Counting against a threshold, without knowing the actual count - algorithm

I'm looking for a counting bloom filter kind of data structure that exposes two methods:
class ModifiedCountingBloomFilter {
1. increment()
2. isThresholdBreached()
e.g. let's say threshold = 100 users. I'll keep calling increment() every time a user hits my website. And I only want to know whether >=100 users have hit my website.
At any point of time, I shouldn't be able to tell how many users actually visited my website. Just a boolean value of >=100 or <100.
Note that I'm not looking for a class implementation. But an algorithm like bloom-filter that can appropriately hide any counts < 100, i.e. enforces no physical way of obtaining those counts.
Problems with using counting bloom filter
I'll be able to tell between 0 and non-zero counts
In fact it allows to query for any threshold. I intend to only be able to query for threshold = 100.
It's like an opaque glass of water. I should only be able to add more water to it, and I should only be able to tell if it's full (when the water overflows). Rest everything should be hidden.
Any pointers shall be very appreciated.


Assessing doc2vec accuracy

I am trying to assess a doc2vec model based on the code from here. Basically, I want to know the percentual of inferred documents are found to be most similar to itself. This is my current code an:
for doc_id, doc in enumerate(cur.execute('SELECT Text FROM Patents')):
docs += 1
doc = clean_text(doc)
inferred_vector = model.infer_vector(doc)
sims = model.docvecs.most_similar([inferred_vector], topn=len(model.docvecs))
rank = [docid for docid, sim in sims].index(doc_id)
counter = collections.Counter(ranks)
accuracy = counter[0] / docs
This code works perfectly with smaller datasets. However, since I have a huge file with millions of documents, this code becomes too slow, it would take months to compute. I profiled my code and most of the time is consumed by the following line: sims = model.docvecs.most_similar([inferred_vector], topn=len(model.docvecs)).
If I am not mistaken, this is having to measure each document to every other document. I think computation time might be massively reduced if I change this to topn=1 instead since the only thing I want to know is if the most similar document is itself or not. Doing this will basically take each doc (i.e., inferred_vector), measure its most similar document (i.e., topn=1), and then I just see if it is itself or not. How could I implement this? Any help or idea is welcome.
To have most_similar() return only the single most-similar document, that is as simple as specifying topn=1.
However, to know which one document of the millions is the most-similar to a single target vector, the similarities to all the candidates must be calculated & sorted. (If even one document was left out, it might have been the top-ranked one!)
Making sure absolutely no virtual-memory swapping is happening will help ensure that brute-force comparison happens as fast as possible, all in RAM – but with millions of docs, it will still be time-consuming.
What you're attempting is a fairly simple "self-check" as to whether training led to self-consistent model: whether the re-inference of a document creates a vector "very close to" the same doc-vector left over from bulk training. Failing that will indicate some big problems in doc-prep or training, but it's not a true measure of the model's "accuracy" for any real task, and the model's value is best evaluated against your intended use.
Also, because this "re-inference self-check" is just a crude sanity check, there's no real need to do it for every document. Picking a thousand (or ten thousand, or whatever) random documents will give you a representative idea of whether most of the re-inferred vectors have this quality, or not.
Similarly, you could simply check the similarity of the re-inferred vector against the single in-model vector for that same document-ID, and check whether they are "similar enough". (This will be much faster, but could also be done on just a random sample of docs.) There's no magic proper threshold for "similar enough"; you'd have to pick one that seems to match your other goals. For example, using scikit-learn's cosine_similarity() to compare the two vectors:
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
# ...
inferred_vector = model.infer_vector(doc_words)
looked_up_vector = model.dv[doc_id]
self_similarity = cosine_similarity([inferred_vector], [looked_up_vector])[0]
# then check that value against some threshold
(You have to wrap the single vectors in lists as arguments to cosine_similarity(), then access the 0th element of the return value, because it is designed to usually work on larger lists of vectors.)
With this calculation, you wouldn't know if, for example, some of the other stored-doc-vectors are a little closer to your inferred target - but that may not be that important, anyway. The docs might be really similar! And while the original "closest to itself" self-check will fail miserably if there were major defects in training, even a well-trained model will likely have some cases where natural model jitter prevents a "closest to itself" for every document. (With more documents inside the same number of dimensions, or certain corpuses with lots of very-similar documents, this would become more common... but not be a concerning indicator of any model problems.)

How to correctly use Prometheus Histogram from java client to track size rather than latency?

