PowerShell 2 - Displaying Share Directory Where Everyone has Full Control - windows

PowerShell Version: 2 (I understand the risks)
The following command outputs all shares where the "everyone" user group has access:
$Found = #()
Get-WmiObject win32_logicalsharesecuritysetting |
ForEach-Object {$Path = "\\localhost\\" + $_.Name; Get-Acl -Path $Path |
Select-Object Path -ExpandProperty Access |
ForEach-Object {If($_.IdentityReference -eq 'Everyone'){$Found += $_.Path}}}
Write-Host "Found: $($Found.Count)"
Write-Host "Share locations:"
$Found | ForEach-Object {Write-Host $_.Replace('Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\localhost\','')}
Can the command above be enhanced to only display shares where the "everyone" user group has "full control" only?
If the radio button is not selected, don't display anything in the output, however, if that full control radio button is selected for the user group "everyone", display an output:

so in my program i use this piece of code:
$Shares = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting
foreach($Share in $Shares) {
foreach($perm in $Permissions.Descriptor.DACL) {
if($Perm.Trustee.Name -eq "EveryOne" -and $Perm.AccessMask -eq "2032127" -and $Perm.AceType -eq 0) {
#EveryOneFullControl is true so do something
} else {
#EveryOneFullControl is false so do something


Powershell script to deploy language during autopilot (based on choosed keyboard)

So Alex Semibratov made a script that, based on the choice of the second (additional) keyboard, changes the language of the system to the one matching the keyboard language choice and sets everything as default. (Full localization of Windows 10/11 from Autopilot)
I came up with the idea that you can use the selection of the first keyboard (skipping the additional keyboard selection) which seems more obvious to the user. I found an entry in the registry where there is information about the keyboard language used:
$rpath = 'registry::HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Keyboard Layout\substitutes'
$KB_lng_code = Get-Item -Path $rpath |select -ExpandProperty property | %{Get-ItemProperty $rpath | select -ExpandProperty $_}
Switch ($KB_lng_code)
"0000040a" {Write-Host "es-es"}
"00000411" {Write-Host "ja-jp"}
"00000804" {Write-Host "zh-CN"}
"00000404" {Write-Host "zh-TW"}
I edited the first part of Alex script:
Start-Transcript -Path "$env:PROGRAMDATA\Localization.log" | Out-Null
$regpath = 'registry::HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Keyboard Layout\substitutes'
$Languages = Get-Item -Path $regpath |select -ExpandProperty property | %{Get-ItemProperty $regpath | select -ExpandProperty $_}
if ($languages -eq "00000415") {$languages = 'pl-pl'}
elseif($languages -eq "0000040c") {$languages = 'fr-fr'}
elseif($languages -eq "00000816") {$languages = 'pt-pt'}
elseif($languages -eq "0000040a") {$languages = 'es-es'}
$Language = $languages
$inputLanguageID = $null
if ($language -eq $null)
$IPInfo = Invoke-RestMethod http://ipinfo.io/json
$Language = $IPInfo.country
$GeoID = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\International\Geo').Nation
$LanguageExperiencePacklanguage = $Language
and the part with languages filled with the proper values: (example)
{$_ -eq "00000415" -or $_ -eq "pl-pl"} {
$applicationId = "9nc5hw94r0ld"
$GeoID = 191
$LanguageExperiencePacklanguage = "pl-PL"
if($inputLanguageID -eq $null) {$inputLanguageID = "0415:00000415"}
It finds the current keyboard language and installs the proper system language BUT I think it is kind of messy. Any ideas on how to make it better?

