//FullForm = f[Slot[1]]
Out[28] = f[Slot[1]]&
Another way is to supply the Function[] wrapper yourself:
userlist={#1, Name[#1], Age[#1]}
ParallelMap[Function[userlist], IDnumbers]
Personally, i would consider this bad coding style. Just get used to always finishing an anonymous function with a trailing & like you would supply a closing paranthesis ) to a corresponding opening one (.
Ok, in your case of a dynamically generated anonymous function i can see why you couldn't supply the & directly. Just wrap the expression with the Slot[]s in a Function[] instead.