Spring Boot ManyToMany Hibernate Persistance Performance - spring-boot

The question I have is probably a newbie one, however couldn't find the answer for that.
Why we use
User usr = entityManager.getReference(User.class, userId);
usr.getRoomsFavourites().add(entityManager.getReference(Room.class, roomId));
Instead of directly insert into a relational table?
#Query(value = "INSERT INTO user_room_favourites (user_id, room_id) VALUES (?1, ?2)", nativeQuery = true)
void addFavoriteRoomByUserId(Long userId, Long roomId);
For the first option, we have a lot of overhead, even getReference only get the ID of Entity, it will go to the database, and in my case, it will make 3 large selects with a lot of joins before actually insert
For the second option, we only make the insertion
The only disadvantages I can see here are errors like user or room didn't exist or duplicate PK:
could not execute statement; SQL [n/a]; constraint [user_room_favourites_pkey];
But the exceptions can easily be handled.
Also, the migration for another database in the future can be more difficult because of Native Query.
I can not see any other disadvantage and I think for performance purposes the second way is much better.
Can someone explain this?
Thanks in advance.


Combining 2 tables with the number of users on a different table ORACLE SQl

Is this considered good practice?
Been trying to merge data from 2 different tables (dsb_nb_users_option & dsb_nb_default_options) for the number of users existing on dsb_nb_users table.
Would a JOIN statement be the best option?
Or a sub-query would work better for me to access the data laying on dsb_nb_users table?
This might be an operation i will have to perform a few times so i want to understand the mechanics of it.
INSERT INTO dsb_nb_users_option(dsb_nb_users_option.code, dsb_nb_users_option.code_value, dsb_nb_users_option.status)
SELECT dsb_nb_default_option.code, dsb_nb_default_option.code_value, dsb_nb_default_option.status
FROM dsb_nb_default_options
WHERE dsb_nb_users.user_id IS NOT NULL;
Thank you for your time!!
On the face of it, I see nothing wrong with your query to achieve your goal. That said, I see several things worth pointing out.
First, please learn to format your code - for your own sanity as well as that of others who have to read it. At the very least, put each column name on a line of its own, indented. A good IDE tool like SQL Developer will do this for you. Like this:
INSERT INTO dsb_nb_users_option (
dsb_nb_users.user_id IS NOT NULL;
Now that I've made your code more easily readable, a couple of other things jump out at me. First, it is not necessary to prefix every column name with the table name. So your code gets even easier to read.
INSERT INTO dsb_nb_users_option (
dsb_nb_users.user_id IS NOT NULL;
Note that there are times you need to qualify a column name, either because oracle requires it to avoid ambiguity to the parser, or because the developer needs it to avoid ambiguity to himself and those that follow. In this case we usually use table name aliasing to shorten the code.
select a.userid,
from users a,
join user_telephones b on a.userid=b.userid;
Finally, and more critical your your overall design, It appears that you are unnecessarily duplicating data across multiple tables. This goes against all the rules of data design. Have you read up on 'data normalization'? It's the foundation of relational database theory.

Oracle sys.aud$ / dba_audit_session monitoring - optimize SQL performance

I have the following query which monitors if anyone tried to logon with a technical users on database:
Unfortunately the performance of this SQL is quite poor since it does TABLE ACCESS FULL on sys.aud$. I tried to narrow it with:
SELECT COUNT (sessionid)
FROM sys.aud$
WHERE userid IN ('USER1','USER2','USER3')
AND ntimestamp# >=SYSDATE - 10/(24*60)
and action# between 100 and 102;
And it is even worse. Is it possible at all to optimize that query by forcing oracle to use indexes here? I would be grateful for any help&tips.
SYS.AUD$ does not have any default indexes but it is possible to create one on ntimestamp#.
But proceed with caution. The support document "The Effect Of Creating Index On Table Sys.Aud$ (Doc ID 1329731.1)" includes this warning:
Creating additional indexes on SYS objects including table AUD$ is not supported.
Normally that would be the end of the conversation and you'd want to try another approach. But in this case there are a few reasons why it's worth a shot:
The document goes on to say that an index may be helpful, and to test it first.
It's just an index. The SYS schema is special, but we're still just talking about an index on a table. It could slow things down, or maybe cause space errors, like any index would. But I doubt there's any chance it could do something crazy like cause wrong results bugs.
It's somewhat common to change the tablespace of the audit trail, so that table isn't sacred.
I've seen indexes on it before. 2 of the 400 databases I manage have an index on the columns SESSIONID,SES$TID (although I don't know why). Those indexes have been there for years, have been through an upgrade and patches, and haven't caused problems as far as I know.
Creating an "unsupported" index may be a good option for you, if you're willing to test it and accept a small amount of risk.
Oracle 10g onwards optimizer would choose the best plan for your query, provided you write proper joins. Not sure how many recocds exists in your DBA_AUDIT_SESSION , but you can always use PARALLEL hints to somewhat speed up the execution.
Query Cost reduces to 3 than earlier.
NumRows: 8080019
So it is pretty large due to company regulations. Unfortunately using /*+Parallel*/ here makes it run longer, so the performance is still worse.
Any other suggestions?

