What `eventCount` property means in data from Microsoft Store analytics API? - windows

I am trying to get some info about errors of my desktop app from Microsoft Store analytics API. This is the response that I get from API:
"Value": [
"date": "2021-05-27",
"applicationId": "myid",
"applicationName": "myapp",
"failureName": "MOAPPLICATION_HANG_cfffffff_0EB8BD08.myapp!HANG_QUIESCE",
"eventType": "hang",
"deviceCount": 1423.0,
"eventCount": 1244.41342561402
"date": "2021-05-25",
"applicationId": "myid",
"applicationName": "myapp",
"failureName": "MOAPPLICATION_HANG_cfffffff_0EB8BD08.myapp!HANG_QUIESCE",
"eventType": "hang",
"deviceCount": 1468.0,
"eventCount": 1242.87238240919
"date": "2021-05-26",
"applicationId": "myid",
"applicationName": "myapp",
"failureName": "MOAPPLICATION_HANG_cfffffff_0EB8BD08.myapp!HANG_QUIESCE",
"eventType": "hang",
"deviceCount": 1480.0,
"eventCount": 1297.92338878456
"TotalCount": 3
Among other things, I want to know how many errors of each type were in specified period. I hoped that field eventCount would represent this info but as I can see it's not an integer in my case. Also in Microsoft docs I can see the same thing in example.
I got two questions:
Which metric eventCount field represents?
How can I get number of errors using this API?


Image data missing in Knowledge Graph search API

We are consuming Knowledge graph search API and we use image content from api output in our application. We used to get Below response with image image content highlighted below
"#context": {
"#vocab": "http://schema.org/",
"goog": "http://schema.googleapis.com/",
"resultScore": "goog:resultScore",
"detailedDescription": "goog:detailedDescription",
"EntitySearchResult": "goog:EntitySearchResult",
"kg": "http://g.co/kg"
"#type": "ItemList",
"itemListElement": [
"#type": "EntitySearchResult",
"result": {
"#id": "kg:/m/0dl567",
"name": "Taylor Swift",
"#type": [
"description": "Singer-songwriter",
"image": {
"contentUrl": "https://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQmVDAhjhWnN2OWys2ZMO3PGAhupp5tN2LwF_BJmiHgi19hf8Ku",
"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Swift",
"license": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0"
"detailedDescription": {
"articleBody": "Taylor Alison Swift is an American singer-songwriter and actress. Raised in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, she moved to Nashville, Tennessee, at the age of 14 to pursue a career in country music. ",
"url": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Swift",
"license": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License"
"url": "http://taylorswift.com/"
"resultScore": 4850
Suddenly the image content with imageURl/URL/License is not appearing on the response. Is this data retired from api output? I sthere any api or any field in the same api output that fetus the image URL data?

Google Knowledge Graph API `articleBody` field missing from `detailedDescription`

Following the sample request for Taylor Swift shown here, I get the following response which does not match the response shown on the site. Moreover, I'm interested in the articleBody of the detailedDescription field which is not being returned the same way. Has there been an update to the API that was not reflected in the documentation? Is there a way to request the articleBody via the Python API?
"#context": {
"#vocab": "http://schema.org/",
"goog": "http://schema.googleapis.com/",
"EntitySearchResult": "goog:EntitySearchResult",
"detailedDescription": "goog:detailedDescription",
"resultScore": "goog:resultScore",
"kg": "http://g.co/kg"
"#type": "ItemList",
"itemListElement": [
"#type": "EntitySearchResult",
"result": {
"#id": "kg:/m/0dl567",
"name": "Taylor Swift",
"#type": [
"description": "American singer",
"image": {
"contentUrl": "http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcST848UJ0u31E6aoQfb2nnKZFyad7rwNF0ZLOCACGpu4jnboEzV",
"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Begin_Again_(Taylor_Swift_song)"
"url": "http://taylorswift.com/"
"resultScore": 1237.141968