I have an API that that processes collections.
The execution time of this API is related to the collection size (the larger the collection, the more it will take).
I am researching how can I do this with prometheus but am unsure whether I am doing things correctly (documentation is a bit lacking in this area).
the first thing I did is define a Summary metric to measure execution time of the API. I am using the canonical rate(sum)/rate(count) as explained here.
Now, since I know that the latency may be affected by the size of the input, I also want to overlay the request size on the avg execution time. Since I dont want to measure each possible size, I figured I'd use a histogram. Like so:
Histogram histogram =, 30, 50)
.help("histogram of bulk sizes to correlate with duration")
.labelNames("method", "entity")
Note: the term 'size' does not relate to the size in bytes but to the length of the collection that needs to be processed. 2 items, 5 items, 50 items...
and in the execution I do (simplified):
void process(Collection<Entity> entitiesToProcess, string entityName){
Timer t = summary.labels("PUT_BULK", entityName).startTimer()
// process...
histogram.labels("PUT_BULK", entityName).observe(entitiesToProcess.size())
Later when I am looking at the BULK_REQUEST_SIZE_bucket in Grafana, I see that all buckets have the same value, so clearly I am doing something wrong.
Is there a more canonical way to do it?
Your code is correct (though bulk_request_size_bytes would be a better metric name).
The problem is likely that you've suboptimal buckets, as 10, 30 and 50 bytes are pretty small for most request sizes. I'd try larger bucket sizes that cover more typical values.

Parse: limitations of count()

Anyone who's read Parse documentation has stumbled upon this
Caveat: Count queries are rate limited to a maximum of 160 requests per minute. They can also return inaccurate results for classes with more than 1,000 objects. Thus, it is preferable to architect your application to avoid this sort of count operation (by using counters, for example.)
Why's there such limitation and inaccuracy?
To quote the Parse Engineering Blog Post: Building Scalable Apps on Parse
Suppose you are building a product catalog. You might want to display
the count of products in each category on the top-level navigation
screen. If you run a count query for each of these UI elements, they
will not run efficiently on large data sets because MongoDB does not
use counting B-trees. Instead, we recommend that you use a separate
Parse Object to keep track of counts for each category. Whenever a
product gets added or deleted, you can increment or decrement the
counts in an afterSave or afterDelete Cloud Code handler.
To add on to this, here is another quote by Hector Ramos from the Parse Developers Google Group
Count queries have always been expensive once you throw some
constraints in. If you only care about the total size of the
collection, you can run a count query without any constraints and that
one should be pretty fast, as getting the total number of records is a
different problem than counting how many of these match an arbitrary
list of constraints. This is just the reality of working with database
The inaccuracy is not due to the 1000 request object limit. The count query will try to get the total number of records regardless of size, but since the operation may take a large amount of time to complete, it is possible that the database has changed during that window and the count value that is returned may no longer be valid.
The recommended way to handle counts is to essentially maintain your own index using before/after save hooks. However, this is also a non-ideal solution because save hooks can arbitrarily fail part way through and (worse) postSave hooks have no error propagation.
The limitation is simply to stop people using counts too much, they're just as runtime costly as full queries in effect.
The inaccuracy is because queries are limited to 1000 result objects (100 by default) and counts have the same hard limit.
You can run a recursive query to build up a count, but it's a crappy option. Hence the only really good option at this point in time (and as far as we can see in the future) is to keep an index of the things you're interested in counting and update the counts when anything changes. You would usually do that with save hooks in cloud code.

Network Coverage: Finding percentage of points within a given distance

I'll start out by framing the problem I'm trying to solve. This is a health care problem so I'll use the terms 'member' and 'provider.' Basically, we want to try to contract providers until a certain percentage of members are "covered."
With that, let me define "coverage": a member is covered if there is a contracted provider within a given number of miles (let's call this maxd for maximum distance). So if our maxd=15, and there's a provider 12 miles away from me, I'm covered by that provider. Each member only has to be covered by one provider.
The goal here is to cover a certain percentage of numbers (let's say 90%) while having to contract the fewest number of providers. In this case, it's helpful to generate a list that, given our current state (current state being our list of contracted providers), shows us which providers will cover the most members that aren't already covered.
Here's how I'm doing this so far. I have a set contracted_providers that tells me who I have contracted. It may be empty. First, I find out what members are already covered and forget about them, since members only need to be covered once.
maxd = 15 # maximum distance to be covered, 15 for example
for p in contracted_providers:
for m in members:
if dist(p,m) <= maxd:
Then I calculate each provider's coverage (percentage-wise) on the remaning set of yet-uncovered members.
uncovered_members = members # renaming this for clarity
results = dict()
for p in not_contracted_providers:
count = 0
for m in uncovered_members: # this set now just contains uncovered members
if dist(p,m) <= maxd:
results[p] = count/uncovered_members.size() # percentage of uncovered members that this provider would cover.
Ok, thanks for bearing with me through that. Now I can ask my question. These data sets are pretty big. On the larger end of the scale, we might have 10,000 providers and 40,000 members. Is there any better way to do this than brute-force?
I'm thinking something along the lines of a data structure that represents a heat map and then use that to find the best providers. Basically something that allows me to cheat a little bit and not have to calculate each individual distance for every provider, member combination. I've tried to research this but I don't even know what to search for, so any sort of direction would be helpful. If it's relevant, all locations are represented by geolocation (lat,long).
And as a side note, if brute force is pretty much the only option, would something like Hadoop be a good choice to do it quickly?

