BatchUpdate using an Oracle view - oracle

I have a complex Oracle view which takes around ~ 2 - 3 seconds to execute.
I'm trying to insert values from the Oracle view into a table.
I'm using JdbcTemplate BatchUpdate() to insert multiple values into the table.
In BatchUpdate(), PreparedStatement is used to set values.
Will using a Oracle view, cause any performance issue?
By using PreparedStatement, SQL statements are precompiled. But in case of VIEW, will the view be executed each time the insert query is fired ?

Views are just SQL-statements. They are not slower or faster than the underlying SQL-query.
However, when using complex views (multi-table joins and aggregation) built on-top of other complex views the optimizer may get confused and tries to outsmart itself, leading to really bad execution plans. The problems tend to be even worse if you don't have constraints, referential integrity in place.
A final note is that if you are merely pulling data out of the database to stuff it back in, you would probably achieve better performance doing the entire operation in the database instead. For an example, let's say you pull "order lines" from the database and then updates the "order header" with an "Order Total Qty". In this case you should probably do something like below instead:
into order_header h
using (select order_id, sum(order_qty) as order_total_qty
from order_line
group by order_id
) l
on (h.order_id = l.order_id)
when matched then
set h.order_total_qty = l.order_total_qty;


Query in DB2 vs Oracle

There is a query having multiple inner joins. It involves two views, of which one view is based on four tables, and total there are four tables(including two views).
The same query with the same amount of data in the source tables runs in both, Oracle and DB2. In DB2, surprisingly, it takes 2 minutes to load 3 million records. While in Oracle, it is taking two hours. Same indexes are on all source tables in both the environments. Is the behavior of views (when used in joins) different in both environments (Oracle vs DB2)?
a dummy query I am sharing :-
SUM(otl.column4) column4,
SUM(otl.column5) column5,
(Case when SUM(otl.column5) = 0 then 0
else round(CAST(SUM(otl.column4) AS DECIMAL(19,2)) /abs(CAST(SUM(otl.column4) AS DECIMAL(18,2))),4)
end) taxl_unrlz_cgl_pct
view_a adf
INNER JOIN table_b hr on hr.hh_ref_id = adf.hh_ref_id
AND hr.col_typ_cd = 'FIRM'
AND hr.col_end_dt = TO_DATE('1/1/2900','MM/DD/YYYY')
INNER JOIN dw.table_c ar on ar.colb_id = adf.colb_id
AND ar.col_cd = '#'
AND ar.col_num BETWEEN 10000000 AND 89999999
AND ar.col_dt IS NULL
INNER JOIN table_d dd on dd.col_id = adf.col_id
INNER JOIN view2 otl ON otl.cola_id = ar.cola_id
GROUP BY adf.column1, adf.column2, dd.column3;
Technically, both DB2 and Oracle will try to rewrite the query in most efficient way possible using the base query that you have coded. But one of the common (but not frequent) issues that I have seen when using multi-table view is DBMS not being able to rewrite the query using underlying tables. So depending on complexity of the view itself and sometime the additional joins, DBMS may not be able to rewrite the query to use the underlying tables properly and hence resulting in not being able to use the indexes on the underlying tables used in the view. When this happens, the view itself acts like a materialized table (work table) and query goes for table scan on the materialized table.
There is no consistent pattern on when such issue can happen. So you will need to check on a case by case basis.
Since you are mentioning about 2 hrs vs 2 minutes, in most probability that might be the case. So you will need to check the access path on both Oracle and DB2. But you will also need to make sure that stats are updated and access path is based on latest stats on DBMS. Else it won't be apples to apples compare.

