Springboot - Rest call from Scheduled task using Rest template throwing java.lang.IllegalStateException: No thread-bound request found - spring

I am making a Rest call from scheduled task using resttemplate and I am getting the below exception
Exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: No thread-bound request found: Are you referring to request attributes outside of an actual web request, or processing a request outside of the originally receiving thread? If you are actually operating within a web request and still receive this message, your code is probably running outside of DispatcherServlet: In this case, use RequestContextListener or RequestContextFilter to expose the current request. occurred while running scheduled task
Code snippet
#RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor = #__(#Autowired))
public class TestSchdeuledTaskService {
private TestServiceRestClient testService;
#Scheduled(fixedDelayString = "${scheduler.fixedDelay:60000}")
public void scheduledtask() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
String logError = String.format("Exception %s occurred while running scheduled task ", e);
#RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor = #__(#Autowired))
public class TestServiceRestClient{
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public void testRestCall() {
log.debug("Get call testing");
int min = 1;
int max = 500;
Random r = new Random();
int id = r.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min;
Comment comment = restTemplate.getForObject("http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/comments/" + id, Comment.class);
Any pointer on why this exception is happening. Thanks


Assertions on RaabitMQ Listener message received in Spring Boot Integration tests behaves strange

I've a RabbitMq listener which receives message from queue succesfully but fails on Assertion in Spring Boot Integration.
I'm adding every message received on the queue to list. But at the assertion, list is empty.
Below are my classes :
public class NotificationEventListener {
private List<MigrationEvent> queuedEvents = new ArrayList<>();
#RabbitListener(queues = "queue-name", concurrency = "1")
public void handleNotificationEvent(#Payload final MigrationEvent migrationEvent) {
queuedEvents.add(0, migrationEvent);
public MigrationEvent getLatestMigrationEvent() {
return queuedEvents.get(0);
This is in the Integration Test class
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class ControllerTest {
protected NotificationEventListener listener;
void givenUserMigrationStateExist_whenCallPostPlm_thenUserStateInQueueShouldBeReturned() throws Exception {
final var userUid = TestDataGenerator.generateUserUid();
final var txId = TestDataGenerator.generateCorrelationId();
final var messageCount = getAllMigrationEvents().size();
final var response = assertQueueUserSuccess(userUid, txId);
//above line calls an http end point in the server code and puts message onto rabbit queue
assertMigrationEventOnQueue(userUid, txId);//fails here the list is empty
assertThat((getAllMigrationEvents().size() - messageCount)).isEqualTo(1);
protected void assertMigrationEventOnQueue(final String userUid, final String txId) {
I can assure this is not the case of delay because putting loggers in I could receive the message and add it to the list. But At the time of assertion in test class it fails saying list is empty.
This seems like there are two different processes running, one verifying and other listening. Is that something with the listener ?