Algorithm for most recently/often contacts for auto-complete?

We have an auto-complete list that's populated when an you send an email to someone, which is all well and good until the list gets really big you need to type more and more of an address to get to the one you want, which goes against the purpose of auto-complete
I was thinking that some logic should be added so that the auto-complete results should be sorted by some function of most recently contacted or most often contacted rather than just alphabetical order.
What I want to know is if there's any known good algorithms for this kind of search, or if anyone has any suggestions.
I was thinking just a point system thing, with something like same day is 5 points, last three days is 4 points, last week is 3 points, last month is 2 points and last 6 months is 1 point. Then for most often, 25+ is 5 points, 15+ is 4, 10+ is 3, 5+ is 2, 2+ is 1. No real logic other than those numbers "feel" about right.
Other than just arbitrarily picked numbers does anyone have any input? Other numbers also welcome if you can give a reason why you think they're better than mine
Edit: This would be primarily in a business environment where recentness (yay for making up words) is often just as important as frequency. Also, past a certain point there really isn't much difference between say someone you talked to 80 times vs say 30 times.
Take a look at Self organizing lists.
A quick and dirty look:
Move to Front Heuristic:
A linked list, Such that whenever a node is selected, it is moved to the front of the list.
Frequency Heuristic:
A linked list, such that whenever a node is selected, its frequency count is incremented, and then the node is bubbled towards the front of the list, so that the most frequently accessed is at the head of the list.
It looks like the move to front implementation would best suit your needs.
EDIT: When an address is selected, add one to its frequency, and move to the front of the group of nodes with the same weight (or (weight div x) for courser groupings). I see aging as a real problem with your proposed implementation, in that it requires calculating a weight on each and every item. A self organizing list is a good way to go, but the algorithm needs a bit of tweaking to do what you want.
Further Edit:
Aging refers to the fact that weights decrease over time, which means you need to know each and every time an address was used. Which means, that you have to have the entire email history available to you when you construct your list.
The issue is that we want to perform calculations (other than search) on a node only when it is actually accessed -- This gives us our statistical good performance.
This kind of thing seems similar to what is done by firefox when hinting what is the site you are typing for.
Unfortunately I don't know exactly how firefox does it, point system seems good as well, maybe you'll need to balance your points :)
I'd go for something similar to:
NoM = Number of Mail
(NoM sent to X today) + 1/2 * (NoM sent to X during the last week)/7 + 1/3 * (NoM sent to X during the last month)/30
Contacts you did not write during the last month (it could be changed) will have 0 points. You could start sorting them for NoM sent in total (since it is on the contact list :). These will be showed after contacts with points > 0
It's just an idea, anyway it is to give different importance to the most and just mailed contacts.
If you want to get crazy, mark the most 'active' emails in one of several ways:
Last access
Frequency of use
Contacts with pending sales
Direct bosses
Then, present the active emails at the top of the list. Pay attention to which "group" your user uses most. Switch to that sorting strategy exclusively after enough data is collected.
It's a lot of work but kind of fun...
Maybe count the number of emails sent to each address. Then:
ORDER BY EmailCount DESC, LastName, FirstName
That way, your most-often-used addresses come first, even if they haven't been used in a few days.
I like the idea of a point-based system, with points for recent use, frequency of use, and potentially other factors (prefer contacts in the local domain?).
I've worked on a few systems like this, and neither "most recently used" nor "most commonly used" work very well. The "most recent" can be a real pain if you accidentally mis-type something once. Alternatively, "most used" doesn't evolve much over time, if you had a lot of contact with somebody last year, but now your job has changed, for example.
Once you have the set of measurements you want to use, you could create an interactive apoplication to test out different weights, and see which ones give you the best results for some sample data.
This paper describes a single-parameter family of cache eviction policies that includes least recently used and least frequently used policies as special cases.
The parameter, lambda, ranges from 0 to 1. When lambda is 0 it performs exactly like an LFU cache, when lambda is 1 it performs exactly like an LRU cache. In between 0 and 1 it combines both recency and frequency information in a natural way.
In spite of an answer having been chosen, I want to submit my approach for consideration, and feedback.
I would account for frequency by incrementing a counter each use, but by some larger-than-one value, like 10 (To add precision to the second point).
I would account for recency by multiplying all counters at regular intervals (say, 24 hours) by some diminisher (say, 0.9).
Each use:
UPDATE `addresslist` SET `favor` = `favor` + 10 WHERE `address` = ''
Each interval:
UPDATE `addresslist` SET `favor` = FLOOR(`favor` * 0.9)
In this way I collapse both frequency and recency to one field, avoid the need for keeping a detailed history to derive {last day, last week, last month} and keep the math (mostly) integer.
The increment and diminisher would have to be adjusted to preference, of course.
