How to reset or remove Brave Wallet? - metamask

How to remove Brave browser Wallet? (It is similar to MetaMask but is baked into browser )
Page at brave://wallet/ is asking for password, that I don't remember and I don't need that,
I just need new.
Searches give no result so far.
P.S. Source of extensions are at
Issues there are disabled, and it looks like Brave orgnization guide to add issues into main repository that have 3k open issues
P.P.S. point to that is actually about removing account within wallet. suggest to play with (giving disclaimer) browser data folder
On you Windows machine, the bulk of your Wallet data is stored in ~/AppData/local/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/userdata/default in a file named ledger_state

EDIT: It seems that Brave actually implemented a way to reset the wallet.
Go to Settings > Wallet (in the left column) > Reset Wallet > Type in "Yes"
I've tried to delete different files and found out that after deleting the folder %LocalAppData%\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\odbfpeeihdkbihmopkbjmoonfanlbfcl resets the wallet and you can create a new one. But that doesn't reset the whole wallet thing, normally you have to press a button "I understand" before you can create, restore and so on.
So navigate to chrome://version to check profile location see
and then delete/rename Local Extension Settings\odbfpeeihdkbihmopkbjmoonfanlbfcl folder, then you can create new wallet. (Of cause old wallet is gone)

I seems not possible currently,
removing Brave Wallet extention is also not possible.
it is open issue

What you can do, is to remove C:\Users[your user]\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware.
Then brave lets you setup a new wallet.

I just disabled the Crypto Wallet extension. Crypto Wallet extension

In settings -> wallet, where it says 'default cryptocurrency wallet' set that to none, so that it doesn't override any other wallet you want to use.


Windows Share Permissions for Domain Admins not working

I'm setting up a new share that I've enabled enumerated access on. I'm looking to limit people access to files on a certain folder. I've setup other folders that restrict access unless your in a security group. This folder thats giving me trouble was copied over from another network share. When I create a folder from scratch everything works fine so I'm curious if thats whats giving me issues.
The folder I'm trying to access is
x:/Limerock/Projects/"Project Name"
If I go into the security tab and check my effective access it says that I have full control:
The user I'm signed into is joe.jankowiak which is part of the Domain Admins security group. Domain Admins owns all the folders in above this and has full control.
When trying to enter the folder it tells me I need to request permission. I'm an admin so it goes through and adds "joe.jankowiak" to the full control list in the security permissions.
Why is it not taking my domain admin credentials to enter this folder? I'm seeing other weird behavior such as it saying "Unable to display current owner." and "You must have read permissions to view the properties of this object". Clicking continue lets me see it.
Everything looks right, I've setup 6 other new folders in the exact same manner and they work fine. I've signed in and out many times but it hasn't fixed it. Weird enough, another computer I signed into lets me access the folder just fine. Is there a way to reload file permissions since logging in/out doesn't seem to do it. Is there a command like gpupdate that I should run?
I have seen this before andyou might need to do the following operations in order:
-Replace Ownership on the folder and replace all child object ownership too=>apply or OK
-Close the security properties and re-open it again
-Add Domain Admins as full control and Replace all child object permissions... =>apply/OK
That should do it

PWA builder: How to update existing app with Android Package Options

Am using to generate .apk file for uploading to Google Play Store.
Was able to successfully Create New and add PWA for first time to the Play Store, however some updates have been made and now need to update the PWA with latest updates.
For updating a existing app through PWAbuilder, need to change Options:
and for the Signing key section, then need to select the Use mine option:
How to get the Key file for the Signing key section?
and where to find the Key alias + Key password + Key store password?
Am having trouble finding answer specifically for this situation so if you can, please also share screenshots to help be more clear & specific.
Okay so I misunderstood and thought this key file and info is found through the Google Play Console, however when reading issue on I came across the post by user xet7 and that contains 6 steps and I realized with their step 5:
You will get .zip file that has key file like signing.keystore that has random data, and signingKey-readme.txt that has your passwords.
so I went back to my original .zip received from PWAbuilder website during initial uploading to Google Play and found those two files:
In the signing-key-info.txt you will find the info needed for PWAbuilder's Android Package Options to fill in the Signing key section input fields: Key alias + Key password + Key store password
and the signing.keystore is the file we need for the Key file that needs to be included.
Also, make sure to update App version code and update other fields and can hit DONE button!

How to retrieve a saved ftp password from phpStorm?

I know that technically, this question should be asked on phpStorm's forums, but being a popular IDE (I bet an eventual solution would also work for other popular IDEs from JetBrains), I'm thinking:
someone on SO might know and share the answer (faster than I'd get it from vendor)
the question answer might be useful and valuable to other coders (for that matter, even if I shall need to go on the vendor's forum I will get back with the answer here, when I find it)
If there is any need of context: I accidentally switched the connection type of a saved connection from ftp to local folder and when I switched back, the saved credentials were gone.
The question: Can I retrieve the saved password...
Angle 1: ...from this computer?
Angle 2: ...from another computer that has the same credentials saved, which I could access via TeamViewer, but has the password ●●●●●●(hidden)?
Edit: This method can only be used in the version of 2016.1 or before. For newer version (probably 2016.2), they changed the encode method. There is no clue for me to decode it.
Open C:\Users\.WebIde100\config\options\webServers.xml
Find your FTP and get the encrypted password from the password attribute.
Decrypt the password. I have written a PHP script to decrypt the string:
$pwd = "Your encrypted password here.";
$decrypted = '';
while (strlen($pwd) > 0) {
$decrypted .= chr(hexdec(substr($pwd, 0, 4)) ^ hexdec('dfaa'));
$pwd = substr($pwd, 4, strlen($pwd) - 1);
echo $decrypted;
If you trust my tools, you can use
If you use KeePass database file to store passwords, you can easely set password for that file, save and then open in KeePass manager, or migrate to other PHPStorm.
Go to Settings/Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings
| Passwords, enter new master password and save.
Open /.PhpStorm2017.1/config/c.kdbx (in "Keepass 2" or "Keeweb") with saved master password.
Here it is!
See answer here
Retrieve saved (hidden) SSH password from PhpStorm 2017.1
One way that just worked for me was to install Wireshark.
Use a capture filter of 'ftp', and do a "Test connection" inside PHPStorm.
Now stop the capture and examine what you've sniffed. The password will be in there.
I know this is a 1 year old question, but for everyone else, you can try to copy the selected (hidden) password with CTRL+C, and paste it in a text document (tested with 2016.3 on Debian).
For OSX users
Open keychain -> select the System Roots keychain (on the left side) -> search for IntelliJ.
If you click it you will see the ftp-username in the "Account" field. You can also use right click on the records to copy the password.

Webdeploy Publish Profile password saving

I saved a publish profile into an .xml along wit all the login info. But when i import this XML to another computer and try to publish, it'll say that my password is incorrect.
What can I do to have the password correctly saved into the publish profile and compatible with other computer?
My guess is that the program purposely obfuscates the passwords using the current PC's "salt" and generates a unique hash. Thus, preventing the passwords from being stolen via the profile publish function.
As mentioned by user1785999, you can save the password in plain text, just add the password element to your .pubxml file:
If you want the publishing profile to work across different computers, you need to save the password in plain text.
Just to add an additional answer, this may be version specific for .pubxml, but you can add these line to ensure visual studio save the password.
Make sure to use the ".\" prefix for a local account, and "domain\" prefix for an Active Directory account.

Windows / Active Directory - User / Groups

I'm looking for a way to find a the windows login associated with a specific group. I'm trying to add permissions to a tool that only allows names formatted like:
I have a list of users in active directory format that I need to add:
I have tried adding DOMAIN\Group1, but I get a 'user not found' error.
P.S. should also be noted that I'm not a Lan admin
Programatically or Manually?
Manually, i prefer AdExplorer, which is a nice Active directory Browser. You just connect to your domain controller and then you can look for the user and see all the details. Of course, you need permissions on the Domain Controller, not sure which though.
Programatically, it depends on your language of couse. On .net, the System.DirectoryServices Namespace is your friend. (I don't have any code examples here unfortunately)
For Active Directory, I'm not really an expert apart from how to query it, but here are two links I found useful: (General stuff about the Structure of AD)
You need to go to the Active Directory Users Snap In after logging in as a domain admin on the machine:
Go to start --> run and type in mmc.
In the MMC console go to File -->
Add/Remove Snap-In Click Add Select
Active Directory Users and Computers and select Add.
Hit Close and then hit OK.
From here you can expand the domain tree and search (by right-clicking on the domain name).
You may not need special privileges to view the contents of the Active Directory domain, especially if you are logged in on that domain. It is worth a shot to see how far you can get.
When you search for someone, you can select the columns from View --> Choose Columns. This should help you search for the person or group you are looking for.
You do not need domain admin rights to look at the active directory. By default, any (authenticated?) user can read the information that you need from the directory.
If that wasn't the case, for example, a computer (which has an associated account as well) could not verify the account and password of its user.
You only need admin rights to change the contents of the directory.
I think it is possible to set more restricted permissions, but that's not likely the case.
OU is an Organizational Unit (sort of like a Subfolder in Explorer), not a Group, Hence group1, 2 and 3 are not actually groups.
You are looking for the DN Attribute, also called "distinguishedName". You can simply use DOMAIN\DN once you have that.
Edit: For groups, the CN (Common Name) could also work.
The full string from Active Directory normally looks like this:
(Can be longer or shorter, but the important bit is that the "ou" part is worthless for what you're trying to achieve.
Well, AdExplorer runs on your Local Workstation (which is why I prefer it) and I believe that most users have read access to AD anyway because that's actually required for stuff to work, but I'm not sure about that.
Install the "Windows Support Tools" that is on the Windows Server CD (CD 1 if it's Windows 2003 R2). If your CD/DVD drive is D: then it will be in D:\Support\Tools\SuppTools.msi
This gives you a couple of additional tools to "get at" AD:
LDP.EXE - good for reading information in AD, but the UI kinda stinks.
ADSI Edit - another snap-in for MMC.EXE that you can both browse AD with and get to all those pesky AD attributes you're looking for.
You can install these tools on your local workstation and access AD from there without domain admin privileges. If you can log on to the domain, you can at least query/read AD for this information.
Thanks adeel825 & Michael Stum.
My problem is, though, i'm in a big corporation and do not have access to log in as the domain admin nor to view the active directory, so i guess my solution is to try and get that level of access.
