How to get multiple selected rows in jqGrid - jqgrid

I am having an issue with selarrrow function (it returns null) - is there an alternative way to retrieve row ids when several rows are selected?
PS: I am not interested in debugging jqGrid, I just need to retrieve selected row ids.

You can use onSelectAll event fires when multiselect option is true and you click on the header checkbox. It has attributes : aRowids,status
aRowids array of the selected rows (rowid's).
status - boolean variable determining the status of the header check box - true if checked, false if not checked.
Note that the aRowids always contain the ids when header checkbox is checked or unchecked.
Lastly you can make your own custom array on every select by following code. Note the key which is set to true will be the id.
var rowid = $(this).closest("tr.jqgrow").attr("id")


the chechkbox keeps the last selected row

I have a form with a grid, the first column is not in the packages table, I added a checkbox. For example, if I select the second row in the checkbox, it stays selected even after closing the form.
The value of the checkbox is not stored in the table, how do I do it so that when the form is reopened the checkbox does not have any rows selected?
SET PATH TO "C:\Users\ives\Documents\Visual FoxPro Projects\delivered\dbfs"
USE IN 0 SHARED packages
Thisform.packages.RecordSource = "packages"
Thisform.packages.column2.ControlSource = "packages.code"
Thisform.packages.column3.ControlSource = ""
Thisform.packages.column4.ControlSource = "packages.address"
Thisform.packages.column5.ControlSource = ""
The value that is configured in the check1.value is 0, after configuring the recordsource and the grid source control, I have this code but the problem continues.
Every column in a grid has to have a ControlSource. If you're not specifying one, then the grid will choose one somewhere.
The typical way to use a checkbox in a grid for selection is to add a column to the table or cursor you're working with to hold that value, or to set up a cursor with a 1-1 relationship to your original table to hold the value.

slick grid - unheck all rows for paging, sorting and search events

I am using SlickGrid with the checkbox selector plugin and the pagination plugin. I want to only allow the user to select rows for the current page. I noticed that slickgrid remembers values that the user selects on a previous page. Only when a user selects a row on the current page does it uncheck the rows on a previous page. Is it possible to uncheck all rows on a page change event.
Similarly if the user does a search I want to unselect all rows.
Same with sorting, unselect all rows for the grid when the user does a sort.
Is it possible to do this?
The checkbox selector plugin was not designed for pager. Whenever you set checkbox as selected using the plugin, it remembers the row indices _selectedRowsLookup of the grid and re-apply the formatting when the grid invalidates. Thus, it will be the same rows check/unchecked on each page.
To achieve what you want, you have to customize the plugin where you need to:
Add a flag/field isSelected to your dataset that store if a record is selected
Set the formatter to check the dataContext.isSelected instead of using the _selectedRowsLookup
Change the handleSelectedRowsChanged to modify the field isSelected to true or false with the correct reference on the current page.
To select the rows of current page, change handleHeaderClick to only modify the rows displayed using the current pagingInfo
To clear the selection, reset the isSelected field to false and invalidate the grid rows.

Jqgrid: Adding a column filter with multiselect checkboxes with and ok button just like excel data filter

I have a Jqgrid implementation which has a column filter with checkbox list. It works as expected but the problem is it triggers the search on every check/uncheck of the values in the checkbox list in the column filter. what I want is to let user check/uncheck as many values he/she wants and then have a "ok" button to trigger the search just like the image :Excel Implementation
autosearch should be set to false and use triggerToolbar() when you presse the button.

How to save only change data in jqgrid?

I'm using jqgrid.
When the user execute (add/change/delete) rows more than often, and some documents have hundreds of rows.
If a user clicks the Save button, all rows (including no changed rows) are updated at once and it takes a while when rows are in the hundreds.
I just want to update the changed data only.
Is there any row status check function?
To verify whether the data has been changed or not during editing you can use the internal jqGrid option savedRow:
var row = $("#yourGrid").getGridParam("savedRow"); to get the data.
According to the documentation:
The array savedRow (option in the grid) is filled with the values before the editing. This is a name:value pair array with additional pair id:rowid
After the row is saved or restored the editable attribute is set to “0” and the savedRow item with id=rowid is deleted

How to add rows with values already predefined?

In Oracle APEX I have a tabular form that returns one row and has cancel, delete, submit, and add row buttons. When I click the add row button it adds an empty row to the form but I would like it to add a new row with certain columns already filled in containing the same data as the first row. I was thinking I'd have to add a PL/SQL process to the page. How would I go about doing this?
You could set the default value for each column in the report to be based on the value of a hidden item (a hidden item per column) and set the values of these hidden items in a page load process by running the same query that populates the first row of the report.