SP using table/index with volatile statistics that differ at compile and run time

I’m a longtime MSSQL developer who finds himself back in PL/SQL for the first time since Oracle 7. I’m looking for some tuning advice re a large export stored procedure, which is sporadically and not very reproducably running slow at certain points. This happens around some static working tables which it truncates, fills and uses as part of the export. The code in outline typically looks like this:
create or replace Procedure BigMultiPurposeExport as (
-- about 2000 lines of other code
-- WORK_TABLE_5 now has 0 to ~500k rows whose content can vary drastically from run to run
-- e.g. one hourly run exports 3 whale sightings, next exports all tourist visits to Kenya this decade
-- about 1000 lines of other code
INNER JOIN BUSINESS_TABLE_2 ON etc -- typical join on indexed columns
INNER JOIN BUSINESS_TABLE_3 ON etc -- typical join on indexed columns
INNER JOIN BUSINESS_TABLE_4 ON etc -- typical join on indexed columns
LEFT OUTER JOIN WORK_TABLE_1 ON etc -- typical join on indexed columns
LEFT OUTER JOIN WORK_TABLE_2 ON etc -- typical join on indexed columns
LEFT OUTER JOIN WORK_TABLE_3 ON etc -- typical join on indexed columns
LEFT OUTER JOIN WORK_TABLE_4 ON etc -- typical join on indexed columns
-- join above is now supported by indexes on BUSINESS_TABLE_1 (ID) and WORK_TABLE_5 (BT1_ID, RECORD_TYPE), originally wasn't
LEFT OUTER JOIN WORK_TABLE_6 ON etc -- typical join on indexed columns
LEFT OUTER JOIN WORK_TABLE_7 ON etc -- typical join on indexed columns
-- about 4000 lines of other code
That final insert into OUTPUT_TABLE_3 usually runs in under 10 seconds, but once in a while on certain customer servers it times out at our default 99 minutes. Then we have them take the tiemout off and run it on Friday night, and it finishes but takes 16 hours.
I narrowed the problem down to the join to WORK_TABLE_5, which had no index support, and put an index on the join terms. The next run took 4 seconds. But success has been intermittent, the customer occasionally gets some slow runs when they drastically change their export selection (i.e. drastically change the data in WORK_TABLE_5). And if we update statistics and rebuild indexes after a timed out export, it runs fine at the next attempt.
So, I am wondering about how best to handle truncating/filling static work tables with static indexes, statistics updated overnight, and a stored procedure compiled when the statistics are nothing like runtime.
I have a few general questions about things I'd like to understand better:
Is the nature of the data in the work table going to substantially effect the query plan? Does Oracle form its query plan when you compile the stored procedure? Could we get a highly inappropriate query plan if we compile the stored procedure with the table empty then use a table with 500k rows at runtime?
I expect that if this were an ad-hoc script then updating statistics on the problem table just before selecting from it would eliminate the sporadic slowdowns. But what if I were to update statistics inside the stored procedure, which is compiled with different statistics from runtime?
Anything else you'd like to add...
Thanks for any advice. I hope my MSSQL preconceptions haven't made me too far off base.
This is happening in Oracle 11g, but the code is deployed to assorted customers using Oracle 10 through 12 and I'd like to cater to all of those if possible.
-- Joel
Huge differences in table or index sizes can most definitely cause performance problems. The solution is to add statistics gathering to the procedure instead of relying on the default statistics jobs.
If you've been away from Oracle since version 7, the most important new feature is the Cost Based Optimizer. Oracle now builds query execution plans based on the optimizer statistics of tables, indexes, columns, expressions, system statistics, outlines, directives, dynamic sampling, etc. If you're a full time Oracle developer you should probably spend a day reading about optimizer statistics. Start with Managing Optimizer Statistics and DBMS_STATS in the official documentation.
Eventually the stored procedure should look like this:
--1: Insert into working tables.
insert into work_table...
--2: Gather statistics on working tables.
dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SCHEMA_NAME', 'WORK_TABLE', ...);
--3: Use working tables.
insert into other_table select * from work_table...
There are so many statistics features it's hard to know exactly what parameters to use in that second step above. Here are some guesses about some features you might find useful:
DEGREE - One reason people avoid gathering statistics inside a process is the time is takes. You can significantly improve the run time by setting the degree. Although this also uses significantly more resources.
NO_INVALIDATE - It can be tricky to know when exactly are the statistics "set" for a query. Gathering statistics usually quickly invalidates execution plans that were based on old statistics. But not always. If you want to be 100% sure that the next query is using the latest statistics you want to set NO_INVALIDATE=>FALSE.
ESTIMATE_PERCENT In 11g and above you definitely want to use the default, which uses a faster algorithm. In 10g and below you may need to set the value to something low to make the gathering fast enough.
Although Oracle 10g and above comes with default statistics gathering jobs you cannot rely on them for a few reasons:
They are scheduled and may not run at the right time. If a process significantly changes the data then new stats are needed right away, not at 10 PM. If there are a lot of tables that need to be analyzed the job may not get to them all in one day.
Many DBAs disable the jobs. This is ridiculous and almost always a mistake. But you'll find many DBAs that disabled the job because they think they can do it better. Instead of working with the auto tasks, and settings preferences, many DBAs like to throw the whole thing out and replace it with a custom procedure that rots over time.

