When to use Unconfined in Kotlin - kotlin-coroutines

When would I choose to use Dispatchers.Unconfined? Is when it doesn't really matter where the coroutine should run? So you let the coroutine to choose the thread pool as it better suits?
And how does it differ from Dispatchers.Default? Is it that when running the Default dispatcher is always within a specific thread pool defined as the default one?

So you let the coroutine to choose the thread pool as it better suits?
That's not really how Unconfined works. The best way to understand it is that it is a "no-op" dispatcher that doesn't actually do any dispatch at all. Wherever you call continuation.resume(), that's where the coroutine resumes execution — within that very call. When the resume() call returns, it means the coroutine has either suspended again or completed.
In normal programming, you usually call continuation.resume() from a callback and it is not your code that runs the callback, so you don't actually have any control over the thread where your coroutine will resume. It is not advisable to use the Unconfined dispatcher when resuming from a callback provided by a library that is not under your control.
Unconfined is really a special-cased tool you can use when building a coroutine execution environment yourself, or in other custom scenarios. Basically, you should use it only when you are actively looking for a way to disable the normal dispatching mechanism.

The unconfined dispatcher is appropriate for coroutines which neither consume CPU time nor update any shared data (like UI) confined to a specific thread.
So, I'd use it in non-IO, UI or computation heavy situations basically :D.
I think the nunmber of use-cases for this is pretty low, but I'd think of an operation which isn't heavy, but still for some reason you'd like it to run on a different thread.
Here's a link for how it actually works.
Dispatchers.Default is really different, and it's mostly used for heavy CPU operations.
This is because, it actually dispatches works to a thread pool with a number of threads equal to the number of CPU cores, and it's at least 2. This way developers can leverage the full capacity of the cpu when doing heavy computational work.


boost.asio - do i need to use locks if sharing database type object between different async handlers?

I'm making a little server for a project, I have a log handler class which contains a log implemented as a map and some methods to act on it (add entry, flush to disk, commit etc..)
This object is instantiated in the server Class, and I'm passing the address to the session so each session can add entries to it.
The sessions are async, the log writes will happen in the async_read callback. I'm wondering if this will be an issue and if i need to use locks?
The map format is map<transactionId map<sequenceNum, pair<head, body>>, each session will access a different transactionId, so there should be no clashes as far as i can figure. Also hypothetically, if they were all writing to the same place in memory -- something large enough that the operation would not be atomic; would i need locks? As far as I understand each async method dispatches a thread to handle the operation, which would make me assume yes. At the same time I read that one of the great uses of async functions is the fact that synchronization primitives are not needed. So I'm a bit confused.
First time using ASIO or any type of asynchronous functions altogether, and i'm not a very experienced coder. I hope the question makes sense! The code seems to run fine so far, but i'm curios if it's correct.
Thank you!
Asynchronous handlers will only be invoked in application threads processing the io_service event loop via run(), run_one(), poll(), or poll_one(). The documentation states:
Asynchronous completion handlers will only be called from threads that are currently calling io_service::run().
Hence, for a non-thread safe shared resource:
If the application code only has one thread, then there is neither concurrency nor race conditions. Thus, no additional form of synchronization is required. Boost.Asio refers to this as an implicit strand.
If the application code has multiple threads processing the event-loop and the shared resource is only accessed within handlers, then synchronization needs to occur, as multiple threads may attempt to concurrently access the shared resource. To resolve this, one can either:
Protect the calls to the shared resource via a synchronization primitive, such as a mutex. This question covers using mutexes within handlers.
Use the same strand to wrap() the ReadHandlers. A strand will prevent concurrent invocation of handlers dispatched through it. For more details on the usage of strands, particularly for composed operations, such as async_read(), consider reading this answer.
Rather than posting the entire ReadHandler into the strand, one could limit interacting with the shared resource to a specific set of functions, and these functions are posted as CompletionHandlers to the same strand. This subtle difference between this and the previous solution is the granularity of synchronization.
If the application code has multiple threads and the shared resource is accessed from threads processing the event loop and from threads not processing the event loop, then synchronization primitives, such as a mutex, needs to be used.
Also, even if a shared resource is small enough that writes and reads are always atomic, one should prefer using explicit and proper synchronization. For example, although the write and read may be atomic, without proper memory fencing to guarantee memory visibility, a thread may not observe a chance in memory even though the actual memory has chanced. Boost.Asio's will perform the proper memory barriers to guarantee visibility. For more details, on Boost.Asio and memory barriers, consider reading this answer.

