slick grid - unheck all rows for paging, sorting and search events - slickgrid

I am using SlickGrid with the checkbox selector plugin and the pagination plugin. I want to only allow the user to select rows for the current page. I noticed that slickgrid remembers values that the user selects on a previous page. Only when a user selects a row on the current page does it uncheck the rows on a previous page. Is it possible to uncheck all rows on a page change event.
Similarly if the user does a search I want to unselect all rows.
Same with sorting, unselect all rows for the grid when the user does a sort.
Is it possible to do this?

The checkbox selector plugin was not designed for pager. Whenever you set checkbox as selected using the plugin, it remembers the row indices _selectedRowsLookup of the grid and re-apply the formatting when the grid invalidates. Thus, it will be the same rows check/unchecked on each page.
To achieve what you want, you have to customize the plugin where you need to:
Add a flag/field isSelected to your dataset that store if a record is selected
Set the formatter to check the dataContext.isSelected instead of using the _selectedRowsLookup
Change the handleSelectedRowsChanged to modify the field isSelected to true or false with the correct reference on the current page.
To select the rows of current page, change handleHeaderClick to only modify the rows displayed using the current pagingInfo
To clear the selection, reset the isSelected field to false and invalidate the grid rows.


Kendo grid. Event when selection is become empty

I need some event when my Kendo grid lose selection (no row selected).
Select one or more rows.
Filter by some field that so no selected rows show.
Expecting event appearance because now no row selected.
How to implement item 3?
There is no event like lostSelection. The change-event triggers if the user changes the selection only.
Once the filter was executed, the dataBound-event is triggered (as you can see on the demo page There you could check for the list of selected items with the method select (

Jqgrid: Adding a column filter with multiselect checkboxes with and ok button just like excel data filter

I have a Jqgrid implementation which has a column filter with checkbox list. It works as expected but the problem is it triggers the search on every check/uncheck of the values in the checkbox list in the column filter. what I want is to let user check/uncheck as many values he/she wants and then have a "ok" button to trigger the search just like the image :Excel Implementation
autosearch should be set to false and use triggerToolbar() when you presse the button.

How to capture kendo grid hide/show when column checkbox is clicked

I'm using kendo grid. One of the requirements is that the data of the hidden columns will be fetched only when the column becomes visible.
I want to use default column seletion (in the column menu), so when the checkbox of column is checked I want to catch it and go to the server to get relevant data and show the column only after the data arrives (or maybe even to rebuild the grid, whatever is possible). I can't find how to catch this click event and prevent default behavior?

Slickgrid 2.1 - Apply and Remove Formatters On The Fly (i.e., Depending on Runtime Conditions)

I'm using slickgrid 2.1 and successfully using a formatter for one of my columns in order to display a button that, when clicked, deletes the corresponding row from the grid.
My requirements and question: I need to only display this button in the row the user single-clicks on. When the user clicks one row, then another, the button from the first selected row needs to be hidden and the button on the second selected row needs to be displayed. How can I programmatically do this?
Many thanks.

jgGrid Search Dropdown Not Changing

This may be a followup to this question Possible to make jqGrid Search Box Stay on Page? - Or it may be unrelated because clicking the search button manually shows the same behavior.
We have a dynamically generated grid that is created by a) making an ajax request to get the grid columns based on a report id and then b) setting up the grid model and fetching the data. When the page loads initially, we pass in a starting report id, but there is a dropdown box on the page that lets the user change reports.
When the dropdown changes, I unload any existing grid, make the ajax request to get the columns, set up the grid model, and then get the data. The columns change, the data changes, and everything looks correct - except the search columns do not change in the search dropdown.
If I close the search box and reopen it, it still has the old search columns. Likewise, if I click the reset button or reload the entire grid.
I found it after a bit more poking around. I needed to set the recreateFilter option to true
prmSearch = {recreateFilter:true,multipleSearch:true,overlay:false,sopt:['cn','eq','ne','lt','le','gt','ge','in','ni','nc']};
