I am using toOdataString method to convert filterExpression to OdataString. When field is of date Type, time is also getting included.
When user is selecting some date let say 08-april-2021 While converting to odataString it adds time part as well.
Units Date eq 2021-04-08T00:00:00.000Z
Stackblitz for reproduction : https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ivy-dzo3tn?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.ccomponent.ts
Note: check in console for the output
Can it be created like $filter=date(unitdate) eq 2021-04-08 ??
reference: https://github.com/OData/WebApi/issues/1473
You actually need to remove the TimeZone part of the date. Please check the following code:
let queryStr = `${toODataString(state)}`;
const regex = /T00:00:00\.000Z/gi;
const noTimeZoneQueryStr = queryStr.replace(regex, '');
console.log("noTimeZoneQueryStr", noTimeZoneQueryStr);
Please find the updated Stackblitz here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ivy-w7m4kd?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.ccomponent.ts
Edit regarding the note: Yes. Please consider the following code:
let queryStr = `${toODataString(state)}`;
const dateStr = /(r=| )Units Date /g;
let newQueryStr = queryStr.replace(dateStr, '$1date(Units Date) ');
const regex = /T00:00:00\.000Z/gi;
const noTimeZoneQueryStr = newQueryStr.replace(regex, '');
console.log("noTimeZoneQueryStr", noTimeZoneQueryStr);
Please find the updated Stackblitz here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ivy-jqma46?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.ccomponent.ts
I have 9 columns of data. With the requirement in column 9 that there are data, the first column will dynamically fill in the current date.
I use the formula "= ArrayFormula (IF (ISTEXT (D7), TODAY ()," "))" but the problem is that if it passes the next day it will change to the next day's date. I do not want it to change the day after the new day, what should I do?
I am not sure if it is possible using a simple google sheet function.
If you want to use a google script to solve this then you can apply below:
function onEdit(){
function dateStamp() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Data')//change sheet name per your requirement;
const date = new Date();
const lr = ss.getDataRange().getLastRow();
const dataRange = ss.getRange(2,9,lr-1).getValues() //change range per your requirement;
const dateRange = ss.getRange(2,2,lr-1).getValues() //change range per your requirement;
for (i=0; i<dataRange.length; i++){
if(dataRange[i] !=''){
if (dateRange[i] == '')
I'm new to D3.
I have a string stored in a var, below is the var.
var expense = {"name":"jim","amount":34,"date":"11/12/2015"};
and I want to only show the year of the date.
var parser = d3.timeParse("%Y");
expense.date = parser(expense.date);
but I am just getting null for the date. Anyone know how to fix this? I should get the result:
{name: "jim", amount: 34, date: 2015 }
If you want to use d3 date tools, first you have the parse your string to date format
const tParser = d3.timeParse("%d/%m/%Y")
then use on your string
const date = tParser(expense.date)
then use d3.timeFormat("%Y")
const year = d3.timeFormat("%Y")(date)
Or much simpler just split your string as rioV8 commented
expense.date = +expense.date.split('/')[2]
Thought it could be useful to know how to use d3 time format works, more info
I am not able to fetch a max value from a number field in AppMaker. The field is filled with unique integers from 1 and up. In SQL I would have asked like this:
SET #tKey = (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM GiftCard);
In AppMaker I have done the following (with a bit help from other contributors in this forum) until now, and it returns tKey = "NaN":
var tKey = google.script.run.MaxID();
function MaxID() {
var ID_START_FROM = 11000;
var lock = LockService.getScriptLock();
var query = app.models.GiftCard.newQuery();
query.limit = 1;
var records = query.run();
var next_id = records.length > 0 ? records[0].ID : ID_START_FROM;
return next_id;
There is also a maxValue() function in AppMaker. However, it seems not to work in that way I use it. If maxvalue() is better to use, please show :-)
It seems that you are looking in direction of auto incremented fields. The right way to achieve it would be using Cloud SQL database. MySQL will give you more flexibility with configuring your ids:
In case you strongly want to stick to Drive Tables you can try to fix your script as follow:
.withSuccessHandler(function(maxId) {
var tKey = maxId;
.withFailureHandler(function(error) {
// TODO: handle error
As a side note I would also recommend to set your ID in onBeforeCreate model event as an extra security layer instead of passing it to client and reading back since it can be modified by malicious user.
