How to update cocoapod version using brew - cocoapods

I've installed cocoapods by this -
It istalled cocoapods v1.5.2. Now I want to update the version to the latest v1.10.0.
So I've used -
brew upgrade cocoapods
I've also tried this -
brew install cocoapods#1.10.0
But I'm getting -
Error: This command updates brew itself, and does not take formula names.
Use `brew upgrade cocoapods` instead.
Fahims-Mac-mini:~ fahimrahman$ brew upgrade cocoapods
Fahims-Mac-mini:~ fahimrahman$ brew upgrade cocoapods
Fahims-Mac-mini:~ fahimrahman$ brew install cocoapods#1.10.0
==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
Error: No similarly named formulae found.
Error: No available formula or cask with the name "cocoapods#1.10.0".
==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)...
Error: No previously deleted formula found.
==> Searching taps on GitHub...
Error: No formulae found in taps.
Also tried this -
sudo gem install cocoapods
but still is not working on my device. So How can I update the cocoapods version using brew?

I had the same issue and resolved. This was bugging me, since in the website latest stable is 1.10.1 but still brew installed me1.5.4
Figure out The problem by using
brew doctor
I got the below warning.
Some taps are not on the default git origin branch and may not receive
updates. If this is a surprise to you, check out the default branch with:
git -C $(brew --repo homebrew/core) checkout master
Then, as per suggestion, I did. (Fix the related issues which comes for you)
git -C $(brew --repo homebrew/core)
Then, brew install cocoapods installed the latest version for me.
Hope it solves.

You can't do much with homebrew.
Homebrew allows installing v1.10.1 only
In my case fix this issue by updating ruby to 2.7 to install cocoapods v1.10.0.
rvm install ruby-2.7
Note: Use the specific version of ruby as per your macOS compatibility

I uninstalled brew uninstall cocoapods then reinstalled by sudo gem install cocoapods , it worked.

For me brew upgrade cocoapods shows Warning: cocoapods 1.11.2_2 already installed, so I've unistalled them with brew uninstall cocoapods and the install again with brew install cocoapods and now pod --version shows 1.11.3

I used brew upgrade cocoapods and it works just fine. Take a look at these terminal screenshots. brew upgrade cocoapods
upgrading cocoapods


Homebrew node installation fails on cannot link c-ares

If I run brew install node I get this error:
==> Installing dependencies for node: c-ares, icu4c, libnghttp2, libuv and openssl#1.1
Error: Cannot link c-ares
Another version is already linked: /usr/local/Cellar/c-ares/1.17.1
Anybody know how to resolve this?
Hm, it appears Homebrew tried to upgrade c-ares from version 1.17.1 to 1.18.1 but failed for some reason. Try running brew upgrade c-ares before brew install node.
If that doesn't work, what is your output for brew list --versions c-ares? Perhaps you have multiple c-ares versions installed. If that is the case, run brew unlink c-ares to unlink the old version and then brew link c-ares to link the newer one. The old version can be uninstalled by running brew cleanup c-ares

When brew does not have latest package version

How do I force brew to install latest version of neovim (ver 0.5.0) when brew's formula only has 0.4.3?
I have tried:
brew update
brew upgrade neovim
And it says: Warning: neovim 0.4.3 already installed
I went brew's git repo and checked on neovim formula. Brew has neovim's 0.4.3, not 0.5.0. So brew update/upgrade is not going to help.
I'm thinking of just downloading neovim from neovim repo and installing it manually, but I'm afraid I'll have to manage updates and dependencies if I do this manual install.
curl -LO
tar xzf nvim-macos.tar.gz
What should I do?
I fixed this with the following steps:
1) Unlink old neovim version:
brew unlink neovim ... and 2)
Install pointing to head:
brew install --HEAD neovim
... This installed neovim 0.5.0.
According to the brew doc, brew install --HEAD will install the master branch of the package. For neovim, it means that the latest version of neovim will be built for you, which may not be stable enough or even compile.
I suggest you install the nightly binary version of neovim. The best way to get the nightly version is to download from the binary release. No dependency is required to install if you download the binary release.
If you don't want to do this manually, you can write a bash script to automate this.

