My girlfriend is trying to use tiktok less, so she has enabled a feature where every time she opens the app it texts me "(her name) is on Tiktok." to hold herself accountable
I'm trying to use applescript on my mac to do the following:
see if I'm receiving an iMessage from her that tells me she's on Tiktok
then send the message "you've logged into tiktok x times today" where x starts at 1, increments each time I receive the message that she's on tiktok, and resets every day
my current script returns the following syntax error:
Expected “given”, “into”, “with”, “without” or other parameter name but found identifier.
here is my current code which I've tried to piece together from a number of resources:
using terms from application "Messages"
property today : missing value
property current_count : 1
on message received theMessage from theBuddy for theChat with eventDescription
"girlfriend is on Tiktok."
if name of theBuddy = "my girlfriend's name" then
tell application "Messages"
send "you have logged into tiktok" & current_count & " times today" to theBuddy
on increment()
set currentDate to short date string of (current date)
if currentDate is not today then
set today to currentDate
set current_count to 1
end if
set current_count to current_count + 1
end increment
end tell
end message received
... (a bunch of irrelevant code to avoid error -1078)
the code error occurs at the line beginning with "on message received ..." at the word "received"
I am working to outline a workflow in AppleScript. The script takes the next task I need to do from Omnifocus and requires me to determine if I can do it in 2 minutes or less. If I can, it starts a timer and I want it to wait until I actually do the task. Right now I have a dialog box pop up and I can mark the task complete when I am done with it. Unfortunately, some of the tasks I need to do are in Omnifocus and I can't do anything in Omnifocus with the dialog box open.
I would like to avoid using the dialog box so I can work in Omnifocus while the script is running. I'd like to be able to tell the script I'm done so it can stop the timer, tell me how long it took to do the task and then go on to mark the task complete in Omnifocus. I initially thought the best way to do this would be by entering a key combination. After a bit of research, I don't think I can do this in AppleScript. I am open to any idea of how to allow me to work in the middle of my script and then tell the program I am done with the task.
Here's my code:
on run {}
with timeout of (30 * 60) seconds
tell application "OmniFocus"
end tell
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document to tell front document window
set perspective name to "Daily Wrap-Up"
tell content to set TreeList to (value of first leaf)
repeat with ListItem in TreeList
set ProjectName to name of containing project of ListItem as text
set TaskName to " - " & name of ListItem
set NoteName to " - " & note of ListItem
display dialog "The task is:" & return & ProjectName & TaskName & NoteName & return & "Can you do this in 2 minutes or less?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button "Yes"
set Button_Returned to button returned of result
if Button_Returned = "Yes" then
say "Get to work!"
set T1 to minutes of (current date)
set T1s to seconds of (current date)
display dialog "Click when done." buttons {"Complete", "Cancel"} default button "Complete"
set Button_Returned to button returned of result
if Button_Returned = "Complete" then
set T2 to minutes of (current date)
set T2s to seconds of (current date)
set TT_ to ((T2 * 60) + T2s) - ((T1 * 60) + T1s)
say "that took you" & TT_ & "seconds to complete"
display dialog ProjectName & TaskName & NoteName buttons {"Complete", "Defer", "Cancel"} default button "Complete"
set Button_Returned to button returned of result
if Button_Returned = "Complete" then
mark complete ListItem
tell application "OmniFocus"
compact default document
end tell
else if Button_Returned = "Defer" then
display dialog "Defer for how long (in minutes)?" default answer "60"
set TimeAdd to text returned of result
set defer date of ListItem to ((current date) + (TimeAdd * minutes))
tell application "OmniFocus"
compact default document
end tell
else if Button_Returned = "Cancel" then
tell application "OmniFocus"
compact default document
end tell
else if Button_Returned = "No" then
tell application "OmniFocus"
compact default document
end tell
end if
else if Button_Returned = "No" then
display dialog "Breakdown task."
set perspective name to "Projects"
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end timeout
end run
Thanks in advance for any help.
I don't have OmniFocus on my machine, so I can't properly compile this much less test it, but in vanilla AppleScript you can do something like the following:
global start_time, end_time, TreeList, current_task_index, TaskName, NoteName
on run
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document to tell front document window
set perspective name to "Daily Wrap-Up"
tell content to set TreeList to (value of first leaf)
set current_task_index to 1
on reopen
-- inserted try block to aid debugging
set end_time to (current date)
set elapsed_time to end_time -start_time
say "that took you " & elapsed_time & " seconds to complete"
display dialog ProjectName & TaskName & NoteName buttons {"Complete", "Defer", "Cancel"} default button "Complete"
set Button_Returned to button returned of result
if Button_Returned = "Complete" then
mark complete ListItem
tell application "OmniFocus"
compact default document
end tell
else if Button_Returned = "Defer" then
display dialog "Defer for how long (in minutes)?" default answer "60"
set TimeAdd to text returned of result
set defer date of ListItem to ((current date) + (TimeAdd * minutes))
tell application "OmniFocus"
compact default document
end tell
else if Button_Returned = "Cancel" then
tell application "OmniFocus"
compact default document
end tell
else if Button_Returned = "No" then
tell application "OmniFocus"
compact default document
end tell
end if
else if Button_Returned = "No" then
display dialog "Breakdown task."
set perspective name to "Projects"
end if
set current_task_index to current_task_index + 1
if current_task_index <= count of TreeList then
on error errstr number errnum
display alert "Error " & errnum & ": " & errstr
end try
on idle
you can use this handler if you want the app to give you a countdown, or
announce a time limit, or anything that needs doing while you're working on the task
on beginTask()
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document to tell front document window
set perspective name to "Daily Wrap-Up"
set ListItem to item current_task_index of TreeList
set ProjectName to name of containing project of ListItem as text
set TaskName to " - " & name of ListItem
set NoteName to " - " & note of ListItem
display dialog "The task is:" & return & ProjectName & TaskName & NoteName & return & "Can you do this in 2 minutes or less?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button "Yes"
set Button_Returned to button returned of result
if Button_Returned = "Yes" then
say "Get to work!"
set start_time to (current date)
end if
end tell
end tell
Copy this into the script editor, debug it, and save it as an application with the 'Stay open after run handler' checkbox checked. Operation is as follows:
When OmniFocus is ready, run this script application. It will prompt you to begin the first task.
When you have finished the first task, double-click the script application icon again to invoke the reopen handler. The script will present you with the elapsed time for the first task, give you the choices you outlined, and then prompt you to begin the second task.
After the last task is complete, the script will automatically quit.
The global variable at the beginning allow necessary data to be passed between handlers as the script progresses.
If you want something more complex — e.g., a floating window or menu bar item that gives you more fine-grained control — then you'll need to start using ASOC to build that up. But that's fine-tuning; this should give you a general structure.
I've been trying to get chunks of code into variables so I could easily just place the variable and shorten the code by a lot.
Here's the code that I want to turn into a variable-
set recipientName to "Joe"
set recipientAddress to ""
set theSubject to "Type your subject here!"
set theContent to "Type your message content here!"
tell application "Mail"
##Create the message
set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theContent, visible:true}
##Set a recipient
tell theMessage
make new to recipient with properties {name:recipientName, address:recipientAddress}
##Send the Message
end tell
end tell
You probably want to wrap your Mail code in a reusable handler, like this:
to sendEmail(recipientName, recipientAddress, theSubject, theContent)
tell application "Mail"
##Create the message
set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theContent, visible:true}
##Set a recipient
tell theMessage
make new to recipient with properties {name:recipientName, address:recipientAddress}
##Send the Message
end tell
end tell
end sendEmail
You can then send commands with different parameters at any time like this:
sendEmail("Joe", "", "Type your subject here!", "Type your message content here!")
and this:
sendEmail("Sam", "", "Type another subject here!", "Type more message content here!")
I am trying to get and set outlook message body on compose mode.setting value does not work. is something wrong with script ?. but get value is working fine.
activate application "Microsoft Outlook"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Microsoft Outlook"
get value of static text 1 of group 1 of UI element 1 of scroll area 4 of splitter group 1 of window 1
set value of static text 1 of group 1 of UI element 1 of scroll area 4 of splitter group 1 of window 1 to "sample text"
end tell
end tell
I would avoid using UI scripting unless there is no other way.
