Issue with Oracle Reports 6i to PDF - oracle

I am working with Oracle Reports 6i to generate a report that includeds text in the form of paragraphs. Everything looks fine from the Real Time Viewer however when the report is run to generate a PDF, some, of the paragraphs would change from Justified to Filled.
This doesn't happen for every text container. In a full page I will have two paragraphs that are filled instead of justified.
Here is the details.
Each paragraph is within their own container.
The alignment for all containers is set to Justified(Flush)
Paragraphs have the same font type and font size.
I have already try the size of the output but it didn't make a difference. Is there any configuration parameter or any format function I can use to fix this?
Thank you all!!

If some paragraphs are OK and some are not, I'd suggest you to use good, old copy/paste principle:
delete wrong ones
copy correct one
paste it
edit its contents - hopefully, it'll look OK (as all properties the "correct" one had are now "inherited")


Replacing fonts in Powerpoint view does not replace font

I have a PowerPoint template. When this template was passed off It included some special fonts that I needed to remove because it was throwing warnings when users opened them up.
When I use the "replace fonts" feature it does not remove the font. I deal a lot with the XML properties of these templates because some of the content is generated dynamically when a report is run. I can still see in the slides the font is present
<a:buFont typeface="Poppins"/> the other is <a:buFont typeface="Noto Sans Symbols"/>
Which both appear to be bullet list fonts? There are no lists in the view though...
Removing it from the XML itself is not an option because when I update the template again it will override that and given that doesn't happen often I will have forgotten all about this. I need to fix this in the template so I can then export it out.
I have edited all the text I can see to either Ariel or Calibri but this Poppins font is still in there and I have no idea how to get it out.
Specifics are
Powerpoint version is 16.36
The program is actually Powerpoint for Mac (if that matters)
If anyone solved a similar issue and can give me some direction it would be much appreciated.
The buFont tag means that font is being used for a bullet rather than actual text. Probably a text level somewhere uses a custom bullet specced with this font. Each content or text placeholder can have up to 9 text levels, you may hove to create 9 levels using Home>Indent More to find the right one.
Start with the Slide Master (View>Slide Master>the larger thumbnail at the top). Then check each placeholder on each Layout (smaller thumbnails below the Master). Finally, check each multilevel placeholder on each slide, in case this was added with local formatting.
My go-to technique is to unzip the presentation into the XML files and do a find and replace on them. That's the quickest way to replace fonts, which can be tucked away in all kinds of obscure places in a presentation. On a Mac, this takes a bit of preparation to avoid problems caused by the OS. If you regularly create PowerPoint files, it may be worth it to set this up. Here's my article on this: OOXML Hacking: Editing in macOS. Look for the part about using a USB or network drive that is set to not create hidden .DS_Store files. Then use a text editor like BBEdit to do multi-file find and replace operations on the font name.
I have PowerPoint 16.39 on my MacBook Pro. Try to click on PowerPoint in the upper left. Then Preferences, then the Save icon. At the bottom you'll have Font Embedding. If you un-check this option, it should not save fonts to the template anymore.

Copy Past is not working in CKEDITOR

I am trying to copy content form outlook and past in my CKEDITOR it not remaining same only under line and bold is present but color is not display please provide some suggestion
Content pasted from Word or Outlook is unlikely to remain exactly the same - there are too many features in those programs which aren't supported in CKeditor.
However, to keep the font colours, families and sizes, you need to set the pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles configuration option to false.

Birt - Crosstab getting clipped on PDF

My crosstab looks fine in the web viewer but when I export to PDF it's clipping it like showin in the image. It's also making the columns much wider than they need to be. (The web version isn't doing that.)
Does anyone know how to fix it? I tried searching for an answer and didn't see anything.
Without seeing the parameters you're passing to your RenderTask it is hard to tell exactly, so I'm going to guess that you have PAGE_OVERFLOW set to CLIP_CONTENT rather than FIT_TO_PAGE_SIZE.
A note of caution though. This discussion on the Eclipse forum mentions that page-break interval settings might override the page size render options. Note that the OP on the linked discussion was having a problem with the PDF exported from the HTML viewer.
EDIT: according to the docs inside you are able to pass parameters on the command line (-p pageOverflow=FIT_TO_PAGE_SIZE) or you can create a parameter file (-F params.txt)
It is unclear to me whether you can pass the constant (FIT_TO_PAGE_SIZE) or must pass its expected value (2), so you might have to try both.
I think you have restricted the width/height of your report
goto Master Page then click on the general settings and there you find the type drop-down choose Custom.
Through this custom options you can give your own height/width of your report and too in the report layout.By doing this you can expand your report width
NOTE: The master page width should equal to the width of your layout.

PDF generation under ruby - block should not cut by page separator

My PDF consists of a number of blocks (actually, a list of quotations), they go one after another till the end of the document. If the text of a quotation
does not fit on the page, the whole quotation should start from the top of the next page, instead of being torn apart. How can I implement that on any library under ruby?
Try PrinceXML - this is a standalone executable that generates PDF out of HTML or XML. It supports a lot of special CSS properties that will even help you to control page breaks. Refer to
This application is available for windows and linux. I was using it for generation of a pretty complicated PDF documents with headers and footers on every page except first one. And since you don't need to output a PDF with precise positioning of elements, it might be a perfect solution for you.
I haven't tried it, but in Prawn I would try using either the Document#text_box method or looking up the table methods and putting your text in cells with invisible borders. The documentation's unclear on how page break functionality fits in with the bounding box models, but it's worth a shot.
HTMLDoc which converts HTML to PDF has a page break facility.

Crystal Reports changes text to lower case

I have text objects on a Crystal Report in Visual Studio with an initial capital. When I print the report, the text is all lower case.
And the reason is?
We have found a workaround for this problem. Not sure how this works :) - can any expert explain?
We found that this problem of case change was happening whenever the extent of text within any page / section of the report was going beyond the settings of the page size minus gutter, left/right margins, top/bottom margins set for the report.
As a workaround, we have asked all our reports developers to keep the text (for A4 size reports) to within 7.5 inches X 7.5 inches. The problem does not happen when this is adhered to.
Would definitely like to know exact reasons for the misbehavior though.
This might be affecting by some of the settings.
But if you go and edit the field , you can see it automatically change to lowercase.
If you agains change it back your case, then it will work fine.
It looks like it happend for one time. To be honest, I don't know why this happend
