Gerena Free Fire topup api using player id only - google-play-games

I have seen alot of websites which make diamond topup to free fire account using only player id.
I looked for API in free fire website but I havent found any api like that and free fire does not allow to transfer diamond.
How can I topup diamond to another account. Is there any api or any solutions ?


validate rewarded ad in google ad manager for web

We have a learning app with free content and subscription content.
We would like to give access to the subscription content to the users using rewarded video ads.
I can try those videos using these codes publisher-tag 1 publisher-tag 1 2.
But the question here is, how can I validate that event server-side? I can't just call a function to reward the user without any validation. I'm trying to find information in google but the SSV is only explained for mobile apps (what in my opinion is less important than the web validation)

Android and iOS billing for multi-platform saas

Just wondering if someone can clear this up for me as its kind of a grey area and not sure what to do.
I have a website that is split into frontend and api and has a subscription service provided by stripe on the api. I am now making apps in ionic for both apple and google stores but Im unsure of how the payments will work on the platforms, ideally i would like to just stick to using stripe but Ive been reading about both stores and this is where I need guidance.
From what I have read it seems to be that I have to use google play billing and apples alternative. Do I have to use these for the apps going into their respective stores or can I continue to use stripe within the apps? As i see it its a multi platform saas. So why cant I just send the card info to my api for charging?(I know theres alot of security involved and its not as trivial as I make it out to be)
Ive been reading conflicting statements from multiple sites and Im just not sure which is correct and the docs on google play billing make no reference to this. Its a multiplatform service so can I just send on the card details to my api
But what I have found is that apple have this
3.1.3(b) Multiplatform Services: Apps that operate across multiple platforms may allow users to access content, subscriptions, or features they have acquired elsewhere, including consumable items in multi-platform games, provided those items are also available as in-app purchases within the app. You must not directly or indirectly target iOS users to use a purchasing method other than in-app purchase, and your general communications about other purchasing methods must not discourage use of in-app purchase.
Which to me states that I have to use Apple Pay and make no reference to my other payment methods for fear of being refused from the store.
I can't comment for Apple. For Google Play the best place to answer this sort of question is the Developer policy center. In the Monetization and Ads section it says
Developers offering products within another category of app downloaded on Google Play must use Google Play In-app Billing as the method of payment, except for the following cases:
Payment is solely for physical products
Payment is for digital content that may be consumed outside of the app itself (e.g. songs that can be played on other music players).
You should read all of the linked page and decide what category the stuff you are selling falls into.

zagat content in the Places API - ERROR

I am many errors on my Maps API Console.
I am the website owner, not the developer or webmaster.
Got an email from Google about new pricing. Below is the email.
Today we are announcing important changes, including our new name - Google Maps Platform, a simplified product structure, pay as you go pricing for all, and more. Please take a few minutes to review the announcement to familiarize yourself with the upcoming changes.
We would like to highlight a few updates that may impact your implementation. Beginning June 11th, we are launching our new pricing plan and providing all users access to support. We’ll continue to offer a free tier — all developers will receive $200 of free monthly usage of our core products.
How does this affect your current account(s)?
Based on your usage over the last 3 months and our new pricing plan, we estimate that your monthly cost will exceed the current $200 free tier.
I am trying to figure out why I have so many API calls.
I am seeing in the console, that in the "Google Places API Web Service" I have alot of "Zagat content in the Places API" calls, and they all result in error.
I am trying to figure out how this is happening, but not finding any info online. I see that the "zagatselected" parameter was discarded May of 2017. I can not figure out what is causing these errors.
Everything has been working fine, I have my own API key, and have for a long while. The only reason I am really looking into this, is because Google will now start charging me monthly.
Is it possible you expose your Maps API key to the client, don't have any restrictions on it, and someone else is calling the API/raising those errors?
If you have a snippet of code like this....
<script src="[APIKEYHERE]&libraries=geometry,places&callback=initialize">
...on a public web page, it would be easy for someone else to take the API key and use it themselves, unless you add a IP or referrer restriction to only allow it to be used client-side from your website. You can set up restrictions on who can use your API key following these instructions.
I suspect that the new Google Maps and Places API pricing scheme (which significantly lowers the number of free Places API calls) might cause some less ethical users to use keys they can scrape off websites.

Extending YouTube API Quota with limited funds

With a simple java program, I send GET requests using YouTube Data API specifically videos.list, in order to get the public metadata of a video and store it as .json files.
For my universities research, we have to do this with all available YouTube video IDs provided in the Youtube-8M Database.
Therefore, I would like to know if there is a way to extend the available quota for requests (I already know about the billing option, but I am a student and my university is small).
I have read the YouTube API terms, which states that only one project per client may be used to send such requests with the necessary API Key.
If I understand it correctly, even my simple java code is such a client.
In some other Stack Overflow questions about extending ones daily quota with API Keys, some suggested creating multiple accounts or projects.
Is this a legal option or not? Or is there another possibility to get a higher quota for simple requests used in research like I do right now?
If you go to the Google Developer console where you enabled the YouTube API. the second tab is called quota
Click the pencil next to which ever quota it is that you are blowing out. A new window will pop up with a link called apply for higher quota.
Fill out the form to apply. To my knowledge you do not have to pay for additional YouTube quota but it can take time to get approved. Make sure you comply with everything on the form.
I have never heard of the one project per client term. Technically you can run your application using different API Keys it should work fine. Technically there is nothing wrong with creating additional projects on Google Developer console. You don't need to go as far as creating another Google account.

Getting autocode, receipt number back from the Square API

I'm developing an app that uses Square credit card processing API. In the Square web panel, after a charge I see things like "authcode" and receipt number in that interface, but I can't find where the API gives me back this data.
Also, when charging with the Square virtual terminal, I can pace a comment with the charge. When the API makes a charge that comment is set to "online transaction."
So can I have the software leave a comment with the API, and can I get the auto code and receipt numbers through the API?
Not all of the features available in Square Dashboard are available via the API at this time, though we are actively working on expanding the API capabilities, particularly around itemizations and receipts.
You can add external reference_id and note to a transaction if you want to associate some external metadata. Receipts can be retrieved with the older retrieve and list payments endpoints. See here:
