Spring boot application with Azure AD throws Reply URL does not match - spring-boot

I have a spring boot application integrated with Azure AD SAML login. I have followed this sample to achieve this. It works fine in localhost but on deployment to a prod url, it keeps giving below error
the redirect uri that I see in the authorization request URL starts with http. This is contradictory because Azure App Registration does not allow to configure any non https URLs and only exception is localhost.
In order to match URLs, I tried editing App Registration's manifest in Azure portal to make it http. Now, it seems URLs match but then I get below error:
I have also tried setting https URL both on azure portal and application.properties using "azure.activedirectory.redirect-uri-template" as mentioned in stack overflow post here but that also does not work.
I have also gone through this post but that also didn't help.
Any help would be much appreciated.

In order to solve the error of redirecting to https but the redirect_uri in request still starts with http, there are two similar issues:
1. The HTTPS requests terminate at the proxy and the proxy then uses HTTP protocol to communicate to your Tomcat server. You will face this if you deploy your code on cloud providers like App Service. Answer is here.
In application.properties:
2. Add server.forward-headers-strategy=native in applications.properties. Answer is here. For more about this setting, see here.


How can I setup keycloak and Spring to use HTTPS when redirecting to login page

I'm trying to reach a Spring Boot API hosted on a server with my Angular application, but I have some CORS issues.
CORS Error in the console
Redirection Flow
I tried several things, I added my URLs in both keycloak and Spring, and I think I found the origin of the problem but can't seems to resolve it.
I believe the problem comes from the fact that keycloak redirects to http://user-service.cubetech-app.fr/sso/login instead of the HTTPS version of that url. I read that when the browser detect a redirection on a different hostname it change the Origin header to null, and I think this is what creates the CORS error.
I don't know how to force HTTPS on the internal redirection.
For further informations, my spring backend and my keycloak server are hosted on my VPS, in a docker, and behind a traefik reverse-proxy that enables HTTPS with Let's Encrypt.
Check the webOrigins value of the client you use in Keycloak.
Realm settings-> clients -> {your client}

Q: Google OAuth 2 Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch but redirect uri is compliant and already registered in Google Cloud Console

I am developing a NextJS application using next-auth with Google Oauth 2 as its authentication provider. The production build is running on Heroku. When attempting to sign in on my production build, Google OAuth is giving me "Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch". Normally this would be an easy fix, except the exact uri is already registered in Cloud Console.
I have also tried added many different permutations of my uri, but this did not help.
This issue not solved by 11485271 or 69151061.
Error in question:
Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch
You can't sign in to this app because it doesn't comply with Google's OAuth 2.0 policy.
If you're the app developer, register the redirect URI in the Google Cloud Console.
Request Details
If you’re the app developer, make sure that these request details comply with Google policies.
redirect_uri: https://middcourses2.herokuapp.com/api/auth/callback/google
And here is a link to the list of authorized domains in GCP.
Solved! So for some reason, Google changed my Client ID and Client Secret after I already set up those env variables. Once I noticed the change and inputted the new values it worked fine.
For me, clientID was not the issue, but this was due to a trailing slash( / ).
redirect_uri must be an EXACT MATCH on the developers console.
In the Google Cloud console, I had http://localhost:8080 under the redirect URIs in the list while my code was sending http://localhost:8080/ while making the oAuth call.

Google OAuth2 integration Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch

I'm getting this error Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch even after giving the proper redirect uri. You can check the images below for the reference. It works for my localhost but it shows this error for my server. My domain looks like https://xxx.topLevelDomain.com. I'm not able to find the possible cause of this issue after surfing most of the issues related to this error. Although, I guess the issue maybe because I'm using a subdomain here, but still not sure if its the issue.
Application info:
frontend is in react hosted on https://someTopLevelDomain.com
backend is in spring boot hosted on https://someSubdomain.someTopLevelDomain.com
Your application is sending from as http to a .com domain
In google developer console you have only one http domain listed and that is localhost
The redirect uri you are sending from must exactly match one that you have added in google cloud console.
To understand how to set up your redirect uri properly check Google OAuth2: How the fix redirect_uri_mismatch error. Part 2 server sided web applications.
where is the redirect uri comming from
Depending upon the programing language, the ide and the client library you may be using will define what redirect uri your application is calling from.
For example i know that visual studio likes to add random ports with C#. I cant tell you what is generating your redirect uri i can only tell you that
The following needs to be added to your google cloud console.
or you need to figuer out what is setting the host on your requests and set it to use https so that you can use the one that you have there now

How to access sonarqube if the server requires basic authentication?

