Open shell variable (assigned with path) using vim editor - shell

I am assigning a shell variable say TEST1 in .bashrc like below:
In my Present directory (pwd), i have folders in following hierarchy:
I am at pwd. I want to open ztext.c file from bash shell by executing
vim $TEST1/ and Tab key
I expected shell will list ztext.c in screen. But it didnt. Since i know the file name, i entered like below:
vim $TEST1/ztext.c
vim was opening new file and not the existing file.
But cd $TEST1 is moving to x/y folder path. Problem is only when executed with vim like mentioned above
Please correct me what am i doing wrong here.
Note : I tried export and set keyword for the TEST1 variable. It didnt help. Observation is same.

I don't why it's not working - I just did it on my machine. Below I show
exactly what I'm seeing in my terminal:
$ l -R
$ export TEST1='x/y'
$ vim $TEST1/
Pressing Tab expands to:
vim x/y/ztest.c


bash - supplying variable as a file path

I'm trying to specify a variable for opening up a file with a particular app, but no matter how I attempt to reference it, it's not working.
I've been trying different ways of setting the variable, but for each of the variations I've tried, it fails.
open ~/.zshrc -a $sublime1
open ~/.zshrc -a $sublime2
open ~/.zshrc -a $sublime3
The file /Users/matthew/ does not exist
It gives me the same error for each, so I assume they're equivalent. Even when I try cd $sublime it also fails, but slightly differently...
bash: cd: /Applications/Sublime: No such file or directory
It was suggested by Charles to use a function to accomplish the task of quickly opening something in sublime.
sublime() { open "$#" -a "/Applications/Sublime"; }
Will allow you to simply run
sublime ~/.zshrc
These assignments are correct:
The problem is with the invocation. Variables used as command line arguments are subject to word splitting and globbing. You need to double-quote them, like this:
open ~/.zshrc -a "$sublime1"
open ~/.zshrc -a "$sublime3"
try using sublime1=$(/Applications/Sublime/
and using chmod 770 on in the command line
sorry for my english...

Modifying bash prompt

When I open my terminal in Mac OS X, the command prompt current reads:
James-MacBook:project1 sam$
project1 is the name of the current directory.
What I want is to display the full path instead of James-MacBook.
How do I achieve this?
Your current prompt appears to show the hostname and the basename of your current directory. That means that the bash prompt, PS1, is likely set to:
PS1='\h:\W\$ '
To get the full directory name, use \w in place of \W:
PS1='\h:\w\$ '
You can set this at the command prompt. To make it permanent, this command can go into ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile or other depending on how your system is configured.
You can read more about the options for command prompts, for which there are many options, in the PROMPTING section of man bash. Regarding the \w and \W options mentioned above, man bash explains how they are used:
\wthe current working directory, with $HOME abbreviated with a tilde (uses the value of the PROMPT_DIRTRIM
\W the basename of the current working directory, with $HOME abbreviated with a tilde
Easy. This is not an OS X thing, but a bash thing. Try this:
export PS1='$(pwd): '
Then if you want to make it permanent, just edit your .bash_profile:
nano ~/.bash_profile
And place that first command in there.

Creating aliases in .bash_profile that run a shell script

So I have a script called that I want to be able to run using the command "lyrics" in the terminal.
I have opened up my .bash_profile and am wondering how I can create the alis which 1) finds the script and then 2) executes it
The file is inside a folder called bash at the following path
What I have so far (inside my bash profile), which doesn't work because I guess it's not "executing" the script.
alias spotlyrics=“/Users/username/Documents/bash/“
I get the following error when running "spotlyrics" in the terminal:
-bash: “/Users/username/Documents/bash/“: No such file or directory
Would love some help, thanks!
You've been editing your .bash_profile with something that is not a proper text editor. The quotation marks are not ASCII, and therefore not actually quotation marks as far as the shell is concerned.
Instead of beating around the bush with aliasing a script to a name it mostly already has, why not put the script in a directory in PATH and let it be its own command?
mkdir ~/bin
echo 'PATH+=:$HOME/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
mv "/path/to/" ~/bin/spotlyrics && chmod +x ~/bin/spotlyrics
Then restart the shell (log out and back in) and you won't need the alias.
Well, the shell scripts are not executable by just calling it's name, they should be run using "source" command(in case of not c-shell, dot command(.) can also be used).So while adding an alias in .bashrc or .bash_profile for running a shell script append source command before the path to the shell script.
In your case probably this should work:`
alias spotlyrics='source /Users/username/Documents/bash/'`
Please let me know if it doesn't work. Because it worked for me.