YQL console gives me result but rest query gives me error

I'm trying to use YQL Console to get currency rates, the YQL statement is
select * from yahoo.finance.xchange where pair in ("EURUSD","GBPUSD")
the console results give me
"query": {
"count": 2,
"created": "2017-10-26T02:42:44Z",
"lang": "en-US",
"results": {
"rate": [
"id": "EURUSD",
"Name": "EUR/USD",
"Rate": "1.1829",
"Date": "10/26/2017",
"Time": "3:42am",
"Ask": "1.1829",
"Bid": "1.1829"
"id": "GBPUSD",
"Name": "GBP/USD",
"Rate": "1.3269",
"Date": "10/26/2017",
"Time": "3:42am",
"Ask": "1.3269",
"Bid": "1.3269"
but the rest query gives me error
{"error":{"lang":"en-US","diagnostics":{"cache":{"execution-start-time":"0","execution-stop-time":"0","execution-time":"0","method":"GET","type":"MEMCACHED","content":"ENV.queryyahooapiscomproductionsg3.store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys.15a841ff462a38eb6175e73b4dc747ef"},"env":"Failed to read from storage: store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys: Invalid store url: store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys","warning":"Invalid environment specified: store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys"},"description":"No definition found for Table yahoo.finance.xchange"}}
The yahoo.finance.xchange is a community table. In the YQL console there should be a checkbox saying Show Community Tables select that and you should have access to it. The REST call here works. Let me know if you have any questions.

How can I interpret /perceive the presence of buttons in the response of directline api?

Consider there is a action card response from the MS bot & it looks as follows in skype:
When this similar response comes in the REST APIs i.e using Direct Line APIs. The following is the relevant part of JSON response.
"id": "1t90Ym3PEry|000000000000000014",
"conversationId": "1t90Ym3PEry",
"created": "2016-12-06T09:34:55.6280699Z",
"from": "rich3cards",
"images": [
"attachments": [],
"eTag": "W/\"datetime'2016-12-06T09%3A34%3A54.94083Z'\""
"id": "1t90Ym3PEry|000000000000000014",
"conversationId": "1t90Ym3PEry",
"created": "2016-12-06T09:34:55.6280699Z",
"from": "rich3cards",
"text": "Hero Card\n\nSpace Needle\n\nThe <b>Space Needle</b> is an observation tower in Seattle, Washington, a landmark of the Pacific Northwest, and an icon of Seattle.\n\n(Current Weather) action?weather=Seattle, WA",
"images": [],
"attachments": [],
"eTag": "W/\"datetime'2016-12-06T09%3A34%3A54.94083Z'\""
Now, the question is about how do we parse this json to get the button data [(Current Weather) action?weather=Seattle, WA"] out of the text attribute? Is the only way is patter match ?
Has anyone faced or know solution, please put some light here too ;)
Update: If its different channel like skype/webchat/etc.. the JSON response looks very proper to consume, following is the sample JSON.
"type": "message",
"id": "5AdoK89rtSc|000000000000000018",
"timestamp": "2016-12-06T09:53:20.4777291Z",
"channelId": "webchat",
"from": {
"id": "rich3cards",
"name": "RichCards"
"conversation": {
"id": "5AdoK89rtSc"
"attachments": [
"contentType": "application/vnd.microsoft.card.hero",
"content": {
"title": "Hero Card",
"subtitle": "Space Needle",
"text": "The <b>Space Needle</b> is an observation tower in Seattle, Washington, a landmark of the Pacific Northwest, and an icon of Seattle.",
"images": [
"url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7c/Seattlenighttimequeenanne.jpg/320px-Seattlenighttimequeenanne.jpg"
"buttons": [
"type": "postBack",
"value": "action?weather=Seattle, WA",
"title": "Current Weather"
As mentioned in the comments, you are using DirectLine v1.1. Unfortunately, v1.1 doesn't support attachments/cards and so there isn't a good way to understand/parse the card.
You might want to consider moving to DirectLine v3 which has full support for attachments.
Alternatively, if you want to support Cards, you might have to do something custom as shown in the DirectLine sample. There, the bot is sending the hero card through the ChannelData field and the client is parsing that accordingly. However, you might have to add the logic to detect who is talking to the bot so you send the cards as ChannelData only if the caller is DirectLine and not one of the other clients (such as skype)

Google People API - Is it possible to get custom fields?

I need to import google contacts to my application. For that I try to use the Google People API but I didn't find an option to get the contacts custom fields.
Is it possible to get contact custom fields with the new Google People API?
Should I use the old Google Contacts API for that?
Request the userDefined projection with your personFields.
String url = "https://people.googleapis.com/v1/people/me/connections" +
The response looks like this:
"userDefined": [
"metadata": {
"primary": true,
"source": {
"type": "CONTACT",
"id": "5629e24b082d1a66"
"key": "label1",
"value": "foo"
"metadata": {
"source": {
"type": "CONTACT",
"id": "5629e24b082d1a66"
"key": "label2",
"value": "bar"
For more details, see https://developers.google.com/people/api/rest/v1/people#Person.UserDefined
You can also update custom fields even though the documentation does not currently list userDefined as a valid field for updatePersonFields as the field mask.