Our sonarqubeinstance deployed on a server which requires basic authentication. How we should configure sonar maven plugin in this case? Any combination of sonar.login and sonar.host.url (with or without user:password for server) will result in 401 error
The sonar-runner, even if configured with credentials, does not use these to make it's first call to the server. The endpoint is /batch/index. You have to allow public access to that endpoint. For all other urls basic auth is fine.
I have more details in my answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/60132667/1838233

Spring Boot Admin: 401 on Jolokia endpoint causes authentication to fail

I am using Spring-Boot-Admin in order to monitor a SpringBoot app whose actuator endpoints are secured using basic auth. The required credentials are transferred to Spring-Boot-Admin (SBA) like described in the documentation. SBA itself is also secured using spring-boot-admin-server-ui-login and the provided SecurityConfiguration (based on the documentation & sample apps, see Github Repo for code).
Both the app to be monitored and SBA are deployed via docker.
Logging in to SBA works fine and I can see the application state as well as the health results. For some content I see a nested login mask though. When I click on "Logging" or "JMX" I am redirected to the login mask:
In the browsers network tab I can see that a 401 is returned for the /jolokia endpoint. All requests after that seem to be forwarded to the login page.
I have the following questions:
Why am I logged out if one request to the application fails? Is that a bug?
What is the source of the 401? SBA or my app? I know that SBA proxies requests to the app. According to the access logs from my app no request to /jolokia is done when I login to SBA. Does this mean that the 401 is returned by SBA directly? Its logs contain nothing of relevance though.
Accessing the /jolokia endpoint directly works fine. It even works when I use the same (proxied) URL that SBA uses (e.g. http://XXX:8090/api/applications/XXX/jolokia/). What is different when this is executed from within SBA?
I've tried to find more error details in SBA but so far failed to find the proper logging options. They either contain nothing relevant or way too much information (e.g. Spring Security) that doesn't seem to be relevant. Logging the full response would probably help...
Edit: I just realized, that the request to the /jolokia endpoint actually contains a different cookie (Cookie:JSESSIONID=4E51B84AE15A6890500F967B23EB92AC) than the requests to the working endpoints (e.g. /metrics). Thats weird, but probably explains why the /jolokia endpoint returns a 401. Now the question is: Why does it send a different cookie`?
I tried various things, but in the end couldn't solve this.
I instead ended up with a different configuration: No security at all for the endpoints (management.security.enabled=false), but exposing them on a different port (management.port=8081). This management endpoint is blocked for external access to the system completely.
With that, SBA behaves nicely and the application is still secure. In the end, its a much simpler setup which is good, too.
I had a similar problem.
I could access all actuator endpoints, but everything with /jolokia would not be authorized. Although my security setup is a different to yours, i assume the problem is the same.
When i digged into this I found out that jolokia runs in its own servlet separately from the spring boot application. Maybe therefore you have different sessions!?
My Security Config tries to match this expression
but the SBA user role was not able to access Jolokia. It always matched the last fallback-rule where only Admin was allowed.
In my case the context- and servlet-path of the jolokia servlet would be stripped away from the request path before trying to match it to my security config. Then it would only match "/list" against my MVC matchers instead of "/actuator/jolokia/list" which would then not fit as expected.
Unfortunately I do not have a fix for your problem. For my case i added a requestMatchers rule which is a little bit less opinionated and would still match:
.requestMatchers(request -> request.getRequestURI().contains("/actuator/jolokia/")).access("hasAnyRole('ADMIN','SBA')")
instead of