SDO_JOIN table join on large tables no longer returns results after upgrade from Oracle to

I have the same database on 2 different Oracle servers, one is and the other is
I have the same 2 geometry tables in both databases and run the following query on both servers. When run on an version of Oracle, the query runs for a few minutes and I get results, the same query when run on runs for about 3 seconds and returns no results.
The BLPUs table holds 36 million points and the PD_B2 table holds a polygon. I am trying to find all the points that fall in the polygon.
Other spatial queries do return rows but it takes hours and hours whereas the table join suggested in the Oracle Spatial documentation, takes 15 minutes to return all the points.
SELECT /*+ ordered */ a.uprn
WHERE c.rowid1 = a.rowid
AND c.rowid2 = b.rowid;
The spatial queryies below return SDO_ROWIDSET() when run on the server
from dual;
from dual;
On the server they return results.
I have discovered that a much smaller table of points will work on so it seems that there is a size limit on when using SDO_JOIN where as seems to cope with the large table.
Does anyone know why this is or if there is an actual limit on table size when using SDO_JOIN?
This is strange. I see no reason why SDO_JOIN will not work the same way in At least I have not seen that sort of behavior before. It looks like a bug to me and I suggest you file a service request with Oracle Support so we can take a look. You may need to provide a dump of the tables - or at least of a small enough subset that demonstrates the problem.
That said there are a few things to check: did you apply the patch on the same database ? I.e. nothing changed in terms of table structures or content, grants, etc ?
When you say that the query returns no rows, does it do so immediately ? Or does it perform some processing before completing without anything being returned ?
How large is the PD_B2 table ?
What happens when you do:
from dual;
Does this also return nothing ?
What happens if you do
from dual;
Both should return something that looks like this:
You will see this if you run the query in sqlplus. [If you use a GUI (like TOAD or SQLDeveloper) then you may not see that. All those GUIs have problems dealing with objects or arrays.]
But the fact that your tests complete very quickly probably means that you get an empty result back, maybe like this:
and that confirms that something did not work.
Now, from what you say PD_B2 only contains one row ? If so then there is no reason whatsoever to go via SDO_JOIN. A straightforward spatial query is easier to write. SDO_JOIN only makes sense when both tables being joined contain multiple rows. Then again, if one of the tables is very small (like the PD_B2 table in your case), then it anyway falls back to a simple query.
A simple query would look like this:
SELECT a.uprn
FROM blpus a, PD_B2 b
WHERE sdo_anyinteract (a.geoloc, b.geoloc) = 'TRUE';
Does this return what you expect in ?
You may also want to examine the cost of the query and the query plan used. In sqlplus, do this:
set timing on
set autotrace traceonly
then run the above query. The effect is that sqlplus will not display any results - but it will still fetch and format the output: it will just not print them. At the end you will get a printout of the query plan used as well as some execution statistics and the elapsed time. Please add those results to your question.
Running the query from within your application should have a similar profile: similar response time and database-side costs - assuming you do fetch all the 1.3 million rows.
BTW, what do you do with those results ? Do you show them out as a report ? Do you save them into a table for later analysis ? Surely you do not want to show them all on a map ?
To clarify: SDO_JOIN is only for matching many to many geometries. For matching one to many, the simple SDO_ANYINTERACT() is what you need. As a matter of fact, SDO_JOIN will automatically fall back to a simple SDO_ANYINTERACT when one of the sets is very much smaller than the other. I can't see how SDO_JOIN could be faster in your circumstances (i.e. when searching for all objects that match one object) since it will perform the same as an SDO_ANYINTERACT and will require extra joins to the two tables.
Going back to the original issue - that of a difference in behavior in SDO_JOIN between and that IMO is definitely a bug that you need to report to Oracle Support.