Powershell: Find installed Antivirus & state, filtering out Windows Defender

I came across the basis of this script in another post here, however, I would like to take it a bit further and have been experimenting. What I am seeking to achieve is to get the name, state of the antivirus installed on the device and of course I want to filter out Windows Defender. Here is what I have so far...
The issue I have with the current code that I am not sure how to get around is that I am getting the state code for Windows Defender also.
I would greatly appreciate your advise and assistance.
function Get-AntivirusName {
param (
[string]$ComputerName = "$env:computername" ,
$wmiQuery = "SELECT * FROM AntiVirusProduct"
$AntivirusProduct = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SecurityCenter2" -Query $wmiQuery #psboundparameters
[array]$AntivirusNames = $AntivirusProduct.displayName | sort -unique
[array]$AntivirusState = $AntivirusProduct.productState | sort -unique
Switch($AntivirusNames) {
{$AntivirusNames.Count -eq 0}{"Anti-Virus is NOT installed!";Continue}
{$AntivirusNames.Count -eq 1 -and $_ -eq "Windows Defender"} {Write-host "ONLY Windows Defender is installed!";Continue}
{$_ -ne "Windows Defender"} {"Antivirus Product(s): $_."}
If you want to rule out Windows Defender, but do want to get a console message, I would change the function like below:
function Get-AntivirusName {
param (
[string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
$wmiQuery = "SELECT * FROM AntiVirusProduct"
$AntivirusProduct = #(Get-CimInstance -Namespace "root\SecurityCenter2" -Query $wmiQuery #psboundparameters)
if ($AntivirusProduct.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Host 'Anti-Virus is NOT installed!' -ForegroundColor Red
elseif ($AntivirusProduct.Count -eq 1 -and $AntivirusProduct.displayName -like '*Windows Defender*') {
Write-Host 'ONLY Windows Defender is installed!' -ForegroundColor Cyan
else {
# filter out Windows Defender from the list
$AntivirusProduct = $AntivirusProduct | Where-Object {$_.displayName -notlike '*Windows Defender*'} | Sort-Object -Unique
# output objects with both the product name and the status
foreach ($avProduct in $AntivirusProduct) {
AV_Product = $avProduct.displayName
AV_Status = $avProduct.productState

Powershell - Check if one or both Services are running

I need to check for running Services on different Windows Servers.
there can be two services running (old or new version or both, with slightly different names)
need the output like: "new version" , "old version" or "both versions"
I wanted to simply check with the Get-Process command but I can't really get to a conclusion how to get my output and how to check if both are running.
Started like the following: how can I finish my script? or am I completely wrong? couldn't find anything that helps.
if (Get-Service "NAME" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"})
{Write-Host "New Client running"
if (Get-Service "NAME_old" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"})
{Write-Host "old Client running"
Else {Write-Host ”No Client found”}
obviously this script doesn't quite work. tested on a Server where only the new client is running and it outputs:
New Client running
No Client found
Change the second if statement to elseif - this way the else block only runs if neither of the two preceding conditions hold true:
if (Get-Service "NAME" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"})
Write-Host "New Client running"
elseif (Get-Service "NAME_old" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"})
Write-Host "old Client running"
else {
Write-Host "No Client found"
You can do this with your three if statements if you track your Get-Service results:
if ($newclient = Get-Service "NAME" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where Status -eq Running) {
Write-Host 'New Client running'
if ($oldclient = Get-Service "NAME_old" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where Status -eq Running) {
Write-Host 'old Client running'
if (-not ($newclient -or $oldclient)) {
Write-Host 'No Client found'
Slightly different approach :
"name1", "name2" | Get-Service | foreach-object {
write-host $_.name $_.status
Of course depends on logic required after
if you are interested in a little more scalable solution, I would suggest following:
I used $appsRunning to increment each time the script find a running service, so if you are interested in a total count of running services (from the $services list) you could use that variable.
$services = #(
[pscustomobject]#{ Name = "NAME"; Description = "New App" },
[pscustomobject]#{ Name = "NAME_old"; Description = "Old App" }
$appsRunning = 0
foreach ($service in $services) {
$app = Get-Service $service.Name
if ($app.status -eq "Running"){
write-host $service.Description is $app.status
if ($appsRunning -eq 0) {
Write-Host "No app Running"

Export a list of BitLocker Devices on AD

Im trying extract a report from AD of a list of devices that have BitLocker enabled.
We have a Win 2008 r2 Domain Controller and most of our devices are Win 10 with a few Win 8.1 in the mix.
I'm no expert in power shell but have used it in the past on an amateur level. I found the following command online and tried it but when viewing the .CSV all fields are populated except for the "BitlockerPasswordSet" field.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this or better yet a solution they have used that works?
Thanks in advance!
Param (
[string]$SearchBase = "OU=Office-UK,DC=MyDomainName,DC=local"
Try { Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop }
Catch { Write-Warning "Unable to load Active Directory module because $($Error[0])"; Exit }
Write-Verbose "Getting Workstations..." -Verbose
$Computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase $SearchBase -Properties LastLogonDate
$Count = 1
$Results = ForEach ($Computer in $Computers)
Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Searching Computers for BitLocker" -Status "$Count of $($Computers.Count)" -PercentComplete (($Count / $Computers.Count) * 100)
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
ComputerName = $Computer.Name
LastLogonDate = $Computer.LastLogonDate
BitLockerPasswordSet = Get-ADObject -Filter "objectClass -eq 'msFVE-RecoveryInformation'" -SearchBase $Computer.distinguishedName -Properties msFVE-RecoveryPassword,whenCreated | Sort whenCreated -Descending | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty whenCreated
$Count ++
Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity " " -Status " " -Completed
$ReportPath = "C:\temp\BitLockerComputerReport.csv"
Write-Verbose "Building the report..." -Verbose
$Results | Select ComputerName,LastLogonDate,BitLockerPasswordSet | Sort ComputerName | Export-Csv $ReportPath -NoTypeInformation
Write-Verbose "Report saved at: $ReportPath" -Verbose

List of KB installed for Windows Updates and Last reboot Status required in one file

I am trying to get all the list of KB installed on multiple servers and get the last reboot time of the system. My requirement is to get the result in csv or text format with column name "Hostname" , "KB Name" , "installed by" , "installed on" and "Last reboot". I have to execute 2 script to get this done and then i have to format it and i dont want other columns which i am receiving from code 1 only limited column are required.. Can some please help me to get the same format which i reuired?
Output required in below format :
"Source" "Description" "HotFixID" "InstalledBy" "InstalledOn" "Last Reboot"
Please find below 2 code.
FYI : I am new to powershell.
Code 1: This will list all KB installed patch.
$computers = Get-Content -path "C:\Users\joy\Desktop\Machine_List.txt"
$patches = Get-Content -path "C:\Users\joy\Desktop\KB_List.txt"
foreach ($computer in $computers){
foreach ($patch in $patches){
Get-HotFix -id $patch -ComputerName $computer | -OutVariable results -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($results -ne $null) {
$results | Out-File C:\Users\joy\Desktop\report1.txt -Append -Force
else {
Add-content "$Patch is not Present in $computer" -path "C:\Users\joy\Desktop\report2.txt"
Code 2: This will get the last reboot of the system.
$machines = Get-Content C:\Users\joy\Desktop\Machine_List.txt
$report = #()
$object = #()
foreach($machine in $machines)
$object = gwmi win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $machine | select csname, #{LABEL='LastBootUpTime';EXPRESSION={$_.ConverttoDateTime($_.lastbootuptime)}}
$report += $object
$report | Export-csv C:\Users\joy\Desktop\Reboot.csv
$computers = Get-Content C:\Users\XXXXXXXX\Desktop\Machine_List.txt
$patchlist = Get-Content C:\Users\XXXXXXXX\Desktop\KB_List.txt
foreach($computer in $computers)
Get-HotFix -ComputerName $computer -Id $patchlist | select
InstalledOn,InstalledBy,Description,HotFixID,__SERVER | Format-Table | Out-File
#Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Operatingsystem | select csname, lastbootuptime |
Format-Table |Out-File C:\Users\XXXXXXXX\Desktop\report1.txt
gwmi win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $computer | select csname,
#{LABEL='LastBootUpTime';EXPRESSION={$_.ConverttoDateTime($_.lastbootuptime)}} | Out-
File C:\Users\XXXXXXXX\Desktop\report1.txt -Append
Try this, This will allow you to get information what you are looking for. But this script only get installed patches information from the remote machines, If you want add one more loop to print the patches which are installed on another text file.
