How do you configure Laravel and RabbitMQ? - laravel

Let me start by saying I am quite the novice when it comes to server development, so not being able to even setup a learning project is not my proudest moment, but here it goes:
I have a Laravel 8 project, with an AMQP wrapper installed from here: Aside from that, I have the rabbitmq:3-management Docker image running.
Now, if I try to open the management console through localhost:15672, use the guest:guest creds, everything is fine. If I try to telnet localhost 5672 and enter a random string as suggested here: , everything is still fine.
I have an amqp.php file in my config as suggested here:, it changes nothing. I know for a fact that it changes nothing, because I at least managed to find where to hardcode my host and port, and got a bit "more positive" errors for a while, but I didn't manage to the same with the credentials.
All in all, without any hardcoding, and supposedly doing the configuration by the book, this is the error I get when I try to publish a message:
Error Connecting to server(0): Failed to parse address ":"
Any pointers would be appreciated.

So, all in all, I could not for the life of me figure out why my AMQP wrapper refused to have its config applied, so I removed it and went to trying to run the queue without it.
I could have been a bit more verbose in my question, what I called "more positive" errors, at best resulted in "Connection refused", which I immediately got when I went to the barebones implementation.
And because I'm still learning docker-compose from the ground up, it did not occur to me that instead of creating the connection based on "localhost", I had to use the name of the RabbitMQ container. Fixing that fixed everything.


Why is intertactive Broker Client Web API fails due to proxy remote host setting?

The Interactive Borker (IB) has a setting for the proxyRemoteHost which is like this "". This config won't work unless it's changed to "", where X = [1-5]. We need to specify a server to make it to work. Although this looks good for DEV purpose, in product we don't wanna specify the server instead use the base URL.
The Interactive Broker team has been troubleshooting this issue for a while and not able to pin point any reason. I really appreciate if anyone can help me understand probable causes behind this issue, so I can give more input for the relevant team to fix this issue. I can't add the logs due to some sensitive information in them. In logs, we can see the SSO authentication always fails while using proxyRemoteHost setting as base URL ("") but works when we specify a server (""). No further info in the logs that mentions any reasons behind the failure.
We have tested this on latest Chrome and Firefox with CORS enabled. Also, once in a blue moon, it works fine with the base URL which totally surprises me.

Cannot Preview my Sinatra App in Codio at Port 9292 (I can at 4567)

I'm using Codio to create a Sinatra app. Obviously, since it's cloud-based, I've added the line set :bind, '' to app.rb. I've also set my database.yml file to say host: both the development and test environments. (I'm using PostgreSQL, and yes I made sure under Tools --> Install Software, that it is running. )
When I run ruby app.rb in my terminal, Sinatra takes the stage at Port 4567, which I'm able to view perfectly fine.
But when I run rackup, on the other hand, Sinatra takes the stage at Port 9292. Trying to preview at that port yields a HTTP Error 502 Bad Gateway status.
(Note: I'm unable to post within the Codio Community forums at the moment--their system doesn't seem to realize I'm logged in when I go into their forums page, and it won't let me log in. I'm standing by for help from them on that. Until then, I figured I'd reach out here on StackOverflow.)
Hi.. saw your message to us and replied but seems you haven't picked it up yet? That message though wasn't clear you were talking about the Codio forum :) You need to register separately there - the forum is not associated with your Codio account credentials

Connect to server via FTP with Notepad++?

I'm trying to log into my FTP account through Notepad++ but I cant get it to connect for the life of me. I know the password and hostname are correct because it works fine in filezilla.
I get the following info in the output:
-> Quit
Unable to connect
I'm using
Incase it matters, the hostname is through connection mode is passive, transfer mode is binary, everything else is default...
Thanks in advance for the help,
I'm getting the same results. The plugin worked before, it looks it is now broken. Starting as admin doesn't help, too. Maybe you can downgrade it to some older version and retry. If someone has time, he can fill a support request directly at NPP FTP homepage. As problems with this plugin are frequent, I switched to a different solution - see the second paragraph of that post.
EDIT: I've made some plugin diagnostics, please follow here.
-> Quit
Unable to connect
No more explanation of the error.
The reason was, remote machine doesn’t allow FTP connections at all!
So Use sftp (select from connetion type)
this will work

How to start Enterprise Manager(em) console in Oracle AS in windows and linux

I have installed Oracle AS and then applied patch to upgrade it to
This OAS is configured to listen at port 80.
When I go to http://localhost after starting OPMN, i can wee the welcome screen.
But now I want to login to Enterprise Manager(em) console so I go to http://localhost/em
but this link doesn't work and says:
Not Found The requested URL /em was
not found on this server.
Please tell me how to start em console in OAS
Firstly to verify what port you should be using (and providing you haven't reconfigured it) you can check the file:
which can be found at
Once you are sure that you are using the correct port, have you started the console? (opmnctl start all command doesn't start the AS control) You can try starting it using the following command:
ORACLE_APPLICATION_SERVER_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startproc application=ascontrol
I'm casting my mind back a few years here, so this could be completely wrong.
I think that em had it's own web-server and so would have run on a different port. Try 1810.
You might also want to try https rather than http.
So, in conclusion, try:
If this doesn't work, please can you let me know and I'll delete this answer. :-)

Unable to run junit tests in Eclipse

I and my colleagues have an intermittent problem running junit tests or tomcat from within Eclipse.
Sometimes the tests will run.
Sometimes they will not.
There appears to be no pattern and we are not in sync. IE mine might run and others will fail.
Stopping/starting Eclipse can resolve the issue (sometimes).
Pulling out the network cable ALWAYS resolves the problem (while it is out).
When it fails the following happens.
On trying to run the class the Console screen appears with the red box.
The console screen stays blank for about 30 seconds and then the following appears:
Could not connect to: : 2083 Connection
refused: connect at
Method) at
The port number varies.
I found a forum post that told me follow this
But this did not work.
We are all on Microsoft XP based machines connecting to the internet via an
ISA server/proxy.
I am running Eclipse 3.3.3 and MyEclipse 6.0.1
Any ideas please ?
I have concentrated on junit instead of tomcat as it is much quicker & easier to reproduce.
Yep I had seen the McQueeney link with no luck.
We have done some more digging and interestingly when you run junit from Eclipse, Eclipse decides to go & check for updates, Yes that's right - everytime you run a junit (& I guess tomcat and others).
We removed a colleague's access restrictions to the WWW through the ISA server and low & behold the problem disappeared.
We are still monitoring this to see if it is the solution.
Watch this space.
I have tried looking through the Eclipse set up to see if I can stop it trundling off everytime to the WWW but have not seen a suitable option yet.
Some suggestions...:
Did you look at tomcat logs ?
Do you see in them some ClientAbortException: Broken pipe. ?
It looks like the server thinks the client is closing the connection at times.
And like the client is getting the connection reset by the server (connection reset), and the server is not listening sometimes (connection refused).
If you are testing from behind a firewall/proxy server, you may need to provide TomCat with the firewall/proxy server hostname and port number.
Restarting eclipse should be enough:
Apparently the JUnit runner thread in Eclipse attaches to an Eclipse server thread to run the tests. It would seem the client thread was trying to connect to the wrong port (3393) or that the server thread that had been listening on port 3393 for runtime requests failed.
The solution McQueeney found is here (thank you!)
One suggestion I find interesting is:
I had to change the jre that my Eclipse project uses to make sure that JUnit and my project were using the same jre. After a restart of Eclipse the error was gone.
I hope you will find a definitive cause for this.
I had the same problem, when my network driver was broken.
JUnit und Eclipse communicate via ICP (InterProcess Communication), better said: via TCP.
To run it successfully, you have repair your network drivers.
Try to reinstall TCP/IP protocols or turn it back to a system restore point.
Good luck!
So your JUnit only works, if there's a connection to the internet?
Or was it a one time action and now, it works without an internet connection?
Strange world... Are there any hints in a log file?
