HashMap with a Pair has a strange value in the database - spring

When I insert a object into my db with a rest controller I get for the Value of the Map, which is a Pair, a really strange string in the db, is this serialized? Can someone explain?
"openHours": {
"monday": {
"first": "19:58",
"second": "20:58"
Part of the model:
var openHours: Map<String, Pair<LocalTime, LocalTime >> = HashMap()
key: monday

This is java ObjectSerialization format.
You can use ObjectInputStream to de-serialize the object.
Like so :
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream( .. you data here ... ));
Pair<LocalTime, LocalTime > pair = (Pair<LocalTime, LocalTime >) ois.readObject();


How to perform XRANGE on Redis streams using spring boot

I am using below code to perform XRANGE operation on Redis Stream however it does not give any output even if the range have values in it. Is the approach in the below code correct or there needs to be a different way. I am using Spring Boot 2.2.4
String from = start + "-0";
String to = end + "-0";
Range<String> range = Range.closed(from, to);
List<MapRecord<String, Object, Object>> mapRecords = template.opsForStream().range("SAMPLE.STREAM", range);
Iterator<MapRecord<String, Object, Object>> iterator = mapRecords.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
MapRecord<String, Object, Object> current = iterator.next();
log.info("Record Id: {}, Stream: {}, Value: {}", current.getId(), current.getStream(), current.getValue());

Kotlin iterator to check if payload list have an id/projectId or not, returning false when there is no attributes?

I have an issue where i have a method where i am checking the payload has the attributes or not. When i am sending my payload i want to check that the user dont have inserted attributes which not allowed in the payload.
My entity class:
data class ProjectAssociated(
#GeneratedValue(generator = "uuid2")
#GenericGenerator(name = "uuid2", strategy = "uuid2")
#Column(columnDefinition = "BINARY(16)")
var id: UUID? = null,
#Column(columnDefinition = "BINARY(16)")
var projectId: UUID? = null,
#Column(columnDefinition = "BINARY(16)")
var associatedProjectId: UUID? = null
My Service class:
fun addAssociatedProjectByProjectId(
projectId: UUID,
projectAssociatedList: MutableList<ProjectAssociated>
): MutableList<ProjectAssociated> {
if (projectAssociatedList.isNotEmpty()) {
if (!projectAssociatedList.map { it.id }.isNullOrEmpty()) {
val errorMessage = "Not allowed to provide parameter 'id' in this request"
throw UserInputValidationException(errorMessage)
if (!projectAssociatedList.map { it.projectId }.isNullOrEmpty()) {
val errorMessage = "Not allowed to provide parameter 'projectId' in this request"
throw UserInputValidationException(errorMessage)
val checkIds = projectAssociatedList.map {
if (checkIds.contains(false)) {
val errorMessage = "One or more ID 'associatedProjectId' not exists"
throw UserInputValidationException(errorMessage)
return projectAssociatedList.map {
My Controller class:
#ApiOperation("Add associated Projects to a specific Project")
#PostMapping(path = ["/project-associated"], consumes = [MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE])
fun createAssociatedProjectList(
#ApiParam("The id of the Project", required = true)
id: UUID,
#ApiParam("JSON object representing the ProjectAssociated")
#RequestBody projectAssociated: MutableList<ProjectAssociated>
): ResponseEntity<WrappedResponse<MutableList<ProjectAssociated>>> {
val createdProjectAssociatedList = projectService.addAssociatedProjectByProjectId(id, projectAssociated)
return ResponseEntity
code = 201,
data = PageDto(list = mutableListOf(createdProjectAssociatedList))
But when i try to send this payload with the project id in #RequestParam:
"associatedProjectId": "7fe40f90-5178-11ea-9136-1b65a920a5d9"
"associatedProjectId": "7fe8aaaa-5178-11ea-9136-1b65a920a5d9"
I have a custom exception where i tell the user if projectId or the id is in the payload that is now allowed to have it in the payload. When i try to POST the payload example above it tells me that projectId or id is in the request? How can that be?
I also printed out the list before if checks:
[ProjectAssociated(id=null, projectId=null, associatedProjectId=7fe40f90-5178-11ea-9136-1b65a920a5d9), ProjectAssociated(id=null, projectId=null, associatedProjectId=7fe8aaaa-5178-11ea-9136-1b65a920a5d9)]
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for the help!
In the block projectAssociatedList.map { it.id } you are mapping your list to something like [null, null] and it is not null or empty.
So, the complete condition !projectAssociatedList.map { it.id }.isNullOrEmpty() returns true.
If you want to continue using the same logic, you should use !projectAssociatedList.mapNotNull { it.id }.isNullOrEmpty() instead.
The mapNotNull function will filter the null values and output a list just with the not null values. If there is only null values, the list will be empty.
But, a simpler and expressive way to check if there is any not null attribute in a list of objects could be projectAssociatedList.any { it.id != null }

Hextoraw() not working with IN clause while using NamedParameterJdbcTemplate

I am trying to update certain rows in my oracle DB using id which is of RAW(255).
Sample ids 0BF3957A016E4EBCB68809E6C2EA8B80, 1199B9F29F0A46F486C052669854C2F8...
private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTempalte;
private static final String UPDATE_SUB_STATUS = "update SUBSCRIPTIONS set status = :status, modified_date = systimestamp where id in (:ids)";
public void saveSubscriptionsStatus(List<String> ids, String status) {
MapSqlParameterSource paramSource = new MapSqlParameterSource();
List<String> idsHexToRaw = new ArrayList<>();
String temp = new String();
for (String id : ids) {
temp = "hextoraw('" + id + "')";
paramSource.addValue("ids", idsHexToRaw);
paramSource.addValue("status", status);
jdbcTempalte.update(*UPDATE_SUB_STATUS*, paramSource);
This above block of code is executing without any error but the updates are not reflected to the db, while if I skip using hextoraw() and just pass the list of ids it works fine and also updates the data in table. see below code
public void saveSubscriptionsStatus(List<String> ids, String status) {
MapSqlParameterSource paramSource = new MapSqlParameterSource();]
paramSource.addValue("ids", ids);
paramSource.addValue("status", status);
jdbcTempalte.update(UPDATE_SUB_STATUS, paramSource);
this code works fine and updates the table, but since i am not using hextoraw() it scans the full table for updation which I don't want since i have created indexes. So using hextoraw() will use index for scanning the table but it is not updating the values which is kind of weird.
Got a solution myself by trying all the different combinations :
private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTempalte;
public void saveSubscriptionsStatus(List<String> ids, String status) {
String UPDATE_SUB_STATUS = "update SUBSCRIPTIONS set status = :status, modified_date = systimestamp where id in (";
MapSqlParameterSource paramSource = new MapSqlParameterSource();
String subQuery = "";
for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) {
String temp = "id" + i;
paramSource.addValue(temp, ids.get(i));
subQuery = subQuery + "hextoraw(:" + temp + "), ";
subQuery = subQuery.substring(0, subQuery.length() - 2);
paramSource.addValue("status", status);
jdbcTempalte.update(UPDATE_SUB_STATUS, paramSource);
What this do is create a query with all the ids to hextoraw as id0, id1, id2...... and also added this values in the MapSqlParameterSource instance and then this worked fine and it also used the index for updating my table.
After running my new function the query look like : update
SUBSCRIPTIONS set status = :status, modified_date = systimestamp
where id in (hextoraw(:id0), hextoraw(:id1), hextoraw(:id2)...)
MapSqlParameterSource instance looks like : {("id0", "randomUUID"),
("id1", "randomUUID"), ("id2", "randomUUID").....}
Instead of doing string manipulation, Convert the list to List of ByteArray
List<byte[]> productGuidByteList = stringList.stream().map(item -> GuidHelper.asBytes(item)).collect(Collectors.toList());
parameters.addValue("productGuidSearch", productGuidByteList);
public static byte[] asBytes(UUID uuid) {
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[16]);
return bb.array();

SNMP4J bulkwalk on if-mib

I am using snmp4j.jar. I want to do a snmpwalk on if-table to get ifDescr from all the rows. Using netsnmp :
snmpwalk -v2c -c**** -t 1 ifDescr I can get ...
IF-MIB::ifDescr.1 = STRING: ATM0
IF-MIB::ifDescr.2 = STRING: Ethernet0
I want to do the same with using snmp4j. Any idea how to do that? I followed some tutorial but I am not clear exactly what to do.
Here is the snippet of the code . Hope it help someone .
public Map<String, InterfaceInfoObject> getTableAsStrings(OID[] oids, String communityString) {
TableUtils tUtils = new TableUtils(snmp, new DefaultPDUFactory());
List<TableEvent> events = tUtils.getTable(getTarget(), oids, null, null);
Map<String,InterfaceInfoObject> indexMap = new LinkedHashMap<String,InterfaceInfoObject>();
for (TableEvent event : events) {
if(event.isError()) {
throw new RuntimeException(event.getErrorMessage());
for(VariableBinding vb: event.getColumns()) {
InterfaceInfoObject infterfaceInfo = new InterfaceInfoObject();
String oid = vb.getOid().toString();
String index = event.getIndex().toString();
String colValue = vb.getVariable().toString();
getInferfaceObjectAndsetValues(indexMap, oid, index, colValue);
putInferfaceInfoObjInMap(indexMap, infterfaceInfo, oid, index,
return indexMap;

How to Get the Array of data from json array using WEB API in mvc3?

I have create web services using Web Api in mvc3,in this i want get the data from json. Json Result like this
{"order": {
"locationid": "1",
"deviceidentifier": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"ordercontactname": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"ordercontactphone": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"ordercontactemail": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"shipaddress1": "17 Brookfield",
"shipaddress2": "Suite 17",
"shipcity": "Irvine",
"shipstate": "CA",
"shipzipcode": "92604",
"shipphonenumber": "9493742114",
"shipemail": "Info#mail.com",
"shipmethod": "pickup",
"billingphonenumber": "1234567891",
"billingemail": "",
"items": [
{"itemid":"1","quantity":"1","price":"2.5","notes":"make it spicy"},
for this i have create Poco class and i get Order data using poco class, but i can't get the items array data how can i get items data
Here is my code
public List<Message> PlaceOrder(PlaceOrder order)
// List<PlaceOrder> entities = (List<PlaceOrder>)JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject(json, typeof(List<PlaceOrder>));
int PayOrderID = 0;
List<Message> Result;
Result = new List<Message>();
Order objOrder = new Order();
PayHist objPayhis = new PayHist();
objOrder.LocationId = order.LocationId;
objOrder.DeviceIdentifier = order.DeviceIdentifier;
objOrder.OrderContactName = order.OrderContactName;
objOrder.OrderContactPhone = order.OrderContactPhone;
objOrder.OrderContactEmail = order.OrderContactEmail;
string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
objOrder.ShipMethod = order.ShipMethod;
objOrder.ShippingDate = Convert.ToDateTime(order.PickupDate);
objOrder.OrderGuid = guid;
entities.AddObject("Orders", objOrder);
int orderId = objOrder.OrderId;
PayOrderID = orderId;
objPayhis.OrderId = orderId;
objPayhis.PayType = order.ShipMethod;
objPayhis.Amount = float.Parse(order.Amount);
entities.AddObject("PayHists", objPayhis);
JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
// Order foo = ser.Deserialize<Order>(json);
Message objMessage = new Message();
objMessage.Messagevalue = "Sucess";
return Result;
Please help me..
Try this (you need to fix your Json by replacing the "=" signs by ":" signs" before):
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "")]
public HttpResponseMessage Add(JsonValue json) {
JsonValue order = json["order"];
JsonArray items = (JsonArray) order["items"];
JsonValue item1 = items[0];
var notes1 = item1["notes"];
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