This script shows you how to set the message body.
tell (current date) to get (it's month as integer) & "-" & day & "-" & (it's year as integer)
set MyDay to the result as text
set Mytitle to "Daily Email - " as text
set Mytitle to Mytitle & MyDay
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:Mytitle}
make new recipient at newMessage with properties {email address:{name:"Name", address:""}}
#make new cc recipient at newMessage with properties {email address:{name:"Name", address:""}}
set plain text content of newMessage to "This is just a TEST."
open newMessage
end tell
the idea of this script (simplified to show the issue) is checks if a track exists,
tell application "iTunes"
set matchtrack to get first track in playlist 1 whose persistent ID is "F1A68AD90AA66648"
if matchtrack is not {} then
print name of matchtrack
print "no track found"
end if
end tell
unfortunately if the track does not exist it gives error
"iTunes got an error: Can’t get track 1 of playlist 1 whose persistent ID = \"F1A68AD90AA66648\"." number -1728 from track 1 of playlist 1 whose persistent ID = "F1A68AD90AA66648"
instead of just printing 'no track found'
get first track give a track object or an error
tracks give a list of one track or an empty list
tell application "iTunes"
set matchtrack to tracks in playlist 1 whose persistent ID is "F1A68AD90AA66648"
if matchtrack is not {} then
return name of item 1 of matchtrack
return "no track found"
end if
end tell
Simplest way would be to use a try block, like this:
set persistentID to "F1A68AD90AA66648"
tell application "iTunes"
set matchtrack to get first track in playlist 1 whose persistent ID is persistentID
if matchtrack is not {} then
log (get name of matchtrack)
log "no track found"
end if
on error the error_message number the error_number
log "Error (probably no track found)"
-- display dialog "Error: " & the error_number & ". " & the error_message buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
end try
end tell
BTW: use log instead of print and (get name of matchtrack) instead of (name of matchtrack)
This would work but goes thru all the tracks in a named playlist:
set flagFound to false
set mTrack to ""
# -------------------------------------------------------
property Library_Name : "Library" # "Mediathek" in german
property Playlist_Name : "Bob Marley"
set persistentID to "F1A68AD90AA66648"
# -------------------------------------------------------
tell application "iTunes"
tell source Library_Name
tell playlist Playlist_Name
repeat with i from the (count of tracks) to 1 by -1
if (the persistent ID of track i is persistentID) then
set mTrack to track i
set flagFound to true
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
if flagFound then
tell mTrack
log "Found…"
log "Name: " & (get name)
log "persistent ID: " & (get persistent ID)
end tell
log "no track with persistent ID " & persistentID & " found"
end if
end tell
It works only when you right click on the mail message and choose "run rules", but not on incoming messages (without interaction).
The first dialog is shown both when incoming or running manually, but the second dialog (with the id) is only shown when running manually. Nothing is shown in console.log
Any ideas?
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule
tell application "Mail"
repeat with theMessage in theMessages
display dialog "inside"
set theId to id of theMessage
display dialog "the id is " & theId
end repeat
end tell
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
update: i added a try catch block around
set theId to id of theMessage
and this is the error I get:
Can't get class mssg 1 of class mbxp "Incoming POP messages" of class mact "Telenet". Invalid index. -1719
Any idea what this means? I don't get the error when applying rules manually.
Update 2: OK i found out that incoming messages don't have an ID yet. That's a problem since I want to save the email to disk:
set theEmail to (do shell script "mdfind -onlyin ~/Library/Mail \"kMDItemFSName = '" & theId & ".emlx'\"")
set archiveName to theId & "-" & (extract address from theMessage's sender) & ".emlx"
set saveLocation to "Users:wesley:Documents:Incoming:"
do shell script "cp '" & theEmail & "' '" & POSIX path of saveLocation & "';"
Is there any way around this?
As promised in my comment, here's an AppleScript that logs Mail messages' subject, id, and message id to ~/Desktop/log.txt.
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule
repeat with theMessage in theMessages
LogText("subject: " & (theMessage's subject as string))
LogText("id: " & (theMessage's id as string))
LogText("message id: " & (theMessage's message id as string))
end repeat
on error errorText number errorNumber
tell application "Mail" to display alert ("Error: " & errorNumber) message errorText
end try
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
on LogText(theText)
tell application "Finder"
set logPath to (path to the desktop as text) & "log.txt"
set writeText to open for access file logPath with write permission
set currentDateAsString to do shell script "date +\"%Y-%m-%d %T\""
write (currentDateAsString & " " & (theText as text) & return) to writeText starting at ((get eof writeText) + 1)
close access writeText
on error errorText number errorNumber
close access writeText
error errorText number errorNumber
end try
end tell
end LogText
I'm also running OS X 10.8.2 and Mail 6.2. As I said, I'm surprised to say this, but triggering the above AppleScript via mail rule works just as well for incoming messages as it does when selecting the menu "Apply Rules".