"Set echo" doesn't seem to show code in tcsh script - shell

Please nothing in the realms of "Why are you using TCSH?". I have my reasons.
I'm trying to debug a tcsh script, but using the options "set echo" and "set verbose" don't actually seem to show the code that I'm trying to debug.
Per this question, I tried "set echo" and "set verbose" in tcsh. I then ran this script 'test.tcsh':
echo "Hello world"
foobar=$(expr $foo + $bar)
echo $foobar
It returns the following output:
Hello world
history -S
history -M
So it shows clearly the output of the code. However, what I want to see is the code itself - the echo, the call to expr and so on. In bash, set -xv would do what I want, but it's seemingly not working here.
Anything I'm missing?

To be sure your script is run by the tcsh shell and to get it showing the code, simply add the following line as the first line of your script :
#!/bin/tcsh -v
This will make your script run by tcsh shell and set the tcsh shell to echo each script commands.
For reference, your actual script in the question doesn't seem to be a tcsh script, see comment under your question.
EDIT: To debug without altering the script, you can also simply launch the tcsh shell with the -v parameter followed by the script filename :
$ /bin/tcsh -v test.tcsh


Effective Methods of changing Shells in UNIX

I used to work with UNIX a couple years ago, and I am just starting to get back into it again. I was wondering if anyone could help me with a question.
For example, if I am in bash, I say chsh --shell /bin/tcsh after this I am prompted to enter my password. If I try to say echo $SHELL it will not tell me I have changed shells. It still tells me I am in bash, not C shell. So I have to exit and restart. Once I log back it, then it tells I am in C shell.
Is there a more effective method to change shells? One that does not require me having to log in and out?
Thank you in advance.
chsh(1): change your login shell
Once you change your shell with chsh, it should automatically login to that shell every time you open a terminal.
If you want to use a different shell temporary, just run that shell directly: "tcsh", "zsh", etc..
If you want to use a particular shell for a script use shebang "#!".
Example -- The following on the first line of a shell script will ensure the script is run with sh (and you can do this for any shell available on your system):
Always check your current shell by using :
echo $0
That way you will get the exact process ( your current shell ) you are running. If you print $SHELL it will return to you the default shell that will be open when you login to the server which unless that's what you need its not reliable.
ubuntu$ echo $SHELL
ubuntu$ echo $0
ubuntu$ sh
\[\e[31m\]\u\[\e[m\]$ echo $SHELL
\[\e[31m\]\u\[\e[m\]$ echo $0

How can I monitor a bash script?

I am running a bash script that takes hours. I was wondering if there is way to monitor what is it doing? like what part of the script is currently running, how long did it take to run the whole script, if it crashes at what line of the script stopped working, etc. I just want to receive feedback from the script. Thanks!!!
from man page for bash,
set -x
After expanding each simple command, for command, case command, select command, or arithmetic for command, display the expanded value of PS4, followed by the command and its expanded arguments or associated word list.
add these to the start of your script,
export PS4='+{${BASH_SOURCE}:$LINENO} '
set -x
export PS4='+{${BASH_SOURCE}:$LINENO} '
set -x
echo Hello World
+{helloworld.sh:6} echo Hello World
Hello World
Make a status or log file. For example add this inside your script:
echo $(date) - Ok >> script.log
Or for a real monitoring you can use strace on linux for see system call, example:
$ while true ; do sleep 5 ; done &
[1] 27190
$ strace -p 27190

Dash -x fails with Bad substitution error

I'm trying to learn how to write portable shell scripts, to do so I'm starting to migrating my personal utilities from bash to sh (dash on my system). There is however a error I'm getting in all cases when I try to run the scripts in debugging mode $ dash -x script
For instance, on this script:
echo hi
If I run it as: $ dash script, I get the 'hi' string, however if I run it as: $ dash -x script or if I add the set -x command before echo:
set -x
echo hi
It fails with the error:
script.sh: 3: script.sh: Bad substitution
this makes very difficult to debug my scripts. I'm running ubuntu 12.04 with dash 0.5.7-2ubuntu2
Just by the time I finished writing my question I realized I was using a personalized PS4 (which is used in xtrace mode), my PS4 was defined as:
>>(${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}): ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }
I changed temporarily as PS4=">>" and everything went ok, I can now debug my scripts on dash. Hope this helps someone.

Input to Expect Script

in my test file, I had this line hello$LG. So, if I do
`cat /test`
It will show in my bash shell - hello$LG
But when I try to do this in my expect script,
$> expect test.sh `cat /test`
It gives me this {hello$LG} . I don't know why it is getting {}. Anyone knows how to fix this?
Expect is based upon TCL, you should use square brackets to execute code. When trying to execute a shell command you should use either exec or open or spawn.
I am not sure what the test.sh does, but
expect [exec test.sh 'cat /test']
might just do the trick.
There's more on running other programs from Tcl here:

source .bashrc from .cshrc

Is it possible to source a .bshrc file from .cshrc in a non-interactive session?
I'm asking because tcsh is our default shell at work and the .cshrc has to be used to set up the environment initially.
However, I am not really familiar with the tcsh and I have my own set-up in bash, so right now I have the following lines at the end of my .cshrc file:
if ( $?prompt && -x /bin/bash) then
exec /bin/bash
This works fine, loading my environment from .bashrc and giving me a bash prompt for interactive sessions but now I also need the same set-up for non-interactive sessions, e.g. to run a command remotely via SSH with all the correct PATHs etc.
I can't use 'exec' in that case but I can't figure out how to switch to bash and load the bash config files "non-interactively".
All our machines share the same home directory, so any changes to my local *rc files will affect the remote machiens as well.
Any ideas welcome - thank you for your help!
After some more research I'm now quite sure that this won't work, but of course feel free to prove me wrong!
To load the environment in bash I have to switch to a bash shell. Even if that is possible "in the background", i.e. without getting a prompt, it would still break any tcsh commands which would then be attempted to execute under bash.
Hmmmm, back to the drawing board...
If $command is set there are arguments to csh, so it is a remote shell command. This works for me in .cshrc:
if ($?command) then
echo Executing non-interactive command in bash: $command $*
exec /bin/bash -c "${command} $*"
echo Interactive bash shell
exec bash -l
$ ssh remotehost set | grep BASH
proves that it ran in Bash.