How to use table functions in queries with Spring Data

When using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate, what are the options available to write queries that join with table functions.
For example, I'd like to generate queries as described below:
CASE 1: SELECT * FROM getfoo(1) AS t1;
CASE 2: SELECT * FROM getfoo(1) x INNER JOIN tbl1 y on x.id = y.id;
To elaborate more, I'm using Spring Data for all things CRUD (It works great). However, I need to write complicated queries that join tables with "table functions". Table functions(AKA Table-Valued User-Defined Functions) are database functions that return tabled-values which can be used in the JOIN clause in combination with tables. Postgresql and Sql Server support them.
In the Spring Data realm, which includes much more than JPA, what are the options to consider when writing such queries? Whats the best practice from your experience? user2658013 was kind enough to describe one such approach using the entityManager.reateNativeQuery method.
In my mind here are the options:
Use #NamedStoredProcedureQuery ( >=JPA 2.1)
Use entityManager.createNativeQuery or #NamedNativeQuery
Use Spring Data's #Query to declare finder queries directly on repository methods.
Use SimpleJdbcCall
Any others?
I believe you are asking about Postgres stored functions. Postgres stored functions are analogous to "Stored Procedures". So I think you are asking how would invoke a stored procedure using JPA? Am I close?
The following pseudo code is derived from details published here (see section on Stored Procures):
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
SOMEVAL_TYPE result = (SOMEVAL_TYPE)em.createNativeQuery("SELECT getfoo(?1) FROM SOMEDB")
.setParameter(1, SOME_PARM)
In general you can use JPQL with JPA instead of SQL.
Note! The above assumes you have already created the stored function in you Postgres database.
Hope that helps :)

BatchUpdate using an Oracle view

I have a complex Oracle view which takes around ~ 2 - 3 seconds to execute.
I'm trying to insert values from the Oracle view into a table.
I'm using JdbcTemplate BatchUpdate() to insert multiple values into the table.
In BatchUpdate(), PreparedStatement is used to set values.
Will using a Oracle view, cause any performance issue?
By using PreparedStatement, SQL statements are precompiled. But in case of VIEW, will the view be executed each time the insert query is fired ?
Views are just SQL-statements. They are not slower or faster than the underlying SQL-query.
However, when using complex views (multi-table joins and aggregation) built on-top of other complex views the optimizer may get confused and tries to outsmart itself, leading to really bad execution plans. The problems tend to be even worse if you don't have constraints, referential integrity in place.
A final note is that if you are merely pulling data out of the database to stuff it back in, you would probably achieve better performance doing the entire operation in the database instead. For an example, let's say you pull "order lines" from the database and then updates the "order header" with an "Order Total Qty". In this case you should probably do something like below instead:
into order_header h
using (select order_id, sum(order_qty) as order_total_qty
from order_line
group by order_id
) l
on (h.order_id = l.order_id)
when matched then
set h.order_total_qty = l.order_total_qty;

How to insert while avoiding unique constraints with oracle

We have a process that aggregates some data and inserts the results into another table that we use for efficient querying. The problem we're facing is that we now have multiple aggregators running at roughly the same time.
We use the original records id as the primary key in this new table - a unique constraint. However, if two aggregation processes are running at the same time, one of them will error with a unique constraint violation.
Is there a way to specify some kind of locking mechanism which will make the second writer wait until the first is finished? Alternatively, is there a way to tell oracle to ignore that specific row and continue with the rest?
Unfortunately it's not practical to reduce the aggregation to a single process, as the following procedures rely on an up to date version of the data being available and those procedures do need to scale out.
The following is my [redacted] query:
h.id, h.col, h.col2
FROM history h
JOIN call c
ON c.callid = h.callid
h.id > (SELECT coalesce(max(id),0) FROM agg_table)
It is possible run an INSERT statement with an error logging clause. The example from the Oracle docs is as follows:
SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name, hire_date, salary, department_id
FROM employees
WHERE hire_date > sysdate - 7
LOG ERRORS INTO err_empl ('daily_load') REJECT LIMIT 25
Alternatively, you could try using a [MERGE][2] statement. You would be merging into the summary table with a select from the detail table. If a match is not found, you INSERT and if it is found you would UPDATE. I believe this solution will handle your concurrency issues, but you would need to test it.
have a look at FOR UPDATE clause. If you correctly write the SELECT statement with FOR UPDATE clause within a transaction before your update/insert statements you will be able to "lock" the required records
Serialising the inserts is probably the best way, as there's no method that will get you round the problem of the multiple inserts being unable to see what each one is doing.
DBMS_Lock is probably the appropriate serialisation mechanism.
