In Dax, how can I get value from multiple columns with multiple criteria? - dax

I am just a beginner in Dax language.
I googled it a lot to find solution, but failed.
Please help me to solve this problem.
Here are the two tables examples and there is no relation between them. ( I am using power query and power pivot)
I need to get sales location visitor from another table.
enter image description here
enter image description here
Sales Location
1st floor
2nd floor
USA's 1st floor visitor
USA's 2nd floor visitor
Canada's 1st floor visitor
Canada's 2nd floor visitor
I tried to use IF and Lookupvalue, but it shows errors.
Could you please help me?
Thank you in advance.

You'll need to use Power Query to do some transformations to the second table so that it looks like this:
To do this, you'll have to transpose all columns, fill down the country column, and unpivot all other columns (highlight all other columns > unpivot columns). I'd then recommend adding a column to both tables that unites the country and sales location (USA-1st floor, USA-2nd floor, etc.) to both tables and use that as your connection in the model. You'll then be able to do a VLOOKUP using this united column between the tables.
Someone else may have a quicker answer but this should get you there!


Swapping rows and columns in a matrix in Power BI

I want to analyse the sales of a certain company in Power Bi. I have a customer dataset with nine columns (gender, city, age range, hair colour etc.) and one million records. Now I want to put those columns in a matrix. For instance:
Rows: Gender
Columns: Age Range (<16, 17-20, 21-25 etc.)
Values: Number of Sales
I present this dashboard towards some people and I want to 'play' with the data. What happens if I change the rows to 'hair colour' for instance. Is there a way to do this without using bookmarks? In one sentence: swapping rows and columns of a matrix while you present the dashboard and cannot use the option 'Fields'? Or at least point me in the right direction? It would really help me. Thanks in advance!
Unfortunately, the quickest way to do this is using the Fields pane. The only other option that is available would be Bookmarks, but I guess you have already tried that. I guess you are an option similar to the one available in "Pivot Charts" where you can "Switch Rows/Columns" with the click of a button. That option is not available in Power BI at this point, as far as I know.

Duplicate key measure columns appearing in a matrix

The requirement:
My users want a slicer which displays the dimensions of a data table they can then select from and have the dimensions display in a corresponding matrix visual along with two measures, Sales TY and Sales LY.
Progress so far.
I’ve achieved this by taking the table, selecting the column which indexes the table and unpivoting the rest of the columns. Next I place a slicer on the report and attach it to the unpivoted table’s Attributes field (now renamed as ‘Column’). Finally, I add a matrix visual to the report and add to it the unpivoted table fields Column, Index and Value fields. Now when I click on the slicer, whichever dimensions I select appear in the matrix.
The problem:
However, when adding the measures previously created (Sales TY and Sales LY) to the matrix, each measure is repeated after every column selected for display, whereas I only want the measures to display once.
Does anyone know if this possible? I’ve tried a number of approaches but nothing seems to work. I’m a new user so apologies if this is an FAQ I’ve yet to come across or I’m doing something glaringly obviously wrong. As I say I’m only just starting out in DAX and Power BI. I’m looking pretty hard at table functions and the Switch statement with the hope of calculating the solution somehow but haven’t managed it yet. Any advice, steer or comment greatly appreciated, thanks.

PowerPivot DAX measure Filtering

I am starting to use all de PowerBI tools for a customer.
On the data they have three shops (1,2 and 4, named in the table "botiga") and diferent departments (named in the table "departament").
I need to calculate the sales (named "vendes" or Ventas[import]) of all the departments and all the shops but I have to exclude in the calculation the ones that correspond to the shop 1 and 2 and also correspond to the department 61.
All the realated columns are in the same table named "Ventas"
I did it and it Works with this measure:
vendes sense carnisseria:=[Vendes]-SUMX(FILTER(Ventas;Ventas[Botiga]<>"4" && Ventas[Departament]="61");Ventas[Import])
But I am sure that theri is a better way to do it, I have tried to do like in excel when we do SUMIF but doesn't seems to work.
I use FILTER beacouse I want that the data filters used in the associated pivot table remain.
Calculate is like a supercharged Sumif.
Try something like
[vendes] - Calculate([vendes];Ventas[Botiga]<> "4"; Ventas[Departament]="61")
I would also check that you want any shop that isn't #4 or if you want just shops #1 and #2. While that yields the same results right now, it may not in the future.

