Does openmp taskwait free the core the task is running on? - openmp

Basically what the question says.
Let's say I have a task running on a core and at some point I want to wait for its child tasks to complete (using the taskwait directive). While the task is waiting, can other tasks use the core bound to the waiting task? Or is that core blocked?

Yes, an OpenMP runtime can execute other tasks during a taskwait directive because this directive is an implicit scheduling point in OpenMP. However, this is not mandatory. Both the Intel/Clang OpenMP runtime (IOMP) as well as the one of GCC (GOMP) do it. Most runtime try to do it for sake of performance.
Here is what the OpenMP 5.1 standard states:
Section 2.12.6:
Whenever a thread reaches a task scheduling point, the implementation may cause it to perform a task switch, beginning or resuming execution of a different task bound to the current team. Task scheduling points are implied at the following locations:
[...] in a taskwait region [...].
Note that other threads can wait either actively or passively for new incoming tasks. Thus, cores can be busy waiting for new tasks to be scheduled if no task is available (ie. the core is not free). You can control this using the environment variable OMP_WAIT_POLICY.


What if I have less control tasks than I need to mix all suites for workers in toloka

For example I have 5 control tasks and 100 tasks and have mixing settings 4 task and 1 control.
What happens when the worker (aka toloker) just seen the last one, while there are still more potential task suites to work on?
The worker be kicked out of the "pool" !So only 5 task for every worker!
If the worker has seen all of the control tasks in the pool, he will not be able to complete any more of the task suits and will be notified that the tasks are finished.
However, if you create a separate pool with the exact same control tasks, the system will consider those as new control tasks and can show them to the same tolokers (But it could affect quality) I suggest create more control tasks from verified answers from prev runs

Specifying process priority in Ansible

Is it possible to specify the process priority for an Ansible task?
The use case is setting a low priority for an expensive and long-running backup task. In a bash script I'd use nice for this. I did not find anything by searching using keywords "process priority" and "nice" combined with "Ansible".
async tasks allow you to run tasks in background. This helps in avoiding long-running tasks from blocking remaining tasks. The approach works as long as the remaining tasks are independent of the task marked async, this can reduce wait time.
For example, waiting for huge file to complete download and the next task is c completely independent command which can take some time. Since async task will run in the background by the time it is completed the rest of the independent commands are done.
Link on documentation below

MFC CEvent class member function SetEvent , difference with Thread Lock() function?

what i s the difference between SetEvent() and Thread Lock() function? anyone please help me
Events are used when you want to start/continue processing once a certain task is completed i.e. you want to wait until that event occurs. Other threads can inform the waiting thread about the completion of this task using SetEvent.
On the other hand, critical section is used when you want only one thread to execute a block of code at a time i.e. you want a set of instructions to be executed by one thread without any other thread changing the state at that time. For example, you are inserting an item into a linked list which involves multiple steps, at that time you don't want another thread to come and try to insert one more object into the list. So you block the other thread until first one finishes using critical sections.
Events can be used for inter-process communication, ie synchronising activity amongst different processes. They are typically used for 'signalling' the occurrence of an activity (e.g. file write has finished). More information on events:
Critical sections can only be used within a process for synchronizing threads and use a basic lock/unlock concept. They are typically used to protect a resource from multi-threaded access (e.g. a variable). They are very cheap (in CPU terms) to use. The inter-process variant is called a Mutex in Windows. More info:

Forcing context switch in Windows

Is there a way to force a context switch in C++ to a specific thread, assuming I have the thread handle or thread ID?
No, you won't be able to force operating system to run the thread you want. You can use yield to force a context switch though...
yield in Win32 API is function SwitchToThread. If there is no other thread available for running, then a ZERO value will be returned and current thread will keep running anyway.
You can only encourage the Windows thread scheduler to pick a certain thread, you can't force it. You do so first by making the thread block on a synchronization object and signaling it. Secondary by bumping up its priority.
Explicit context switching is supported, you'll have to use fibers. Review SwitchToFiber(). A fiber is not a thread by a long shot, it is similar to a co-routine of old. Fibers' heyday has come and gone, they are not competitive with threads anymore. They have very crappy cpu cache locality and cannot take advantage of multiple cores.
The only way to force a particular thread to run is by using process/thread affinity, but I can't imagine ever having a problem for which this was a reasonable solution.
The only way to force a context switch is to force a thread onto a different processor using affinity.
In other words, what you are trying to do isn't really viable.
Calling SwitchToThread() will result in a context switch if there is another thread ready to run that are eligible to run on this processor. The documentation states it as follows:
If calling the SwitchToThread function
causes the operating system to switch
execution to another thread, the
return value is nonzero.
If there are no other threads ready to
execute, the operating system does not
switch execution to another thread,
and the return value is zero.
You can temporarily bump the priority of the other thread, while looping with Sleep(0) calls: this passes control to other threads. Suppose that the other thread has increased a lock variable and you need to wait until it becomes zero again:
// Wait until other thread releases lock
SetThreadPriority(otherThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHER);
while (InterlockedRead(&lock) != 0)
SetThreadPriority(otherThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
I would check out the book Concurrent Programming for Windows. The scheduler seems to do a few things worth noting.
Sleep(0) only yields to higher priority threads (or possibly others at the same priority). This means you cannot fix priority inversion situations with just a Sleep(0), where other lower priority threads need to run. You must use SwitchToThread, Sleep a non-zero duration, or fully block on some kernel HANDLE.
You can create two synchronization objects (such as two events) and use the API SignalObjectAndWait.
If the hObjectToWaitOn is non-signaled and your other thread is waiting on the hObjectToSignal, the OS can theoretically perform quick context switch inside this API, before end of time slice.
And if you want the current thread to automatically resume, simply inform a small value (such as 50 or 100) on the dwMilliseconds.

Can NSTask safely be used outside the main thread?

Yesterday I read somewhere that NSTask isn't thread safe and that bothers me a lot, because I'm running a NSTask within a NSThread and is so far not experiencing any threading issues with it.
My code is organized like this
A: main thread -> B: worker thread -> C: worker task
C: The worker task is a commandline program.
B: The worker thread can start/stop the worker task and send it commands.
A: The main thread can send commands to the worker thread.
If NSTask is supposed to be used only within the main thread, then I'm considering moving the NSTask start/stop code to the main thread, just to prevent possible threading issues.
Can NSTask be used outside the main thread?
And if not then what may be the threading issues with NSTask?
I read somewhere that NSTask isn't thread safe…
That's not what that page says. It says that you'll get the process-terminated notification on the same thread you launched it from, which suggests that NSTask is aware of threads and tries to do the right thing.
The problem one of the editors of that page encountered was that they started their process from a thread, then let the thread die. That caused a crash because the framework was no longer able to deliver the process-terminated notification to the correct thread.
The Thread Safety Summary (bookmark that) says something similar, listing NSTask in a list of classes about which it says:
In most cases, you can use these classes from any thread as long as you use them from only one thread at a time. Check the class documentation for additional details.
The NSTask documentation doesn't say anything additional about threads, so it sounds like NSTask is one of the “most cases”: You can use a task from the thread you created it on. Don't use the same task on another thread, and (as noted above) make sure the thread lasts at least as long as the task process.
I will note, however, that in most cases, there is no need to run a task on a separate thread. Separate processes tend to run on other processors just as other threads in your process do, and the run loop does a good job of multiplexing many small events and keeping the UI responsive. You can use NSFileHandle's readInBackgroundAndNotify method if you need to read output from the task. You may be able to cut out your worker threads entirely.
The alternative is, as Eimantas suggested, to use NSOperation: Have an operation that simply starts a particular task and waits for that task to exit (perhaps synchronously reading output from it). The operation is complete when the task has exited.
Yes, it can, but I suggest you using NSOperation. It's KVO-agnostic (unlike threaded NSTask). Also you may want to look into receptionist design pattern regarding KVO and threaded environment (in case you need KVO).