Netty how to test Handler which uses Remote Address of a client

I have a Netty TCP Server with Spring Boot 2.3.1 with the following handler :
public class QrReaderProcessingHandler extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter {
private final CarParkPermissionService permissionService;
private final Gson gson = new Gson();
private String remoteAddress;
public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
remoteAddress = ctx.channel().remoteAddress().toString();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
ctx.writeAndFlush("Your remote address is " + remoteAddress + ".\r\n");
public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) {
log.info("CLIENT_IP: {}", remoteAddress);
String stringMsg = (String) msg;
log.info("CLIENT_REQUEST: {}", stringMsg);
String lowerCaseMsg = stringMsg.toLowerCase();
if (RequestType.HEARTBEAT.containsName(lowerCaseMsg)) {
HeartbeatRequest heartbeatRequest = gson.fromJson(stringMsg, HeartbeatRequest.class);
log.debug("heartbeat request: {}", heartbeatRequest);
HeartbeatResponse response = HeartbeatResponse.builder()
ctx.writeAndFlush(response + "\n\r");
Request DTO:
public class HeartbeatRequest {
private String messageID;
Response DTO:
public class HeartbeatResponse {
private String responseCode;
Logic is quite simple. Only I have to know the IP address of the client.
I need to test it as well.
I have been looking for many resources for testing handlers for Netty, like
Testing Netty with EmbeddedChannel
How to unit test netty handler
However, it didn't work for me.
For EmbeddedChannel I have following error - Your remote address is embedded.
Here is code:
public class ProcessingHandlerTest_Embedded {
private PermissionService permissionService;
private EmbeddedChannel embeddedChannel;
private final Gson gson = new Gson();
private ProcessingHandler processingHandler;
public void setUp() {
processingHandler = new ProcessingHandler(permissionService);
embeddedChannel = new EmbeddedChannel(processingHandler);
public void testHeartbeatMessage() {
// given
HeartbeatRequest heartbeatMessage = HeartbeatRequest.builder()
HeartbeatResponse response = HeartbeatResponse.builder()
String request = gson.toJson(heartbeatMessage).concat("\r\n");
String expected = gson.toJson(response).concat("\r\n");
// when
// then
Queue<Object> outboundMessages = embeddedChannel.outboundMessages();
assertEquals(expected, outboundMessages.poll());
22:21:29.062 [main] INFO handler.ProcessingHandler - CLIENT_IP: embedded
22:21:29.062 [main] INFO handler.ProcessingHandler - CLIENT_REQUEST: {"messageID":"heartbeat"}
22:21:29.067 [main] DEBUG handler.ProcessingHandler - heartbeat request: HeartbeatRequest(messageID=heartbeat)
<Click to see difference>
However, I don't know how to do exact testing for such a case.
Here is a snippet from configuration:
public InetSocketAddress tcpSocketAddress() {
// for now, hostname is: localhost/
return new InetSocketAddress("localhost", nettyProperties.getTcpPort());
// for real client devices: A05264/
// return new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), nettyProperties.getTcpPort());
public class QrReaderChannelInitializer extends ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel> {
private final StringEncoder stringEncoder = new StringEncoder();
private final StringDecoder stringDecoder = new StringDecoder();
private final QrReaderProcessingHandler readerServerHandler;
private final NettyProperties nettyProperties;
protected void initChannel(SocketChannel socketChannel) {
ChannelPipeline pipeline = socketChannel.pipeline();
// Add the text line codec combination first
pipeline.addLast(new DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder(1024 * 1024, Delimiters.lineDelimiter()));
pipeline.addLast(new ReadTimeoutHandler(nettyProperties.getClientTimeout()));
How to test handler with IP address of a client?
Two things that could help:
Do not annotate with #ChannelHandler.Sharable if your handler is NOT sharable. This can be misleading. Remove unnecessary state from handlers. In your case you should remove the remoteAddress member variable and ensure that Gson and CarParkPermissionService can be reused and are thread-safe.
"Your remote address is embedded" is NOT an error. It actually is the message written by your handler onto the outbound channel (cf. your channelActive() method)
So it looks like it could work.
Following your comments here are some clarifications regarding the second point. I mean that:
your code making use of EmbeddedChannel is almost correct. There is just a misunderstanding on the expected results (assert).
To make the unit test successful, you just have either:
to comment this line in channelActive(): ctx.writeAndFlush("Your remote ...")
or to poll the second message from Queue<Object> outboundMessages in testHeartbeatMessage()
Indeed, when you do this:
// when
(1) You actually open the channel once, which fires a channelActive() event. You don't have a log in it but we see that the variable remoteAddress is not null afterwards, meaning that it was assigned in the channelActive() method.
(2) At the end of the channelActive() method, you eventually already send back a message by writing on the channel pipeline, as seen at this line:
ctx.writeAndFlush("Your remote address is " + remoteAddress + ".\r\n");
// In fact, this is the message you see in your failed assertion.
(3) Then the message written by embeddedChannel.writeInbound(request) is received and can be read, which fires a channelRead() event. This time, we see this in your log output:
22:21:29.062 [main] INFO handler.ProcessingHandler - CLIENT_IP: embedded
22:21:29.062 [main] INFO handler.ProcessingHandler - CLIENT_REQUEST: {"messageID":"heartbeat"}
22:21:29.067 [main] DEBUG handler.ProcessingHandler - heartbeat request: HeartbeatRequest(messageID=heartbeat)
(4) At the end of channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg), you will then send a second message (the expected one):
HeartbeatResponse response = HeartbeatResponse.builder()
ctx.writeAndFlush(response + "\n\r");
Therefore, with the following code of your unit test...
Queue<Object> outboundMessages = embeddedChannel.outboundMessages();
assertEquals(expected, outboundMessages.poll());
... you should be able to poll() two messages:
"Your remote address is embedded"
Does it make sense for you?