Why do I need to source bash_profile every time

I have installed Hadoop and every time I want to run it, first I have to do this:
source ~/.bash_profile
or it won't recognize the command hadoop
Why is that?
I am on OSX 10.8
Now that we've narrowed down the problem:
Run ps -p $$ at the command line to check if you are, in fact, using a bash shell.
Realize that you are in zsh, which means you should be editing your profile in .zshrc.
Copy the offending lines from .bash_profile to .zshrc, OR
Modify your .zshrc to directly source your .bash_profile.
UPDATE: Do what #TC1 mentions in the comments and keep the shell-specific code in each shell's own profile, and from those profiles, only source shell-agnostic code.
On Mac Catalina, I just had to open "preferences" on terminal and change the "shells open with" from "default" to "Command(complete path)", which the default path was "/bin/zsh". touch ~/.zshrc, if that file doesn't exist already, and copy/paste your stuff from ".bash_profile" into the ".zshrc" file.
To elaborate, with terminal running, I opened "settings" from the Terminal menu on the Mac navbar. On the "General" tab, look for "Shells open with" select "Command (complete path)", and type in /bin/zsh. is applicable for bash shell.
if your default shell is not bash and if your default shell is someother shell for example zsh then you have to manually load the .bash_profile using source ~/.bash_profile.
You can always change the default shell to bash shell so that the .bash_profile file will be automatically loaded.
Inorder to automatically load .bash_profile, you can update your default shell to bash using the command chsh -s /bin/bash
cat /etc/shells will list the default shells available in the
echo $SHELL will display the currently active shell in your machine
To change active shell to a different shell, use chsh -s /bin/bash.
Then echo $SHELL to verify if the shell has changed.
Terminal -> Preference -> profile -> Shell -> Run command : source ~/.bash_profile
Tick on run inside shell.
After doing all those , just logout and check weather everything works fine or not
I tried the approved answer. Changing the .zshrc file works for one of my machines. But for the other one, when I run ps -p $$, it is -sh under the command. And I changed both bash and zsh files, neither of them works for me this time.
So I found this
it mentioned
"When Bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a non-interactive shell with the --login option, it first reads and executes commands from the file /etc/profile, if that file exists. "
so I went to that file /etc/profile and add "source ~/.bashrc" in that file. Then it works since every time a terminal is opened, it runs the command in that /etc/profile file.
Not sure if this is the best solution but it works.
sudo nano /etc/bashrc and change that, restarted the terminal and it finally remembered with command. Tried ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc without success, just wasn't sourcing it.
Go to “Preferences/Profiles then look in the right window and find “shell”.
Once in that if your “Startup Run Command” hasn’t been turned on. Click the box to turn it on and in the command section type:
(If you made a .zsh file)
source .zsh ; clear
(If you made a .bash_profile)
source .bash_profile ; clear
Doing this ; clear
Will clear your terminal to a new page so that you don’t see your terminal display:
“Last login: etc
User#user-Mac ~ % source .zsh
If you typed the commands as I said you should just get this:
User#user-Mac ~ %
That way you will be greeted with a clear page with no extra jumbo. Also to make sure that your .zsh or .bash_profile aliases work type the following command to see a list of your custom aliases:
One alias I like to do is
alias LL=“ls -la”
This will display a tree or the directory you are in as well as hidden files.

How to suppress (or customize) Mac Terminal shell prompt

Currently in my Terminal, every shell prompt looks like ComputerName: FooDir UserName$. The UserName part simply wastes too much space out of my precious 80 columns. Is there a way to suppress it?
The prompt is defined by the environment variable PS1 which you can define in .bash_profile.
To edit it, open or create the (hidden) file .bash_profile:
nano .bash_profile
and add a line that says
export PS1=""
Between the quotation marks, you can insert what you would like as your terminal prompt. You can also use variables there:
\d – date
\t – time
\h – hostname
\# – command number
\u – username
\W – current directory (e.g.: Desktop)
\w – current directory path (e.g.: /Users/Admin/Desktop)
The default prompt for common Linux distributions would be \w $, which evaluates to ~ $ in your home directory or e.g. /Users $ somewhere else. There are also website (like this one) that can help you with building your prompt.
If you want to remove the UserName part, your choice would be \h: \w$.
Once you made your changes, save the file with Control+o, Return, Control+x.
Here's an excellent article with a full list of Variables and Colors:
Customize your Shell Command Prompt
For a simple, minimalistic prompt, you can try this. Add the following line to your .bash_profile or simply test it first by running it in your terminal:
export PS1="\[\033[0m\]\w\$ "
It'll look something like this:
Here's my Prompt (source), also very simple:
export PS1="\[\033[1;97m\]\u: \[\033[1;94m\]\w \[\033[1;97m\]\$\[\033[0m\] "
2019 onwards, MacOS default shell is Z Shell. To customize command prompt, add a file named .zshrc in user home and put following line that sets a PS1 environment variable with desired prompt format:
export PS1="[%n]%~> "
Open new terminal
This is result of following format expansion:
%n User name
%~ Current directory
See full list of available expansions here.
Your answer can be found right here: at about the middle of the page. :)