Invalid `Podfile` file: Unable to locate the executable `node`

I'm trying to run my App on IMB Cloud. Server run is OK. NPM Installed and Started. When POD Install from cd /ios it shows error:
denisbondar#MBP-Denis ios % pod install
[!] Invalid Podfile file: [!] Unable to locate the executable node.
# from /Users/denisbondar/Documents/kickapp/starter-kit/mobile-app/ios/Podfile:48
# -------------------------------------------
# end
# -------------------------------------------
Any thoughts? Thanks!
I had the same Issue. As I was trying to run a React Native App, and I needed some node module I have to run
brew install node
Just had the same issue, after updating cocoa pods the installation passed:
sudo gem install cocoapods
brew remove cocoapods && sudo gem install cocoapods
If you're running into this issue on an M1 Mac, this is what fixed it for me:
sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
In your /ios directory:
arch -x86_64 pod install
I am aware that the commands I ran in order to fix my build have already been mentioned on this page, but I'll try to provide the order I ran them + some backstory.
For me the problem was that I've initally installed cocoapods using homebrew and I couldn't get it to update past version 1.5.2. Tried different approaches but pod --version still printed 1.5.2.
Then I've tried installing cocoapods using gems with:
sudo gem install cocoapods
Even if it displayed that the installation of cocoapods 1.10.1 was successful, the command line from terminal still pointed to the homebrew version of cocoapods, and pod --version still printed out 1.5.2. So I had to remove it, by calling:
brew remove cocoapods
After that the command line pointed to the gems version of cocoapods (1.10.1). And the build was successful.
Also, my friend tried to follow the exact same steps and his build still failed until he tried installing:
sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
then after the installation he ran:
arch -x86_64 pod install
Again, I am a MAC OS noobie, so I don't understand very well yet what's the deal with this ffi. It just helped my friend getting his build done, so I thought it might also help somebody else.
For me problem was that I have cocoa pods installed by brew install cocoapods and brew install --cask cocoapods.
So to fix I run
brew remove cocoapods
brew remove --cask cocoapods
brew install cocoapods
After that I have latest version of cocoapods and everything worked.

Switching Ruby versions using homebrew

One of the projects that I've been working has a dependency on ruby#2.3.
I'm using a Mac and the version of Ruby that I used for other projects is the 2.5.
I want to temporarily switch from 2.5 to 2.3 using brew. I don't want to use neither rbenv nor rvm.
1. I've installed the 2.3.7 version, using brew:
bf-old> brew install ruby#2.3
Warning: ruby#2.3 2.3.7 is already installed and up-to-date
To reinstall 2.3.7, run `brew reinstall ruby#2.3
2. I'm trying to switch to it, but it's not working:
bf-old> brew switch 2.3.7
Error: 2.3.7 not found in the Cellar.
What can I do about this?
Check if both the ruby versions are installed.
If both are installed, then try this:
brew unlink ruby#2.5 && brew link --force --overwrite ruby#2.3

How do I install the latest developer package for wine with homebrew? (wine-3.0-rc2)

When I type in:
brew install wine
That should install Wine 2.0.3, right? (the latest release)
But I want to install a specific version of wine: wine 3.0 rc2
What would the command to do this be if I'm using homebrew? I've tried
brew install wine-devel
But it gives me this error:
Error: No available formula with the name "wine-devel"
Any help? Thanks!
Currently wine-devel has been moved to caskroom/versions. Therefore in order to install wine-devel you have to
Tap caskroom/versions, by running brew tap caskroom/versions
Update homebrew (...just to be sure) by running brew update
Finally install wine-devel by running brew install caskroom/versions/wine-devel
caskroom/versions was moved to homebrew/cask-versions.
The following will work:
brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
brew install homebrew/cask-versions/wine-devel
You will be asked for your password.
Then you should be able to start executables as follows:
wine /path/to/app.exe
I was trying to install wine-devel, but ran into a similar problem. It seems that the answers here may each have been relevant on a different year, as the casks have moved around back and forth. So here's the latest on the situation, and some info on how to handle it in future.
The official instructions (as of 4th April 2020) say to run brew cask install wine-stable. However, that leads to an error:
$ brew cask install wine-stable
Error: Cask wine-staging exists in multiple taps:
This means that two potential casks were found, each with the same name, yet each on a different repository, and Homebrew was unsure which one to install.
Running this command gave me a clue about what was going on:
$ brew tap caskroom/versions
Error: caskroom/versions was moved. Tap homebrew/cask-versions instead.
So I learned that you can untap third-party repositories, and untapped the one that the message seemed to advise not to tap WINE casks from.
$ brew untap caskroom/versions
Untapping caskroom/versions...
Untapped 156 casks (463 files, 56.7MB).
$ brew cask install wine-stable
... Success!
To install the development version just pass --devel
brew install --devel wine