Hystrix fallback method returns null

I implemented feign client and hystrix to my spring boot microservice application.
I first tried to test to communicate users service to albums service with feign client,
so I threw an exception at albums service to check if users service Error Decoder can catch the exception and then make the fallback method triggered.
It worked, but the cause is always null only at the first time, and after that I can see the error message that I wanted to see.
Can anyone tell me if something is wrong or not.
This is my code.
Users Service Feign Client
#FeignClient(name = "albums-ws", fallbackFactory = AlbumsFallbackFactory.class)
public interface AlbumServiceClient {
#GetMapping(path = "users/{userId}/albums")
List<AlbumDetailResponse> getAlbums(#PathVariable("userId") String userId);
Fallback Factory
public class AlbumsFallbackFactory implements FallbackFactory<AlbumServiceClient> {
public AlbumServiceClient create(Throwable cause) {
return new AlbumServiceClientFallback(cause);
public class AlbumServiceClientFallback implements AlbumServiceClient {
private final Throwable cause;
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
public AlbumServiceClientFallback(Throwable cause) {
this.cause = cause;
public List<AlbumDetailResponse> getAlbums(String userId) {
logger.error("An exception took place: " + cause.getMessage());
return new ArrayList<>();
Feign Error Decoder
public class FeignErrorDecoder implements ErrorDecoder {
public Exception decode(String methodKey, Response response) {
switch(response.status()) {
case 400:
case 404:
if(methodKey.contains("getAlbums")) {
return new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.valueOf(response.status()), response.reason());
return new Exception(response.reason());
return null;
First fallback triggered
2020-08-02 12:42:27.836 ERROR 24772 --- [ HystrixTimer-1] c.a.p.a.u.P.f.AlbumServiceClientFallback : An exception took place: null
2020-08-02 12:43:07.672 DEBUG 24772 --- [rix-albums-ws-2] c.a.p.a.u.P.feign.AlbumServiceClient : [AlbumServiceClient#getAlbums] User not found with id: f5b313e2-411f-4fc3-95e7-9aa5c43c286c
Hystrix has class org.springframework.cloud.netflix.feign.HystrixTargeter. There is a comment in targetWithFallbackFactory method:
We take a sample fallback from the fallback factory to check if it
returns a fallback that is compatible with the annotated feign
and code after:
Object exampleFallback = fallbackFactory.create(new RuntimeException());
It is why you don't have cause in exception.

Tests fail with #Scheduled Task: JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException Table "USER_ACCOUNT_CREATED_EVENT" not found