SSRS linking two matrix tables

I am using SSRS 2008.
I have a report with 2 different matrix tables having two different datasets as their sources.
The data comes fine in both the tables individually.
My issue starts where I have to use data from one table to calculate percentage in the second table.
Here are the details:
Table 1:
Contains columns: Date, Referal_Status ('1' for each valid row), Department
Table 2:
Contains Columns: Date, Membership_Status ('1' for each valid row), Department
In table 1, I need to show referral counts (sum of valid Status) grouped by month in columns, and grouped by department in rows. Also an additional row and column for totals of the same.
This is implemented with no issues.
In table 2, I need to show membership counts (sum of valid Status) AND referals to membership percentage grouped by each month in columns, and grouped by department in rows. Also an additional row and column for totals of the same. The issue starts when I try to implement the percentage calculation.
Let's say I have the membership counts number for April 2014 in the membership table. How do I take the referrals count number for April 2014 from the referral table and compute the April 2014 percentage as referal_num/Membership_Num * 100
The issue that I face is the scopes of both the matrix tables being different.
Please help me attain the above in the SSRS matrix tables.
Am I providing enough information to get through to you folks about my issue? Please let me know in case you need more information from me.
This is often a road to misery, but anyway ...
I would use the Lookup Function to retrieve the Referrals count. You will need to concatenate your two key columns (Date and Department) into one expression.
This sounds great and often works well. However when it doesn't work on odd rows or combinations of data, you are flying blind trying to debug it.
Good luck!
PS: actually for a reliable solution that is easy to debug, I would go back and combine the data upstream so it can be presented to SSRS in one Dataset. I would probably use SSIS for this.

Sort Rows in Excel?

I have an issue with an excel spreadsheet I want to see if I can do without VBA just because it seems easier to implement that way. Basically, there are many columns in the sheet I want to sort. However, I merely want to look at three columns: the title column, the data column and the status column.
In a new spreadsheet, there will be four sections. Each section corresponds to 3 months of the year (ie Jan, Feb, Mar. will map to the first column on the new spreadsheet, April, May, June will map to the second column on the new spreadsheet).
Based on the date, and if the status column has the word "Finished" (in the original spreadsheet), I want to map the title to a certain column under the new spreadsheet based on the date criteria as described in the previous paragraph. So for example, if the original spreadsheet has following:
Title Date Status
Doc1 1/12/13 Finished
Doc2 2/10/13 UnFinished
Doc3 4/1/13 Finished
Doc4 3/31/13 Finished
Would map to, on the new spreadsheet:
1st Column | 2nd Column
Doc1 Doc3
I have looked a lot into pivot tables but I can't "automate it" as much as I want to. I have gotten it down to the point where I can change the pivot tables into filtering based on date, but I want it even more automated than that. I've also tried excel formulas but that has been to no avail. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it!
With a PivotTable it seems fairly easy to 'automate' as far as Sheet 2 as below:
but from there to the result requested is relatively 'manual' without VBA, so may not suit.
For my convenience I have changed the date formats. The PivotTable is constructed as usual/indicated without showing grand totals for rows or for columns (PivotTable Options, Totals & Filters). The Column Labels are Date with Grouping By Quarters with appropriate Starting at: and Ending at: (Group) and Collapse Entire Field (Expand/Collapse).
The formula in I6 is to convert the document count (always 1) to document name:
However, to allow room for additional quarters in the PivotTable the formula should be moved to the right. The formula would need to be copied across and down as necessary.
The process becomes more ‘manual’ with copying the results of these formulae, pasting them (with Special / Values) into a new location (in the example 2!A1) and, if required, deleting blanks.
This may be against the rules with regards to maintaining the integrity of the OP's request, but hopefully it doesn't offend :)
Here's another option.
Add another column (shame on me, I know) to the original data, and
called this Quarter. The formula that goes next to the existing data
is the following.
Basically, if the status is "Finished", then determine in what quarter the date is.
Create the pivot table with that data, and then add "Quarter" and
"Title" to the Row Labels (in that order)
Last thing would be to click the arrow next to "Row Labels" and select "Does not Equal" under "Label Filters". There you'll type "Unfinished" (no quotation marks). This will give you something like the image below.
From here the only manual thing you'll need to do is update the data range for the pivot table if more rows are added to the pivot table data and refresh the pivot table if the original data changes
NOTE: To address your question about sorting; after you do the steps above, you can select the Row Labels again and do an A>Z sort to get each quarter to be sorted in alphabetical order
