I have a question about SIS problem, please check it;
basic definition of sis problem
my question is Where do we find the nlogq what does nlogq mean ?
thank you for all
I am a beginner studying the basics of cybersecurity and was wondering if someone could help me elaborate on what is the general syntax of a command?
So far I have only found one source which made sence to me, I feel as though this is too broad of a definition:
'the syntax of a command refers to the rules in which the command must be run in order for a piece of software to understand it.' ?? PLEASE HELP THANK YOU!! =]
I am currently working on a quiz app and some of the questions have "long answers" where the user will need to type. I wonder if there is a standard way of checking whether these are right, given the obvious problem that everyone will phrase the answers in different ways. Any helpful tips or pointers are highly appreciated. (I would prefer non-ML answers)
I had another question about processing and a project i'm making. I would like to play a movie in a loop on the background. I managed to do this by initializing a Movie and putting it in an image the size of my app. But now I would like to load in multiple movies and add a button to change the background when pressed with the leap motion. Is this possible ? Or should I use a different library for this ?
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,
It's really hard to answer general "how do I do this" type questions. Stack Overflow is designed more for specific "I tried X, expected Y, but got Z instead" type questions. You'll have much better luck if you just try something and post an MCVE if you get stuck.
That being said, I'm going to try to clear up some of the general confusion you seem to have.
Step 1: You need to figure out what library or libraries you're using. In all of your questions, you seem to not be sure which library you're using. Which Leap Motion library are you using? How did you set it up? Where is its documentation? You say you're using a Movie class. Where is that coming from? Are you sure it's not from the Video library?
If you have more specific questions in the future, please provide this information. We can't really help you without it. But more importantly, you need to know the answers to these questions if any of this is ever going to make any sense.
Step 2: Read the documentation for those libraries. Processing comes with the reference. The Video library comes with its own documentation page. I'm sure whatever Leap Motion library you're using has something similar. You need to read about the functions available to you. That's a huge part of programming. Right now your question is just asking whether something possible, and the honest answer to that is, well, what happened when you googled it?
Step 3: Try something. After you read through the documentation, just try something. Write some code based on the examples in the documentation. Even if that code doesn't work, that's okay, because then you can use it as an MCVE and ask a more specific question.
Good luck.
I am doing a specialization in rails .Its assignment is related to find maximum frequency words.I solve it all but it cant pass one test out of 19.Anybody doing that?
I have finished the assignment with no errors, you may just have a typo in your answer. If you post your code it would be easier to help you. A sample solution has been posted on GitHub Max-word-frequency.
I'm looking for a syntax reference to ANTLR3 and a quick search didn't find one, can someone tell me where one exists?
Do you mean a list of ANTLR's reserved words? If so, have a look at this previous question:
Is there a list of reserved words in ANTLR grammars?
I encounter same issue as you.
Finally found antlr v3 syntax from here:
ANTLR Meta-Language
All the ALNLR3 documentation is here: http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/ANTLR+v3+documentation
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by syntax reference, but the guide to writing grammars is here: