Connect to server via FTP with Notepad++? - ftp

I'm trying to log into my FTP account through Notepad++ but I cant get it to connect for the life of me. I know the password and hostname are correct because it works fine in filezilla.
I get the following info in the output:
-> Quit
Unable to connect
I'm using
Incase it matters, the hostname is through connection mode is passive, transfer mode is binary, everything else is default...
Thanks in advance for the help,

I'm getting the same results. The plugin worked before, it looks it is now broken. Starting as admin doesn't help, too. Maybe you can downgrade it to some older version and retry. If someone has time, he can fill a support request directly at NPP FTP homepage. As problems with this plugin are frequent, I switched to a different solution - see the second paragraph of that post.
EDIT: I've made some plugin diagnostics, please follow here.

-> Quit
Unable to connect
No more explanation of the error.
The reason was, remote machine doesn’t allow FTP connections at all!
So Use sftp (select from connetion type)
this will work


Cannot connect to Oracle database via TCPS

We have an Oracle server set up and are using TCP with SSL as connection. This setup was made with the assistant wizard and we used the default settings pretty much everywhere (which also means that no tnsnames.ora or listener.ora exist). lsnrctl status shows that the correct ports are listening.
We are trying to connect to this database via DBeaver and SQuirrel SQL but cannot get it to work. We have set the vmargs for the programs to contain the certificate of the server (e.g. dbeaver.exe -vmargs, which works fine.
Connecting to the database with a concrete JDBC URL string (jdbc:oracle:thin:#(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCPS)(HOST=IP)(PORT=5500))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=testdb)))) does not work and times out after 60 seconds without a proper error (IO Error: Got minus one from a read call). We have tried pretty much everything and cannot get it to work.
The ports are correctly assigned, the database can successfully get accessed with the normal TCP protocol and port 1521.jdbc:oracle:thin:#(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=IP)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=testdb)))
Are we missing steps? There don't seem to be any firewall issues. The certificates seem to be working fine as well, but we cannot connect with any of the programs (or sqlplus via command line).
Anyone know what could be the problem? Thanks!
Can you check out the SSL blog or our OTN page for step-by-step instructions? If you are using TLSv1.2 then the JDK version and JDBC driver versions are very important.
In the end I got it to work. There are various sites online that show you how it's done. I used this one:
Getting the wallets set up, certificates set up and the user set up in the database were the most important steps. Additionally, I had to separate the server and client machines. The server is now on a VM and it works that way, I couldn't get it to work having both on the same machine.

Flie zilla not working on PC

I am using filezilla since 1year. i never had this kind of trouble
when i work from home i can able to connect filezilla But when i came to office this issue is coming. May i know what could be the possible error or fault..
Suggest Edit if question not reach standards.
So i can able to use filezilla with my pc the internet connection is different ip is different And
when i use filezilla from office this error is coming.
"Only use plain FTP (insecure)"

Can't connect with Filezilla

I just upgraded to the latest Filezilla version - and I can't connect to my websites. I keep getting a "connection timed out" error.
I discovered some sort of "Configuration" feature, so I gave it a try, but I can't copy and paste the results, because the screen closes when I try to copy the text (a very useful feature). However, it did say I had the "wrong external IP address."
I was invited to get the correct IP address on this page. So I typed in that value, but I still get the same results - a connection timed out error and wrong external IP address.
I can connect to my websites fine with Dreamweaver, but not with Filezilla. Does anyone know what the solution is? If not, can you recommend any other FTP clients, preferably something free (or very inexpensive) and user friendly?
P.S. I was going to ask this on Filezilla's forum, but I couldn't register because they don't accept registration from people using Google's e-mail service. WTF???
I would double check that FileZilla is defaulting to plain FTP (rather than SFTP, or some other protocol). If it is working properly in Dreamweaver I would open them both up and check to make sure the settings are all the same.
And if you would like to try a different FTP client I would recommend CyberDuck.

Cannot connect Webstorm to FTP project

I am trying to connect my Webstorm to my web site, so i can work on the files over the network via FTP, but i can't seem to get my FTP connection to work.
If I connect to my website via Filezilla like this :
... it works perfect.
However when I try with Webstorm nothing seems to work. Here is a screenshot :
error :
Note :
username and password are identical in both cases.
On webstorm i have tried a number of things for the FTP host:, And for Web server root URL, i have tried, and
Where am i going wrong?
Please check if turning 'Passive mode' (Deployment/Advanced options) on makes any difference. If it doesn't, please try the following:
shut down WebStorm
delete the idea.log
enable debug logging for 'com.jetbrains.plugins.webDeployment'
category (see for details)
recreate your problem and send the idea.log to Jetbrains support

How to start Enterprise Manager(em) console in Oracle AS in windows and linux

I have installed Oracle AS and then applied patch to upgrade it to
This OAS is configured to listen at port 80.
When I go to http://localhost after starting OPMN, i can wee the welcome screen.
But now I want to login to Enterprise Manager(em) console so I go to http://localhost/em
but this link doesn't work and says:
Not Found The requested URL /em was
not found on this server.
Please tell me how to start em console in OAS
Firstly to verify what port you should be using (and providing you haven't reconfigured it) you can check the file:
which can be found at
Once you are sure that you are using the correct port, have you started the console? (opmnctl start all command doesn't start the AS control) You can try starting it using the following command:
ORACLE_APPLICATION_SERVER_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startproc application=ascontrol
I'm casting my mind back a few years here, so this could be completely wrong.
I think that em had it's own web-server and so would have run on a different port. Try 1810.
You might also want to try https rather than http.
So, in conclusion, try:
If this doesn't work, please can you let me know and I'll delete this answer. :-)
