H2 performance query - h2

I'm using an H2 database and the table Matrix has around 500 000 rows. At this time, this query is a little slow.
SELECT MAX(b.version) FROM Matrix b WHERE b.state NOT LIKE 'published' AND b.state NOT LIKE 'obsolete'
Can I use indexes on column state? They work well if I use LIKE?
Thank you

I think you can read interesting things here: http://www.h2database.com/html/performance.html
I suggest to measure run time of your query before and after the change.
And the type of state (which was no included in question) may affect the run time of the query.
Note: If you have few values in state, I suggest to extract the states in a new table and use foreign keys in Matrix. (I suppose it will be faster than textual search)


Speed up SQLite 'SELECT EXISTS' query

I've got a 3GB SQLite database file with a single table with 40 million rows and 14 fields (mostly integers and very short strings and one longer string), no indexes or keys or other constraints -- so really nothing fancy. I want to check if there are entries where a specific integer field has a specific value. So of course I'm using
I haven't got much experience with SQLite and databases in general and on my first test query, I was shocked that this simple query took about 30 seconds. Subsequent tests showed that it is much faster if a matching row occurs at the beginning, which of course makes sense.
Now I'm thinking of doing an initial SELECT DISTINCT barField FROM FooTable at application startup, and caching the results in software. But I'm sure there must be a cleaner SQLite way to do this, I mean, that should be part of what a DBMS's job right?
But so far, I've only created primary keys for speeding up queries, which doesn't work here because the field values are non-unique. So how can I speed up this query so that it works at constant time? (It doesn't have to be lightning fast, I'd be completely fine if it was under one second.)
Thanks in advance for answering!
P.S. Oh, and there will be about 500K new rows every month for an indefinite period of time, and it would be great if that doesn't significantly increase query time.
Adding an index on barField should speed up the subquery inside the EXISTS clause:
CREATE INDEX barIdx ON FooTable (barField);
To satisfy the query, SQLite would only have to seek the index once and detect that there is at least one matching value.

Efficient sqlite query based on list of primary keys

For querying an sqlite table based on a list of IDs (i.e. distinct primary keys) I am using following statement (example based on the Chinook Database):
SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE CustomerId IN (1,2,3,8,20,35)
However, my actual list of IDs might become rather large (>1000). Thus, I was wondering if this approach using the IN statement is the most efficient or if there is a better/optimized way to query an sqlite table based on a list of primary keys.
If the number of elements in the IN is large enough, SQLite constructs a temporary index for them. This is likely to be more efficient than creating a temporary table manually.
The length of the IN list is limited only be the maximum length of an SQL statement, and by memory.
Because the statement you wrote does not include any instructions to SQLite about how to find the rows you want the concept of "optimizing" doesn't really exist -- there's nothing to optimize. The job of planning the best algorithm to retrieve the data belongs to the SQLite query optimizer.
Some databases do have idiosyncrasies in their query optimizers which can lead to performance issues but I wouldn't expect SQLite to have any trouble finding the correct algorithm for this simple query, even with lots of values in the IN list. I would only worry about trying to guide the query optimizer to another execution plan if and when you find that there's a performance problem.
SQLite Optimizer Overview
IN (expression-list) does use an index if available.
Beyond that, I can't glean any guarantees from it, so the following is subject to a performance measaurement.
Axis 1: how to pass the expression-list
hardocde as string. Overhead for int-to-string conversion and string-to-int parsing
bind parameters (i.e. the statement is ... WHERE CustomerID in (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?....), which is easier to build from a predefined string than hardcoded values). Prevents int → string → int conversion, but the default limit for number of parameters is 999. This can be increased by SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER, but might lead to excessive allocations.
Temporary table. Possibly less efficient than any of the above methods after the statement is prepared, but that doesn't help if most time is spent preparing the statement
Axis 2: Statement optimization
If the same expression-list is used in multiple queries against changing CustomerIDs, one of the following may help:
reusing a prepared statement with hardcoded values (i.e. don't pass 1001 parameters)
create a temporary table for the CustomerIDs with index (so the index is created once, not on the fly for every query)
If the expression-list is different with every query, ist is probably best to let SQLite do its job. The following might be an improvement
create a temp table for the expression-list
bulk-insert expression-list elements using union all
use a sub query
(from my experience with SQLite, I'd expect it to be on par or slightly worse)
Axis 3 Ask Richard
the sqlite mailing list (yeah I know, that technology even older than rotary phones!) is pretty active with often excellent advise, including from the author of SQLite. 90% chance someone will dismiss you ass "Measure before asking suhc a question!", 10% chance someone gives you detailed insight.

performance issues while processing 2 tables in lockstep based on orderedBy from-to

Title is probably not very clear so let me explain.
I want to process a in-process join (nodeJs) on 2 tables*, Session and SessionAction. (1-N)
Since these tables are rather big (millions of records both) my idea was to get slices based on an orderBy sessionId (which they both share), and sort of lock-step walk through both tables in batches.
This however proves to be awefully slow. I'm using pseudo code as follows for both the tables to get the batches:
table('x').orderBy({index:"sessionId"}.filter(row.sessionId > start && row.sessionId < y)
It seems that even though I'm essentially filtering on a attribute sessionId which has got an index, the query planner is not smart enough to see this and every query does a complete tablescan to do the orderby before filtering afterwards (or so it seems)
Of course, this is incredibly wasteful but I don't see another option. E.g.:
Order after filter is not supported by Rethink.
Getting a slice of the ordered table doesn't work either, since slice-enumeration (i.e.: the xth until the yth record) for lack of a better work doesn't add up between the 2 tables.
Is my approach indeed expected to be slow, due to having to do a table scan at each iteration/batch?
If so, how could I design my queries to get it working faster?
*) It's too involved to do it using Rethink Reql only.
filter is never indexed in RethinkDB. (In general a particular command will only use a secondary index if you pass index as one of its optional arguments.) You can write that query like this to avoid scanning over the whole table:
r.table('x').orderBy({index: 'sessionID'}).between(start, y, {index: 'sessionId'})

Why does the same select statement have different costs in Oracle?