WaitForSingleObject() vs RegisterWaitForSingleObject()?

What is the advantage/disadvantage over using RegisterWaitForSingleObject() instead of WaitForSingleObject()?
The reason that I know:
RegisterWaitForSingleObject() uses the thread pool already available in OS
In case of the use of WaitForSingleObject(), an own thread should be polling for the event.
the only difference is Polling vs. Automatic Event? or Is there any considerable performance advantage between these?
It's pretty straight-forward, WaitForSingleObject() blocks a thread. It is consuming a megabyte of virtual memory and not doing anything useful with it while it is blocked. It won't wake up and resume doing useful stuff until the handle is signaled.
RegisterWaitForSingleObject() does not block a thread. The thread can continue doing useful work. When the handle is signaled, Windows grabs a thread-pool thread to run the code you specified as the callback. The same code you would have programmed after a WFSO call. There is still a thread involved with getting that callback to run, the wait thread, but it can handle many RWFSO requests.
So the big advantage is that your program can use a lot less threads while still handling many service requests. A disadvantage is that it can take a bit longer for the completion code to start running. And it is harder to program correctly since that code runs on another thread. Also note that you don't need RWFSO when you already use overlapped I/O.
They serve two different code models. In case with RegisterWaitForSingleObject you'll get an asynchronous notification callback on a random thread from the thread pool managed by the OS. If you can structure your code like this, it might be more efficient. On the other hand, WaitForSingleObject is a synchronous wait call blocking (an thus 'occupying') the calling thread. In most cases, such code is easier to write and would probably be less error-prone to various dead-lock and race conditions.

Inter-thread communication (worker threads)

I've created two threads A & B using CreateThread windows API. I'm trying to send the data from thread A to B.
I know I can use Event object and wait for the Event object in another using "WaitForSingleObject" method. What this event does all is just signal the thread. That's it! But how I can send a data. Also I don't want thread B to wait till thread A signals. It has it own job to do. I can't make it wait.
I can't find a Windows function that will allow me to send data to / from the worker thread and main thread referencing the worker thread either by thread ID or by the returned HANDLE. I do not want to introduce the MFC dependency in my project and would like to hear any suggestions as to how others would or have done in this situation. Thanks in advance for any help!
First of all, you should keep in mind that Windows provides a number of mechanisms to deal with threading for you: I/O Completion Ports, old thread pools and new thread pools. Depending on what you're doing any of them might be useful for your purposes.
As to "sending" data from one thread to another, you have a couple of choices. Windows message queues are thread-safe, and a a thread (even if it doesn't have a window) can have a message queue, which you can post messages to using PostThreadMessage.
I've also posted code for a thread-safe queue in another answer.
As far as having the thread continue executing, but take note when a change has happened, the typical method is to have it call WaitForSingleObject with a timeout value of 0, then check the return value -- if it's WAIT_OBJECT_0, the Event (or whatever) has been set, so it needs to take note of the change. If it's WAIT_TIMEOUT, there's been no change, and it can continue executing. Either way, WaitForSingleObject returns immediately.
Since the two threads are in the same process (at least that's what it sounds like), then it is not necessary to "send" data. They can share it (e.g., a simple global variable). You do need to synchronize access to it via either an event, semaphore, mutex, etc.
Depending on what you are doing, it can be very simple.
Thread1Func() {
Set some global data
Signal semaphore to indicate it is available
Thread2Func() {
WaitForSingleObject to check/wait if data is available
use the data
If you are concerned with minimizing Windows dependencies, and assuming you are coding in C++, then I recommend using Boost.Threads, which is a pretty nice, Posix-like C++ threading interface. This will give you easy portability between Windows and Linux.
If you go this route, then use a mutex to protect any data shared across threads, and a condition variable (combined with the mutex) to signal one thread from the other.
Don´t use a mutexes when only working in one single process, beacuse it has more overhead (since it is a system-wide defined object)... Place a critical section around Your data and try to enter it (as Jerry Coffin did in his code around for the thread safe queue).

