It's possible to setup NATS protocol on heroku? - heroku

I've seen a lot of documentation and tutorials how to setup HTTPS and Websockets on heroku, but it's possible to setup another protocol like TLS or NATS?
If it's possible how can I do that?

Unfortunately, no.
Inbound requests are received by a load balancer that offers SSL
termination. From here they are passed directly to a set of routers.
The routers are responsible for determining the location of your
application’s web dynos and forwarding the HTTP request to one of
these dynos.
Not supported
TCP Routing
Heroku offers only http/https routing for applications hosted on it.


Monitoring websocket logs in Azure Gateway

I am aware that Azure application gateway supports websockets. However, I cant figure out from the samples and documentation how websocket access is reflected in the Access Logs.
I have been going over Azure gateway documentation for Access logs over here
There is no protocol field - which usually carry ws or wss to indicate websocket access.
Thanks for help in advance
There is no user-configurable setting to selectively enable or disable WebSocket support in Application gateway. WebSocket protocols are designed to work over traditional HTTP ports of 80 and 443. You can continue using a standard HTTP listener on port 80 or 443 to receive WebSocket traffic. WebSocket traffic is then directed to the WebSocket enabled backend server using the appropriate backend pool as specified in application gateway rules.
Here is a clear documentation explaining about Websocket workflow in Application Gateway.

Restrict insecure web socket protocol connections in PCF

We are hosting an application in the preprod azure PCF environment which exposes websocket endpoints for client devices to connect to. Is there a prescribed methodology to secure the said websocket endpoint using TLS/SSL when hosted on PCF and running behind the PCF HAProxy?
I am having trouble interpreting this information, as in, are we supposed to expose port 4443 on the server and PCF shall by default pick it up to be a secure port that ensures unsecured connections cannot be established? Or does it require some configuration to be done on HAProxy?
Is there a prescribed methodology to secure the said websocket endpoint using TLS/SSL when hosted on PCF and running behind the PCF HAProxy?
A few things:
You don't need to configure certs or anything like that when deploying your app to PCF. The platform takes care of all that. In your case, it'll likely be handled by HAProxy, but it could be some other load balancer or even Gorouter depending on your platform operations team installed PCF. The net result is that TLS is first terminated before it hits your app, so you don't need to worry about it.
Your app should always force users to HTTPS. How you do this depends on the language/framework you're using, but most have some functionality for this.
This process generally works by checking to see if the incoming request was over HTTP or HTTPS. If it's HTTP, then you issue a redirect to the same URL, but over HTTPS. This is important for all apps, not just ones using WebSockets. Encrypt all the things.
Do keep in mind that you are behind one or more reverse proxies, so if you are doing this manually, you'll need to consider what's in x-forwarded-proto or x-forwarded-port, not just the upstream connection which would be Gorouter, not your client's browser.
If you are forcing your user's to HTTPS (#1 above), then your users will be unable to initiate an insecure WebSocket connection to your app. Browsers like Chrome & Firefox have restrictions to prevent an insecure WebSocket connection from being made when the site was loaded over HTTPS.
You'll get a message like The operation is insecure in Firefox or Cannot connect: SecurityError: Failed to construct 'WebSocket': An insecure WebSocket connection may not be initiated from a page loaded over HTTPS. in Chrome.
I am having trouble interpreting this information, as in, are we supposed to expose port 4443 on the server and PCF shall by default pick it up to be a secure port that ensures unsecured connections cannot be established? Or does it require some configuration to be done on HAProxy?
From the application perspective, you don't do anything different. Your app is supposed to start and listen on the assigned port, i.e. what's in $PORT. This is the same for HTTP, HTTP, WS & WSS traffic. In short, as an app developer you don't need to think about this when deploying to PCF.
The only exception would be if your platform operations team uses a load balancer that does not natively support WebSockets. In this case, to work around the issue they need to separate traffic. HTTP and HTTPS go on the traditional ports 80 and 443, and they will route WebSockets on a different port. The PCF docs recommend 4443, which is where you're probably seeing that port. I can't tell you if your platform is set up this way, but if you know that you're using HAproxy, it is probably not.
At any rate, if you don't know just push an app and try to initiate a secure WebSocket connection over port 443 and see if it works. If it fails, try 4443 and see if that works. That or ask your platform operations team.
For what it's worth, even if your need to use port 4443 there is no difference to your application that runs on PCF. The only difference would be in your JavaScript code that initiates the WebSocket connection. It would need to know to use port 4443 instead of the default 443.

I need to build a Vert.x virtual host server that channels traffic to other Vert.x apps. How is this kind of inter-app communication accomplished?

As illustrated above, I need to build a Vert.x Java app that will be an HTTP server/virtual host (TLS Http traffic, Web socket traffic) that will redirect/channel specific domain traffic to other Vert.x Java apps running on the same server, each in it's own JVM.
I have been reading for days but I remain uncertain as to how to approach all aspects of the task.
What I DO know or have experience with:
Creating an HTTP server, etc
Using a Vert.x VirtualHost handler to "handle" incoming traffic for a
specific domain
What I DO NOT know:
How do I "re-direct" a domain's traffic to another Vert.x app (this
other Vert.x app would also be running on the same server, in its own
- Naturally this "other" Vert.x app would need to respond to HTTP
requests, etc. What Vert.x mechanisms do I employ to accomplish this
aspect of the task?
Are any of the following concepts part of the solution? I'm unfamiliar with these concepts and how they may or may not form part of the solution.:
Running each Vert.x app using -cluster option?
Vert.x Streams?
Vert.x Pumps?
There are multiple ways to let your microservices communicate with each other, the fact that all your apps are running on the same server doesn't change much, but it makes number 2.) easy to configure
1.) Rest based client - server communication
Both host and apps have a webserver
When you handle the incoming requests on the host, you simply call another app with a HttpClient
Typically all services find each others address via service discovery.
Eg: each service registers his address in a central registry then other services use this central registry to find the addresses.
Note: this maybe an overkill for you and you can just configure the addresses of the other services.
2.) You start the vertx microservices in clustered mode
the eventbus is then shared among the services
For all incoming requests you send a broadcast on the eventbus
the responsible app replies to the message
For further reading you can checkout You start your projects with -cluster option and define the clustering in an xml configuration. I think by default it finds the services via local broadcast.
3.) You use a message broker like RabbitMq etc.
All your apps connect to a central message broker
When a new request comes in to the host, it sends a message to the message broker
The responible app then listens to the relevant messages and replies
The host receives the reply from the message broker
There are already many existing vertx clients for certain message brokers like kafka, camel, zeromq:

Shall I use WebSocket on ports other than 80?