Recently I used Oracle 11g database to do my homework. I had 12 tables, like trip_data_11 and trip_data_12.
They have same structure and the number of records is almost the same. I created the same indexes on each table.
So for trip_data_11 table:
create index pick_add_11 on trip_data_11(pickup_longitude,pickup_latitude);
create index drop_add_11 on trip_data_11(dropoff_longitude,dropoff_latitude);
The same operation to trip_data_12.
Then I used the following select statement to select the taxi numbers per day.
COUNT(DISTINCT(td.medallion)) AS taxi_num
(td.pickup_longitude >= -74.2593 AND td.pickup_longitude <= -73.7011
AND td.pickup_latitude >= 40.4770 AND td.pickup_latitude <= 40.9171
(td.dropoff_longitude >= -74.2593 AND td.dropoff_longitude <= -73.7011
AND td.dropoff_latitude >= 40.4770 AND td.dropoff_latitude <= 40.9171
td.trip_distance > 0
td.passenger_count > 0
It costs 38sec。When I changed the table name to SYS.TRIP_DATA_12, the problem coming, it costs more than 2 hours.
What's more, it did not end. I don't know why.
Today I ask my classmate and he said: clear the cache. So I used the following statements to do it.
alter system flush shared_pool;
alter system flush buffer_cache;
alter system flush global context;
Now when I use the same select statement for SYS.TRIP_DATA_11 I get the same poor performance like SYS.TRIP_DATA_12. Why?
It seems like your classmate was having a good joke at your expense.
Clearly your query was only performing well because you had a warm buffer cache full of all the data you needed from TRIP_DATA_11. By flushing the caches you have zapped all that, and now you have the same bad performance for all tables.
Tuning queries is hard, because there are lots of possibilities. Please read the documentation on it.
To pick just one thing: you're searching ranges, which is problematic. How many rows fill -74.2593 to -73.7011 ? It might be a lot more than say -71.00 to -68.59 even though that's a broader range. Understanding your data - its volume, its distribution and its skew - is crucial.
As a first step learn how to use EXPLAIN PLAN. Find out more. To get better plans, gather statistics on your tables and their indexes, using DBMS_STATS package. Find out more.
One tip. Oracle only uses one index to access a table. So it will choose pick_add_11 or drop_add_11 but not both. It will then read all the matching records from the table and filter them by the other criteria. You may get much better performance from a index designed to service this query:
create index add_11 on trip_data_11
, pickup_latitude
, dropoff_longitude
, dropoff_latitude
, trip_distance
, passenger_count )
The select statement will execute the entire filter against this index and only touch the table to get the MEDALLION values. (You could add medallion to the index too). Experiment with the column order. As latitude has a narrower range than longitude probably that should go first; maybe drop-off value should appear before pick-up. You want an index in which the greatest number of related records are clustered together.
Indexes like this can be an overhead, so we wouldn't want to maintain too many of them in real life. But they are a valuable technique for tuning expensive queries which are run frequently.
Oh, and #Justin's right: don't use SYS for doing application work. Even for a school assignment you should create a fresh schema and create your tables, etc in that.

do's and don'ts for writing mysql queries

One thing I always wonder while writing query is that am I writing most optimized query or not? I know certain things like:
1) using SELECT field1, filed2 instead of SELECT *
2) Giving proper indexes to the tables
but I am sure there are more things that should be kept in mind for writing queries, since most of the database can only grow more and optimal query will help in execution time. Can you share some tips and tricks on writing queries?
Testing is the best way to measure performance. Monitor your queries on the live database and make use of things like the slow query log.
I would also recommend enabling the query cache, which will give most typical usage situations a massive boost.
Use proper data types for your fields
Use back-tick character (`) for reserved keywords
When dealing with multiple tables, try using joins
20 SQL Tips
As well as the Do's and Dont's, you may find the Hidden Features of MySQL useful.
As a matter of fact, no "tips" can help you.
Database design require deep knowledge, not tips.
There are always "weight" of these "dont's". Most of such listings fall to list most unimportant things and fail to mention important ones. Your list for example, is if it was culinary forum:
Always use a knife with black handle
To prepare good dish you need to choose proper ingredients.
First one is impressing but never help in the real world.
Second one is right, but must be backed with deep knowledge to make it right.
So, it must be a book, not tips. Ones from Paul Dubios are among recommended.
use below fields necessarily in each table
tablename_id( auto increment , unsigned zerofill)
created_by( timestamp)
tablerow_status( enum ('t','f') by default set 't')
always make an comment when u create a field in mysql( it helps when u search in phpmyadmin))
alwayz take care of Normalization forms
if u r doing some field that would be alwayz positive then select unsigned .
use decimal data type instead of float in somw case( like discount, it should be maximum 99.99% so use decimal( 5,2)
use date, time data type whereve needed, don't use timestamp everywhere
Correlated subqueries are very bad, but often not well understood and end up in production. They can often be fixed by using derived tables and a join instead.
One more thing I found today is regarding the difference between COUNT(*) and COUNT(col)
Using COUNT(*) is faster than COUNT(col)
MYISAM tables cached number of rows in this table, for innoDB doesn't cache row count and may be slower without WHERE clause
It is better to use NOT NULL column for both MYISAM and innoDB than some other column where Null is allowed.
More details here