Summary & first problem
I am trying to test my user registration mechanism. When a new user account is created via my REST API, a UserAccountCreatedEvent is stored in the database. A scheduled task checks the database every 5 seconds for new UserAccountCreatedEvents and if one is present, sends an email to the registered user. When running my tests I encounter the problem that the table for the UserAccountCreatedEvent can't be found (see exception below). I used to send the email in a blocking manner in the service method, but I recently switched to this async approach. All my tests worked perfectly for the blocking approach and the only thing I changed for the async approach is to include Awaitility in the test.
2019-04-23 11:24:51.605 ERROR 7968 --- [taskScheduler-1] o.s.s.s.TaskUtils$LoggingErrorHandler : Unexpected error occurred in scheduled task.
org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException: could not prepare statement; SQL [select useraccoun0_.id as id1_0_, useraccoun0_.completed_at as complete2_0_, useraccoun0_.created_at as created_3_0_, useraccoun0_.in_process_since as in_proce4_0_, useraccoun0_.status as status5_0_, useraccoun0_.user_id as user_id1_35_ from user_account_created_event useraccoun0_ where useraccoun0_.status=? order by useraccoun0_.created_at asc limit ?]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not prepare statement
Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException:
Table "USER_ACCOUNT_CREATED_EVENT" not found; SQL statement:
select useraccoun0_.id as id1_0_, useraccoun0_.completed_at as complete2_0_, useraccoun0_.created_at as created_3_0_, useraccoun0_.in_process_since as in_proce4_0_, useraccoun0_.status as status5_0_, useraccoun0_.user_id as user_id1_35_ from user_account_created_event useraccoun0_ where useraccoun0_.status=? order by useraccoun0_.created_at asc limit ? [42102-199]
Full stack trace
Second problem
As if that were not enough, the tests behave completely different when running them in debug mode. When I set a breakpoint in the method that is called by the method which is annotated with #Scheduled, it is invoked several times althogh #Scheduled is configured with a fixedDelayString (fixed delay) of 5000ms. Thanks to logging I can even see that several mails were sent. Still, my test SMTP sever (GreenMail) does not receive any emails. How is this even possible? I've intentionally set the transaction isolation to Isolation.SERIALIZABLE so that it should be impossible (as far as I understand transaction isolation) that two scheduled methods access the same Event from the database.
Third problem
To cap it all, when I rerun the failed tests, THEY WORK. But, there are different exceptions on the console (see below). But still, the app starts and the tests finish successfully. There are different test results depending on if I run all tests vs. only the class vs. only the method vs. rerun failed tests. I don't understand how such an indeterministic behaviour can be possible.
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/orm/jpa/HibernateJpaConfiguration.class]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Failed to scan classpath for unlisted entity classes
Caused by: java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException: null
Full stack trace
My code
Test class (UserRegistrationTest)
#DirtiesContext(classMode = DirtiesContext.ClassMode.BEFORE_EACH_TEST_METHOD)
public class UserRegistrationTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
private Routes routes;
private TestConfig testConfig;
#Resource(name = "validCustomerDTO")
private CustomerDTO validCustomerDTO;
#Resource(name = "validVendorDTO")
private VendorRegistrationDTO validVendorRegistrationDTO;
private Short registrationConfirmationEmailSenderTaskDelay;
private GreenMail smtpServer;
// Setup & tear down
public void setUp() {
smtpServer = testConfig.getMailServer();
public void tearDown() {
// Tests
public void testCreateCustomerAccount() throws Exception {
// When run normally, I get a timeout from the next line
await().atMost(registrationConfirmationEmailSenderTaskDelay + 10000, MILLISECONDS).until(smtpServerReceivedOneEmail());
// Verify correct registration confirmation email was sent
MimeMessage[] receivedMessages = smtpServer.getReceivedMessages();
// other checks
// ...
public void testCreateVendorAccount() throws Exception {
// When run normally, I get a timeout from the next line
await().atMost(registrationConfirmationEmailSenderTaskDelay + 10000, MILLISECONDS).until(smtpServerReceivedOneEmail());
// Verify correct registration confirmation email was sent
MimeMessage[] receivedMessages = smtpServer.getReceivedMessages();
// other checks
// ...
// Helper methods
private Callable<Boolean> smtpServerReceivedOneEmail() {
return () -> smtpServer.getReceivedMessages().length == 1;
// Test configuration
static class TestConfig {
private static final int PORT = 3025;
private static final String HOST = "localhost";
private static final String PROTOCOL = "smtp";
GreenMail getMailServer() {
return new GreenMail(new ServerSetup(PORT, HOST, PROTOCOL));
public JavaMailSender javaMailSender() {
JavaMailSenderImpl javaMailSender = new JavaMailSenderImpl();
return javaMailSender;
Task scheduler (BusinessTaskScheduler)
public class BusinessTaskScheduler {
private final RegistrationTask registrationTask;
public BusinessTaskScheduler(RegistrationTask registrationTask) {
this.registrationTask = registrationTask;
#Scheduled(fixedDelayString = "${schedule.sendRegistrationConfirmationEmailTaskDelay}")
public void sendRegistrationConfirmationEmail() {
The code that is called by the scheduled method (RegistrationTask)
#Transactional(isolation = Isolation.SERIALIZABLE)
public class RegistrationTask {
private final EmailHelper emailHelper;
private final EventService eventService;
private final UserRegistrationService userRegistrationService;
public RegistrationTask(EmailHelper emailHelper, EventService eventService, UserRegistrationService userRegistrationService) {
this.emailHelper = emailHelper;
this.eventService = eventService;
this.userRegistrationService = userRegistrationService;
public void sendRegistrationConfirmationEmail() {
Optional<UserAccountCreatedEvent> optionalEvent = eventService.getOldestUncompletedUserAccountCreatedEvent();
if (optionalEvent.isPresent()) {
UserAccountCreatedEvent event = optionalEvent.get();
User user = event.getUser();
RegistrationVerificationToken token = userRegistrationService.createRegistrationVerificationTokenForUser(user);
The event service (EventServiceImpl)
#Transactional(isolation = Isolation.SERIALIZABLE)
public class EventServiceImpl implements EventService {
private final ApplicationEventDAO applicationEventDAO;
private final UserAccountCreatedEventDAO userAccountCreatedEventDAO;
public EventServiceImpl(ApplicationEventDAO applicationEventDAO, UserAccountCreatedEventDAO userAccountCreatedEventDAO) {
this.applicationEventDAO = applicationEventDAO;
this.userAccountCreatedEventDAO = userAccountCreatedEventDAO;
public void completeEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
if (!event.getStatus().equals(COMPLETED) && Objects.isNull(event.getCompletedAt())) {
public Optional<UserAccountCreatedEvent> getOldestUncompletedUserAccountCreatedEvent() {
Optional<UserAccountCreatedEvent> optionalEvent = userAccountCreatedEventDAO.findFirstByStatusOrderByCreatedAtAsc(NEW);
if (optionalEvent.isPresent()) {
UserAccountCreatedEvent event = optionalEvent.get();
return Optional.of(userAccountCreatedEventDAO.save(event));
return Optional.empty();
public void publishEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
// Helper methods
private void setEventInProcess(ApplicationEvent event) {
The UserAccountCreatedEvent
sendRegistrationConfirmationEmailTaskDelay: 5000 # delay between tasks in milliseconds
I am new to scheduling with Spring, so any help is greatly appreciated!