Oracle accessing multiple databases

I'm using Oracle SQL Developer version
I need to write a query that accesses multiple databases. All that I'm trying to do is get a list of all the IDs present in "TableX" (There is an instance of Table1 in each of these databases, but with different values) in each database and union all of the results together into one big list.
My problem comes with accessing more than 4 databases -- I get this error: ORA-02020: too many database links in use. I cannot change the INIT.ORA file's open_links maximum limit.
So I've tried dynamically opening/closing these links:
SELECT Xdb1.PUID FROM TableX#db1 Xdb1;
SELECT Xdb2.PUID FROM TableX#db2 Xdb2;
SELECT Xdb3.PUID FROM TableX#db3 Xdb3;
SELECT Xdb4.PUID FROM TableX#db4 Xdb4;
SELECT Xdb5.PUID FROM TableX#db5 Xdb5;
However this produces 'ORA-02081: database link is not open.' On whichever db is being closed out last.
Can someone please suggest an alternative or adjustment to the above?
Please provide a small sample of your suggestion with syntactically correct SQL if possible.
If you can't change the open_links setting, you cannot have a single query that selects from all the databases you want to query.
If your requirement is to query a large number of databases via database links, it seems highly reasonable to change the open_links setting. If you have one set of people telling you that you need to do X (query data from a large number of tables) and another set of people telling you that you cannot do X, it almost always makes sense to have those two sets of people talk and figure out which imperative wins.
If we can solve the problem without writing a single query, then you have options. You can write a bit of PL/SQL, for example, that selects the data from each table in turn and does something with it. Depending on the number of database links involved, it may make sense to write a loop that generates a dynamic SQL statement for each database link, executes the SQL, and then closes the database link.
If you want need to provide a user with the ability to run a single query that returns all the data, you can write a pipelined table function that implements this sort of loop with dynamic SQL and then let the user query the pipelined table function. This isn't really a single query that fetches the data from all the tables. But it is as close as you're likely to get without modifying the open_links limit.

select condition from cdef$ where rowid=:1 query elapsed time is more

In Db trace, there is a query taking long time.Can some one explain what it means.Seems this is very generic oracle query and not involved with my custom tables.
select condition from cdef$ where rowid=:1;
Found the same query in multiple places in trc files(DB trace) and one among all have huge amount of elapsed time. So, what will be the solution to avoid taking such a long time. Am using 11g version oracle.
You're right, that is an example of Oracle's recursive SQL, the statements it runs against the data dictionary to support our application SQL. That particular statement is the query Oracle runs to get the Search Condition of a CHECK constraint. If you are inserting or updating rows in tables with check constraints you will see it a lot.
The actual statement shouldn't take too long to run, so it is unlikely to be the source of a performance problem. Unless you are running lots of insert statements with hard-coded values. Oracle will run that query every time it parses a fresh insert or update statement. That will get expensive if you're not using bind variables.