Shall I use WebSocket on non-80 ports? Does it ruin the whole purpose of using existing web/HTTP infrastructures? And I think it no longer fits the name WebSocket on non-80 ports.
If I use WebSocket over other ports, why not just use TCP directly? Or is there any special benefits in the WebSocket protocol itself?
And since current WebSocket handshake is in the form of a HTTP UPGRADE request, does it mean I have to enable HTTP protocol on the port so that WebSocket handshake can be accomplished?
Shall I use WebSocket on non-80 ports? Does it ruin the whole purpose
of using existing web/HTTP infrastructures? And I think it no longer
fits the name WebSocket on non-80 ports.
You can run a webSocket server on any port that your host OS allows and that your client will be allowed to connect to.
However, there are a number of advantages to running it on port 80 (or 443).
Networking infrastructure is generally already deployed and open on port 80 for outbound connections from the places that clients live (like desktop computers, mobile devices, etc...) to the places that servers live (like data centers). So, new holes in the firewall or router configurations, etc... are usually not required in order to deploy a webSocket app on port 80. Configuration changes may be required to run on different ports. For example, many large corporate networks are very picky about what ports outbound connections can be made on and are configured only for certain standard and expected behaviors. Picking a non-standard port for a webSocket connection may not be allowed from some corporate networks. This is the BIG reason to use port 80 (maximum interoperability from private networks that have locked down configurations).
Many webSocket apps running from the browser wish to leverage existing security/login/auth infrastructure already being used on port 80 for the host web page. Using that exact same infrastructure to check authentication of a webSocket connection may be simpler if everything is on the same port.
Some server infrastructures for webSockets (such as in node.js) use a combined server infrastructure (single process, one listener) to support both HTTP requests and webSockets. This is simpler if both are on the same port.
If I use WebSocket over other ports, why not just use TCP directly? Or
is there any special benefits in the WebSocket protocol itself?
The webSocket protocol was originally defined to work from a browser to a server. There is no generic TCP access from a browser so if you want a persistent socket without custom browser add-ons, then a webSocket is what is offered. As compared to a plain TCP connection, the webSocket protocol offers the ability to leverage HTTP authentication and cookies, a standard way of doing app-level and end-to-end keep-alive ping/pong (TCP offers hop-level keep-alive, but not end-to-end), a built in framing protocol (you'd have to design your own packet formats in TCP) and a lot of libraries that support these higher level features. Basically, webSocket works at a higher level than TCP (using TCP under the covers) and offers more built-in features that most people find useful. For example, if using TCP, one of the first things you have to do is get or design a protocol (a means of expressing your data). This is already built-in with webSocket.
And since current WebSocket handshake is in the form of a HTTP UPGRADE
request, does it mean I have to enable HTTP protocol on the port so
that WebSocket handshake can be accomplished?
You MUST have an HTTP server running on the port that you wish to use webSocket on because all webSocket requests start with an HTTP request. It wouldn't have to be heavily featured HTTP server, but it does have to handle the initial HTTP request.
Yes - Use 443 (ie, the HTTPS port) instead.
There's little reason these days to use port 80 (HTTP) for anything other than a redirection to port 443 (HTTPS), as certification (via services like LetsEncrypt) are easy and free to set up.
The only possible exceptions to this rule are local development, and non-internet facing services.
Should I use a non-standard port?
I suspect this is the intent of your question. To this, I'd argue that doing so adds an unnecessary layer of complication with no obvious benefits. It doesn't add security, and it doesn't make anything easier.
But it does mean that specific firewall exceptions need to be made to host and connect to your websocket server. This means that people accessing your services from a corporate/school/locked down environment are probably not going to be able to use it, unless they can somehow convince management that it is mandatory. I doubt there are many good reasons to exclude your userbase in this way.
But there's nothing stopping you from doing it either...
In my opinion, yes you can. 80 is the default port, but you can change it to any as you like.

Are WebSockets really meant to be handled by Web servers?

The WebSocket standard hasn't been ratified yet, however from the draft it appears that the technology is meant to be implemented in Web servers. pywebsocket implements a WebSocket server which can be dedicated or loaded as Apache plugin.
So what I am am wondering is: what's the ideal use of WebSockets? Does it make any sense to implement a service using as dedicated WebSocket servers or is it better to rethink it to run on top of WebSocket-enabled Web server?
The WebSocket protocol was designed with three models in mind:
A WebSocket server running completely separately from any web server.
A WebSocket server running separately from a web server, but with traffic proxied to the websocket server from the web server (allowing websocket and HTTP traffic to co-exist on the same port)
A WebSocket server running as a plugin in the web server.
The model you pick really depends on the application you are trying to build and some other constraints that may limit your choices.
For example, if your application is going to be served from a single web server and the WebSocket connection will always be back to that same server, then it probably makes sense to just run the WebSocket server as a plugin/module in the web server.
On the other hand if you have a general WebSocket service that is usable from many different web sites (for example, you could have continuous low-latency traffic updates served from a WebSocket server), then you probably want to run the WebSocket server separate from any web server.
Basically, the tighter the integration between your WebSocket service and your web service, the more likely you will want to run them together and on the same port.
There are some constraints that may force one model or another:
If you control the server(s) but not the incoming firewall rules, then you probably have no choice but to run the WebSocket server on the same port(s) as your HTTP/HTTPS server (e.g. 80 and 443). In which case you will have to use a web server plugin or proxy to the real WebSocket server.
On the other hand, if you do not have super-user permission on the server where you are running the WebSocket server, then you will probably not be able to use ports 80 and 443 (below 1024 is generally a privileged port range) and in that case it really doesn't matter whether you run the HTTP/S and WebSocket servers on the same port or not.
If you have cookie based authentication (such as OAuth) in the web server and you would like to re-use this for the WebSocket connections then you will probably want to run them together (special case of tight integration).
