"There is no code editor for MainWindow.xaml" error in Blend 2019 - visual-studio

I am only getting the following error in Blend for Visual Studio 2019, when clicking on "View Code" after right-clicking in the designer view:
There is no editor available for MainWindow.xaml. Make sure the application for the file type (.xaml) is installed.
I can open each file individually (i.e. the designer and the code-behind)
This error does not occur in Visual Studio 2019, but in Blend
This happens for multiple project files
I've repaired VS with no luck

I fixed the issue by uninstalling Xamarin


VS2015: Xamarin license file is invalid

I'm using Xamarin with Visual Studio 2015. After a recent upgrade of the Xamarin plugin, I'm getting an error the first time I try to "Clean Solution" or "Build Solution" after launching Visual Studio:
The Xamarin license file is invalid and could not be recovered. You will still be able to access the Xamarin features that are included in Visual Studio Professional.
The error dialog offers a single option: "Use Visual Studio Professional". If I choose that option, I can re-try whatever operation I was using and it will work fine, and continue to work fine until I exit and re-launch Visual Studio.
I have found some older threads where people mention what seem like similar problems, but the solutions refer to using Tools->Xamarin Account, which does not appear anywhere in my Visual Studio "Tools" menu.
Specific versions in play:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015 14.0.25431.01 Update 3
I have this same problem with a couple of different, unconnected solutions (one of which is using Xamarin.Android, another of which uses Xamarin.Forms).

Visual Studio 2013 New Project dialog broken showing blank

I have installed Visual studio 2013 with update 2 but after successful installation When I try to create a new project , I am seeing blank window
But I am able to see some template when I try to click create a new website
I have tried resetting setting or installing template from visual studio command prompt.. even tried repairing it but no success
I have tried solution mentioned in below links but no success yet.
Missing project templates in "New Project" dialog box in Visual Studio 2013
Visual Studio 2013 new project templates appear empty
On windows machine hit Win + R (Run Command Dialog)
Type appwiz.cpl
find Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate (this may vary) then Dbl Click.
The Dialog Box Shown below appears.
The VS Repair Dialog Box
Click on repair and wait for the process to complete.
You may be prompted for a reboot.
Your New Project Dialog Box should be back as it was.

Unable to open project in Visual Studio 2013 Pro - Marmalade Project

I'm unable to open Marmalade MKB Files in Visual Studio 2013 Pro, while my other class mates can with the exact same version of Visual Studio. I've tried multiple projects but unfortunately I'am unable to open any. I've already tried to reinstall Marmalade.
The error message I get is:
Unsupported This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the
following projects. The project types may not be installed or this
version of Visual Studio may not support them.
Sounds like you may have set the mkb to be opened by visual studio as default instead of Marmalade.
So instead of Marmalade taking the mkb and turning it into a visual studio project and then opening it Visual Studio is just trying to open the .mkb file it doesn't understand.
Try right clicking on the mkb and choosing Open in Hub (or similar) from the context menu. You should be able to then open in IDE from there and have it open your project in visual studio. If you still get the same error then it means the problem is probably something else. If it works you'll have to stop visual studio being the default that will hopefully let marmalade take over again
Good Luck

Visual Studio 2013 crashing when opening debug tab

Visual Studio 2013 Professional crashes when I try to open the Debug tab in the properties panel of a Windows Phone 8 project. No error given only "Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 has stopped working". Attached Visual Studio as a debugger and got the following error:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualStudio.SmartDevice.ProjectSystem.Base.dll
I'm running Visual Studio as an Administrator
I have the same problem with a very weird behavior. The first time I create a WP8 project in VS2013 I have all the options for emulators, the designer, the devices and even the debug tab of the project working fine. All the markup of the mainpage.xaml is ok. If I close and reopen a new instance of the project in visual studio 2013, everything start having problems: I can not open the debug tab, the emulators optios are gone, the device windows appear in read only mode, The markup of the xaml says an "Invalid Markup" and got errors like:
The name "PhoneApplicationPage" does not exist in the namespace "clr-namespace:Microsoft.Phone.Controls;assembly=Microsoft.Phone".
BUT: It compiles and run in the emulator.
I also DO have all the Xamarin tools installed. It seems I am not getting this errors in Visual Studio 2012.
SOLUTION: From Xamarin Studio check for update and install the android SDK 4.10.2 and GTK# ( At the time of this writing you have to subscribe to the BETA Channel to get this update. After installation you DONT have to delete de .suo file of the project and everything looks fine again in Visual Studio 2013

Visual Basic 2010 Express Error: No Editor Available

When I open my SLN file in Visual Studio, it launches and loads correctly with no errors. When I select a VB file from the Solution Explorer, I get the following message:
I have tried to associate the file type with Windows, but it is already associated. What can I do to get my files to open? HELP PLEASE!
: I can right click and open any file in Visual Basic Express and it works, but the problem is that when I am in the IDE I cannot open files from the solution explorer which means I cannot edit the UI.
The problem described was occurring due to a bug in the Windows 8 developer preview. Upgrading to the Consumer Edition fixes the problem, and adds a number of stability improvements, plus a new Visual Studio IDE is available: Visual Studio 11.