You can try using Math.max(). Take into consideration the example below:
function getMax() {
var query = app.models.GiftCard.newQuery();
var allRecords = query.run();
allIds = [];
for( var i=0; i<allRecords.length;i++){
var maxId = Math.max.apply(null, allIds);
return maxId;
Hope it helps!
Thank you for examples! The Math.max returned an undefined value. Since this simple case is a "big" issue, I will solve this in another way. This value is meant as a starting value for a sequence only. An SQL base is better yes!
Using Notes 9 and extension library's data controls...
I want to use the #JDBCDbColumn() to get the type ahead values from an Oracle table.
Is that possible at all? Does it work the same way the standard DBColumn in the type ahead?
Note that the DBColumn is looking in a huge table, but I specify a where clause that should filter what the JDBCDBColumn returns.
Somehow, nothing happens. Work sfine with Notes data though, but I need to get this working with the Oracle data.
Update 1: Code I have...
"select distinct postal_code from cifadmin.postal_codes where postal_code like '"
+ getComponent("CodePostal").getValue() + "%'")
Update 2: Here is the code I have right now, but it doesn't return anything:
var CodePostal = getComponent("rsSearchQuery").getValue();
if(!!CodePostal) {
var params = [CodePostal];
var a = #JdbcDbColumn("oracle", "postal_codes", "postal_code", "postal_code like ?", params);
return #Unique(a);
} else {
return "--";
OK, I got it working thanks to all your comments and a bit of intuition!!!
Here is the working code:
var sql = "SELECT DISTINCT POSTAL_CODE FROM cifadmin.POSTAL_CODES WHERE POSTAL_CODE LIKE'" + getComponent("PostalCode").getValue() +"%' ORDER BY POSTAL_CODE";
var res = #JdbcExecuteQuery("oracle", sql);
var values = new Array();
while (res.next()) {
return values;
The thing that got it working was when I have forced 'values' as an array. Without that, it just doesn't work.
Picky and sensitive, XPages are!!!
Thanks to all for your help ;)
Just tested it the first time ever: works fine for me except I didn't use a WHERE clause in my sample and another type of DB here.
<xp:inputText id="inputText1" styleClass="form-control">
<xp:typeAhead mode="partial" minChars="1" ignoreCase="true">
<xp:this.valueList><![CDATA[#{javascript:#JdbcDbColumn("postgres", "xpagesdemo.names", "lastname")}]]></xp:this.valueList>
See live demo here: http://www.notesx.net/postgres.nsf/typeahead.xsp
Ben, I think you mean you want to put the wildcard to the end of the parameter? Not sure of your data and if you are entering an exact match? Did you try:
var params = [CodePostal+ "%"];
Also, not sure if you need to enter "cifadmin.postal_codes" for your table as you did in your sql?
I’m trying to retrieve dates from the database then use it to compare with current date. How can I get the last date from a list of dates in the database then compare it with the current date? Here’s what I’ve tried but I get a exception: “LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.DateTime Last…”
var manageDate= from d in db.Enrollments.Select(da=>da.Date) select d;
var manageAssgnDate = from asgn in db.Enrollments.Select(asgn => asgn.Date) select asgn;
List<DateTime> newDate = manageDate.ToList();
I normally use lambdas:
// This gets the max date in the table
var manageDate = db.Enrollments.Max(da => da.Date);
Is this what you were asking for ?
Found a work-around:
var stdAssgn= from sa in db.Assignments where sa.StudentId==currentId select sa.Date;
var dt = stdAssgn.ToList().Last ();
String a = dt.ToString();
and to convert to DateTime if needed...
DateTime b=Convert.ToDateTime(a);