#Async - In Spring independent thread closing before completing task

I have a requirement where I do some operation on GUI and once I save the data in DB I need to send a http request to a webservice. But the response to GUI should not wait for result from webservice request.
For this I am using #Async , annotation of Spring.
here is my structure
calls a method
(not Async) in
ServiceA has a ServiceB bean injected in it. A method ,
in ServiceB is annotated with Async.
Now ServiceA.goSaveAndCreate calls a method in itself , save and calls ServiceB.create() (which is Async).
I can see in logs the a new thread is created which is executing create method. But all of a sudden logs after a particular point stop and that thread seems to have got killed or comlpeted.
public class ServiceA implements ServiceAI {
private static final String APPROVED = "APPROVED";
public static final String SUCCESS = "SUCCESS";
ServiceB serviceB;
public List<VV> goSaveAndCreate(String[] ids,List<XX> calList) throws Exception, DataAccessException {
try {
Pair<List<VG>,List<UU>> resultList = save(ids);
vvList = resultList.getFirst();
* HKAPIL - Send Message to webService callingserviceB
if(resultList.getSecond() != null){
} catch (DataAccessException e) {
logger.error("Data Access Exception thrown during - " , e);
throw e;
} catch (Exception e){
logger.error("Exception thrown during " , e);
throw e;
System.out.println("Exiting the method in MCSERVICE");
return vvList;
private save(){
Second service
public class ServiceB implements ServiceBI {
public void create(List<Ralc> calcList) {
String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
logger.info("Inside a different thread [" + threadName + " ] to send message ." );
private otherMethod(Obj obj){
//tills this point logs are getting printed nothing after this
applciationContext.xml entry
<!-- Defines a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor instance with configurable pool size, queue-capacity, keep-alive,
and rejection-policy values. The id becomes the default thread name prefix -->
<task:executor id="MyMessageExecutor"
<task:annotation-driven executor="MyMessageExecutor"/>
Now I have two question
1) is there a way I can add some logs in some method which tell taht the new thread from MyExecutor is getting killed or MyExecutor is getting closed (the way we have in normal Java ExecutorSerrvice)
2) Am I using the Asyn in wrong way? Is it possible that as soon as method returns from Controller or ServiceA , ServiceB instance also is getting cleaned?