Why would I use Sleep() with infinite timeout?

According to MSDN, Sleep() can be provided INFINITE value and that "indicates that the suspension should not time out".
Why would I want to call Sleep() with INFINITE timeout in my program?
I have used Sleep(INFINITE) and it makes perfect sense. I've used it to keep the thread alive. I have registered for WMI notification event (ExecNotificationQueryAsync, which receives event notification infinitely) then you need to keep the application alive. dont' know if this make sense to you.
A sleep with no timeout does not need a timer. This reduces the overhead where you anticipate a variable-length wait but are absolutely sure that the thread will be resumed.
As far as I know, Sleep, since they introduced SleepEx, it's just a thin, convenient wrapper around SleepEx, and when they rewrote it as a wrapper, they decided just to pass the timeout parameter to SleepEx, without processing it in any way. Obviously in this way the behavior of the function with INFINITE as timeout is propagated also to Sleep (and so must be documented), although, without the bAlertable parameter of the SleepEx, it's completely useless (a Sleep(timeout) is equal to SleepEx(timeout, FALSE), so you'll have an infinite nonalertable wait).
On Windows CE, then, they may have decided to change this behavior because it was actually silly, so I think that a Sleep(INFINITE) on CE is translated automatically to a SuspendThread; however, on Windows they are probably forced to keep the "simple" behavior for compatibility reasons.
In addition to what was said (basically waiting for an interrupt to happen) You might very well have an infinite timeout without being insane. For example, I've an application (a worker) that needs to do 3 different things at a time.
I chose to make each of those work run in new threads and have an infinite timeout in the Main() thread (as the program is not supposed to exit, except if an Exception is thrown in which case the whole app is restarted), for convenience and readability (I can comment out any of the 3 works without affecting the global behavior or easily split them to different workers if needed).
This probably adds a very small overhead compared to have 2 new thread + the main thread doing the 3rd work, but it's negligible considering today computers performances and memory.
There's no reasons one in his sane mind would ever Sleep(INFINITE). It has no practical meaning.
It is for generality and symmetry to WaitForSingleObject(..., timeout) and SleepEx(timeout), where INFINITE does make sense.
Reminding, that SleepEx will try to consume things out of your thread's APC queue.
Well, When we need to wait until ^C but we do not want while(1);

Are there any benefits of suspending a thread over making it wait?

I was going through a legacy code and found that the code uses SuspendThread Function to suspend the execution of a worker thread. Whenever the worker thread needs to process a request, the calling thread resumes this worker thread. Once the task is done the thread suspends itself.
I don’t know why it was done this way. According to me it could have been done more elegantly using an Event object with WaitForSingleObject API.
My question is, what are the benefits (if any) of suspending a thread as compared to making a thread wait on a synchronization object? In which scenarios would you prefer SuspendThread, ResumeThread APIs?
Suspending a thread is discouraged in every environment I've ever worked in. The main concern is that a thread may be suspended while holding onto a lock on some resource, potentially causing a dead lock. Any resources saved in terms of synchronization objects aren't worth the deadlock risks.
This is not a concern when a thread is made to wait, as the thread inherently controls its own "suspension" and can be sure to release any locks it is holding.
If you read the documentation on SuspendThread, you'll see that it is meant for use by debuggers. Tear it out of any application code if you can.
To illustrate my point, a list of the "do not use" suspension methods I've come across:
As an aside; I'm really surprised that Thread.Suspend in .NET was "supported" in 1.0/1.1, it really should have been warning worthy from the start.
You'll need a separate event object for each thread if you want to be able to wake up a specific thread. That would lead to higher kernel object consumption which is not good by itself and could possibly cause problems on early versions of Windows. With manual resume you don't need any new kernel objects.
