Im trying extract a report from AD of a list of devices that have BitLocker enabled.
We have a Win 2008 r2 Domain Controller and most of our devices are Win 10 with a few Win 8.1 in the mix.
I'm no expert in power shell but have used it in the past on an amateur level. I found the following command online and tried it but when viewing the .CSV all fields are populated except for the "BitlockerPasswordSet" field.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this or better yet a solution they have used that works?
Thanks in advance!
Param (
[string]$SearchBase = "OU=Office-UK,DC=MyDomainName,DC=local"
Try { Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop }
Catch { Write-Warning "Unable to load Active Directory module because $($Error[0])"; Exit }
Write-Verbose "Getting Workstations..." -Verbose
$Computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase $SearchBase -Properties LastLogonDate
$Count = 1
$Results = ForEach ($Computer in $Computers)
Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Searching Computers for BitLocker" -Status "$Count of $($Computers.Count)" -PercentComplete (($Count / $Computers.Count) * 100)
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
ComputerName = $Computer.Name
LastLogonDate = $Computer.LastLogonDate
BitLockerPasswordSet = Get-ADObject -Filter "objectClass -eq 'msFVE-RecoveryInformation'" -SearchBase $Computer.distinguishedName -Properties msFVE-RecoveryPassword,whenCreated | Sort whenCreated -Descending | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty whenCreated
$Count ++
Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity " " -Status " " -Completed
$ReportPath = "C:\temp\BitLockerComputerReport.csv"
Write-Verbose "Building the report..." -Verbose
$Results | Select ComputerName,LastLogonDate,BitLockerPasswordSet | Sort ComputerName | Export-Csv $ReportPath -NoTypeInformation
Write-Verbose "Report saved at: $ReportPath" -Verbose
I am trying to scan computers in a specific OU in my AD to get the activation status of Windows.
I keep getting
Test-Connection : Testing connection to computer 'CN=PCNAME,OU=MY-OU' failed: No such host is known
although when i try to test the command against a single remote PC, it works fine getting the output
I tries getting all hosts using
$Hosts = Get-ADComputer -Filter \* -SearchBase "OU=MY-OU"
and then ran a for loop to test the connection of each host and using
foreach ($PC in $Hosts) {
if (Test-Connection $PC -Count 1) {
$License = Get-CimInstance SoftwareLicensingProduct -Filter "Name like 'Windows%'" -ComputerName $PC |where { $_.PartialProductKey } | select Description, LicenseStatus
$csv = [PSCustomObject]#{
License = $License
Computername = $PC
Write-Output $csv
Currently your $PC value is like this
$PC = "CN=server1,OU=OU1,OU=OU2,OU=OU3,DC=domain,DC=org"
in order to get computer name, split the string like below and use that value for test-connection
$CN = $PC.Split(',')[0].Split('=')[1]
$domainName = "CN=server1,OU=OU1,OU=OU2,OU=OU3,DC=domain,DC=org"
$CN = $domainName.Split(',')[0].Split('=')[1]
Edited: There are multiple properties in $Hosts, so instead of splitting distinguished name, use Select-object to get dns hostname.
I do not have an environment to test this code.. so please try yourself.
$Hosts = Get-ADComputer -Filter \* -SearchBase "OU=MY-OU" | Select-Object dnsHostName
$csv = foreach ($dnsHostName in $Hosts) {
Write-Output $dnsHostName
if (Test-Connection $dnsHostName -Count 1) {
$License = Get-CimInstance SoftwareLicensingProduct -Filter "Name like 'Windows%'" -ComputerName $dnsHostName | where { $_.PartialProductKey } | select Description, LicenseStatus
License = $License
Computername = $dnsHostName
$csv | Export-csv -Path C:\temp\output.csv -NoTypeInformation
I'm working on an application that lists all of the installed programs on a customer's computer. I've been able to get a list based on registry keys, but it doesn't include things that were installed via the Microsoft Store. It looks like using PowerShell (based on the guidance on this page: I can get lists of installed applications, but what I'm getting there seems to include a lot of items that aren't in Add/Remove Programs, and I'm not sure how to reconcile the 2 sources (Add/Remove Programs and the lists of programs via PowerShell). Is there some better way I should be doing this, or is there a flag or criteria that I should be using to determine if a listed application is present in Add/Remove Programs?
Perhaps something like that did you mean ?
Refer to How to Create a List of Your Installed Programs on Windows
$outputFile = "$env:APPDATA\Installed_Applications.txt"
if($OS_Architecture -eq 'x86')
#write-host '32-bit'
$key = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*"
#write-host '64-bit'
$key = "HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*"
Get-ItemProperty $Key |
Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate |
Format-Table –AutoSize |
Out-File $outputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Force
Start-Process $outputFile
EDIT : 25/08/2020 # 18:20
Here is a Self-elevate script to get everything with admin rights :
# Self-elevate the script if required
if (-Not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator')) {
if ([int](Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BuildNumber) -ge 6000) {
#$CommandLine = "-File `"" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path + "`" " + $MyInvocation.UnboundArguments
$CommandLine = $MyInvocation.InvocationName
Start-Process -FilePath PowerShell.exe -Verb Runas -ArgumentList $CommandLine
$outputFile = "$env:APPDATA\Installed_Applications.txt"
if($OS_Architecture -eq 'x86')
#write-host '32-bit'
$key = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*"
#write-host '64-bit'
$key = "HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*"
Get-ItemProperty $Key |
Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate |
Format-Table –AutoSize | Out-String -Width 300 |
Out-File $outputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Force
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers |
Out-File -Append $outputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Force
Start $outputFile
In powershell 5 but not powershell 7:
I am trying to get all the list of KB installed on multiple servers and get the last reboot time of the system. My requirement is to get the result in csv or text format with column name "Hostname" , "KB Name" , "installed by" , "installed on" and "Last reboot". I have to execute 2 script to get this done and then i have to format it and i dont want other columns which i am receiving from code 1 only limited column are required.. Can some please help me to get the same format which i reuired?
Output required in below format :
"Source" "Description" "HotFixID" "InstalledBy" "InstalledOn" "Last Reboot"
Please find below 2 code.
FYI : I am new to powershell.
Code 1: This will list all KB installed patch.
$computers = Get-Content -path "C:\Users\joy\Desktop\Machine_List.txt"
$patches = Get-Content -path "C:\Users\joy\Desktop\KB_List.txt"
foreach ($computer in $computers){
foreach ($patch in $patches){
Get-HotFix -id $patch -ComputerName $computer | -OutVariable results -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($results -ne $null) {
$results | Out-File C:\Users\joy\Desktop\report1.txt -Append -Force
else {
Add-content "$Patch is not Present in $computer" -path "C:\Users\joy\Desktop\report2.txt"
Code 2: This will get the last reboot of the system.
$machines = Get-Content C:\Users\joy\Desktop\Machine_List.txt
$report = #()
$object = #()
foreach($machine in $machines)
$object = gwmi win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $machine | select csname, #{LABEL='LastBootUpTime';EXPRESSION={$_.ConverttoDateTime($_.lastbootuptime)}}
$report += $object
$report | Export-csv C:\Users\joy\Desktop\Reboot.csv
$computers = Get-Content C:\Users\XXXXXXXX\Desktop\Machine_List.txt
$patchlist = Get-Content C:\Users\XXXXXXXX\Desktop\KB_List.txt
foreach($computer in $computers)
Get-HotFix -ComputerName $computer -Id $patchlist | select
InstalledOn,InstalledBy,Description,HotFixID,__SERVER | Format-Table | Out-File
#Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Operatingsystem | select csname, lastbootuptime |
Format-Table |Out-File C:\Users\XXXXXXXX\Desktop\report1.txt
gwmi win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $computer | select csname,
#{LABEL='LastBootUpTime';EXPRESSION={$_.ConverttoDateTime($_.lastbootuptime)}} | Out-
File C:\Users\XXXXXXXX\Desktop\report1.txt -Append
Try this, This will allow you to get information what you are looking for. But this script only get installed patches information from the remote machines, If you want add one more loop to print the patches which are installed on another text file.
I have basic knowledge of PowerShell and I have been given a project that needs me to create a PowerShell script that gets all the computers on the domain in active directory and gather the free space/used space of each computer.
This is what I use in order to get servers with low disk space:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Servers = Get-ADcomputer -Filter {OperatingSystem -like "*Server*"} -Properties Name, OperatingSystem -SearchBase "DC=yourDN,DC=local" | Select Name
$diskReport = Foreach($Server in $Servers)
#$Status = "Offline"
$Name = $Server.Name
#Make sure server is online
if(Test-Connection -ComputerName $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
#Get only 10%
Get-WMIObject win32_logicaldisk -ComputerName $Name -Filter "DriveType=3" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { ($_.freespace/$_.size) -le '0.1'}
#Server is offline
$lowservers = $diskreport | Select-Object #{Label = "Server Name";Expression = {$_.SystemName}},
#{Label = "Drive Letter";Expression = {$_.DeviceID}},
#{Label = "Total Capacity (GB)";Expression = {"{0:N1}" -f( $_.Size / 1gb)}},
#{Label = "Free Space (GB)";Expression = {"{0:N1}" -f( $_.Freespace / 1gb ) }},
#{Label = 'Free Space (%)'; Expression = {"{0:P0}" -f ($_.freespace/$_.size)}}
This will first pull all your objects using Get-ADComputer. Then it just does a simple foreach to put everything into $diskReport. The $lowservers is just to clean it up a bit.
You can do whatever you want with $lowservers. I have mine on a scheduled task to run every Monday and Friday. Then send out an email if it finds something low.
this code almost works, it maps VWare VMDK to windows drives. The code is not mine.
Among other info it will return "DD-SERV-01_15.vmdk for VM MAIN is Drive letter G:"
The script will prompt for credentials and proceeds to map however something goes wrong and only the last VM / Drive is is saved as output - I was hoping someone could take a look and update / fix the code so that it saves all output please?
#Get VMware Disk Usage
# Created by Hugo Peeters
$Decimals = 1
# Connect to VC
Write-Progress "Gathering Information" "Connecting to Virtual Center" -Id 0
$VC = Connect-VIServer $VCServer
# Create Output Collection
$myCol = #()
# List Datastores (Datastore Name)
Write-Progress "Gathering Information" "Listing Datastores" -Id 0
$Datastores = Get-Datastore | Sort Name
# List vms
Write-Progress "Gathering Information" "Listing VMs and Disk Files" -Id 0
$VMSummaries = #()
ForEach ($vm in (Get-VM))
$VMView = $VM | Get-View
ForEach ($VirtualSCSIController in ($VMView.Config.Hardware.Device | Where {$_.DeviceInfo.Label -match "SCSI Controller"}))
ForEach ($VirtualDiskDevice in ($VMView.Config.Hardware.Device | Where {$_.ControllerKey -eq $VirtualSCSIController.Key}))
$VMSummary = "" | Select VM, HostName, PowerState, DiskFile, DiskName, DiskSize, SCSIController, SCSITarget
$VMSummary.VM = $VM.Name
$VMSummary.HostName = $VMView.Guest.HostName
$VMSummary.PowerState = $VM.PowerState
$VMSummary.DiskFile = $VirtualDiskDevice.Backing.FileName
$VMSummary.DiskName = $VirtualDiskDevice.DeviceInfo.Label
$VMSummary.DiskSize = $VirtualDiskDevice.CapacityInKB * 1KB
$VMSummary.SCSIController = $VirtualSCSIController.BusNumber
$VMSummary.SCSITarget = $VirtualDiskDevice.UnitNumber
$VMSummaries += $VMSummary
Clear-Variable VMView -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Loop through Datastores
ForEach ($Datastore in $Datastores)
# List vmdk files in datastore (vmdk Name)
Write-Progress "Gathering Information" ("Processing Datastore {0}" -f $Datastore.Name) -Id 0
$DSView = $Datastore | Get-View
$fileQueryFlags = New-Object VMware.Vim.FileQueryFlags
$fileQueryFlags.FileSize = $true
$fileQueryFlags.FileType = $true
$fileQueryFlags.Modification = $true
$searchSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec
$searchSpec.details = $fileQueryFlags
$searchSpec.sortFoldersFirst = $true
$dsBrowser = Get-View $DSView.browser
$rootPath = "["+$DSView.summary.Name+"]"
$searchResult = $dsBrowser.SearchDatastoreSubFolders($rootPath, $searchSpec)
ForEach ($result in $searchResult)
ForEach ($vmdk in ($result.File | ?{$_.Path -like "*.vmdk"} | Sort Path))
Write-Progress "Gathering Information" ("Processing VMDK {0}" -f $vmdk.Path) -Id 1
Write-Host "=============================================================================="
# Find vm using the vmdk (VM Name)
$VMRef = ($VMSummaries | ?{$_.DiskFile -match $Datastore.Name -and $_.DiskFile -match $vmdk.Path})
"VMDK {0} belongs to VM {1}" -f $vmdk.Path, $VMRef.VM
If ($VMRef.Powerstate -eq "PoweredOn")
Write-Host "VM is powered on" -ForegroundColor "yellow"
$Partitions = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskPartition -ComputerName $VMRef.HostName
If ($?)
$Disks = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskDrive -ComputerName $VMRef.HostName
$LogicalDisks = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $VMRef.HostName
$DiskToPartition = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition -ComputerName $VMRef.HostName
$LogicalDiskToPartition = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition -ComputerName $VMRef.HostName
Write-Host "Read partition and disk information" -ForegroundColor "yellow"
# Match disk based on SCSI ID's
$DiskMatch = $Disks | ?{($_.SCSIPort - 1) -eq $VMRef.SCSIController -and $_.SCSITargetID -eq $VMRef.SCSITarget}
If ($DiskMatch -eq $null){Write-Warning "NO MATCHES!"}
Write-Host "Found match:" -ForegroundColor "yellow"
# Find the Partition(s) on this disk
$PartitionsOnDisk = ($DiskToPartition | ?{$_.Antecedent -eq $DiskMatch.__PATH})
If ($PartitionsOnDisk -eq $null){Write-Warning "NO PARTITIONS!"}
ForEach ($PartitionOnDisk in $PartitionsOnDisk)
Write-Host "Disk contains partition" -ForegroundColor "yellow"
$PartitionMatches = $Partitions | ?{$_.__PATH -eq $PartitionOnDisk.Dependent}
ForEach ($PartitionMatch in $PartitionMatches)
$LogicalDiskRefs = $LogicalDiskToPartition | ?{$_.Antecedent -eq $PartitionMatch.__PATH}
If ($LogicalDiskRefs -eq $null)
Write-Warning "NO LOGICAL DISKS!"
ForEach ($LogicalDiskRef in $LogicalDiskRefs)
$LogicalDiskMatches = $LogicalDisks | ?{$_.__PATH -eq $LogicalDiskRef.Dependent}
ForEach ($LogicalDiskMatch in $LogicalDiskMatches)
Write-Host "Matching Logical Disk:" -ForegroundColor "yellow"
# Create Output Object
$myObj = "" | Select Datastore, DSSizeGB, DSFreeGB, DSPercentFree, DiskFile, VM, HardDisk, DriveLetter, DiskSizeGB, DiskFreeGB, PercFree
# List datastore name
$myObj.Datastore = $Datastore.Name
# Determine datastore size in GB
$myObj.DSSizeGB = [Math]::Round(($Datastore.CapacityMB * 1MB / 1GB),$Decimals)
$myObj.DSFreeGB = [Math]::Round(($Datastore.FreeSpaceMB * 1MB / 1GB),$Decimals)
# Determine datastore free space (DS%Free)
$myObj.DSPercentFree = [Math]::Round((100*($Datastore.FreeSpaceMB/$Datastore.CapacityMB)),$Decimals)
# List disk file name
$myObj.DiskFile = $vmdk.Path
# List VM Name
$myObj.VM = $VMRef.VM
# Determine virtual hard disk / logical drive
$myObj.HardDisk = $VMRef.DiskName
# Report driveletter
$myObj.DriveLetter = $LogicalDiskMatch.DeviceID
# Report Size
$myObj.DiskSizeGB = [Math]::Round(($LogicalDiskMatch.Size / 1GB),$Decimals)
# Report Free Space
$myObj.DiskFreeGB = [Math]::Round(($LogicalDiskMatch.FreeSpace / 1GB),$Decimals)
# Calculate Percentage free space
$myObj.PercFree = [Math]::Round((100 * ([int]($LogicalDiskMatch.FreeSpace / 1MB) / [int]($LogicalDiskMatch.Size / 1MB))),$Decimals)
Write-Host "RESULT:" -ForegroundColor "yellow"
# Add output object to output collection
$myCol += $myObj
Clear-Variable LogicalDiskMatches -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Clear-Variable LogicalDiskRefs -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Clear-Variable PartitionMatches -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Clear-Variable PartitionsOnDisk -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Clear-Variable DiskMatch -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Clear-Variable Disks -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Clear-Variable LogicalDisks -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Clear-Variable DiskToPartition -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Clear-Variable LogicalDiskToPartition -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Clear-Variable Partitions -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "VM is powered off" -ForegroundColor "yellow"
Clear-Variable VMRef -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Progress "Gathering Information" ("Processing VMDK {0}" -f $vmdk.Path) -Id 1 -Completed
# Disconnect from VC
Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$False
Write-Host "==================================================="
Write-Host "==================================================="
$TotalDSFree = ($myCol | Select Datastore, DSFreeGB -Unique | Measure-Object DSFreeGB -Sum).Sum
$TotalDSSize = ($myCol | Select Datastore, DSSizeGB -Unique | Measure-Object DSSizeGB -Sum).Sum
$AverageDSFree = [Math]::Round(100 * ($TotalDSFree / $TotalDSSize),$Decimals)
$AverageDiskFree = [Math]::Round(100 * (($myCol | Measure-Object DiskFreeGB -Sum).Sum / ($myCol | Measure-Object DiskSizeGB -Sum).Sum),$Decimals)
Write-Host "Total DS Free: $TotalDSFree"
Write-Host "Total DS Size: $TotalDSSize"
Write-Host "Average DS Free Percentage: $AverageDSFree"
Write-Host "Average Disk Free Percentage: $AverageDiskFree"
$myCol | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation 'C:\TEMP\VMwareDiskUsage.csv'
Try adding the -Append parameter to your export-csv, so it does not overwrite the last entry:
$myCol | Export-Csv -Append -NoTypeInformation 'C:\TEMP\VMwareDiskUsage.csv'