Can't send direct message to Slack bot, feature turned off - slack

I created a Slack bot (app) and I'm not able to send direct messages to it even though I'm pretty sure I have all the permissions enabled.
The direct message window shows Sending messages to this app has been turned off. in the input field.
Am I missing some permissions?

Go to your App Settings page and go to App Home and set the checkbox for "Allow users to send Slash commands and messages from the messages tab"
At the bottom you will see the option

Adding following scope worked for me:
1. mpim:write -> Start group direct messages with people
2. im:write -> Start direct messages with people


Need a slack workspace to send an email for any activity

I have a client who's a member of a lightly used, but important to him, slack workspace. He rarely opens (or even looks at) the Slack app, but he wants to know right away when there's any new activity in the workspace. He'd love to get an email whenever there's new activity, but there doesn't seem to be a way to set that up. He'll get an email when he's mentioned, or there's activity in a thread he follows, or when he's DM'd of course, but I can't see any way to configure his Slack settings and preferences so he gets an email any time there's a regular ol posting in a channel. Is that possible? If so, how?

Navigate User from slack channel to app home tab

I am working on a slack app that can be installed in any channel. It is possible or is there any slack method that allows you to open the slack app home tab from the channel. I mean a method that can navigate the user from the channel to the slack app home-tab
Send a slack message to users with #appname. For example "Click here to open the #ACME Dashboard" (assuming "ACME Dashboard" is the name of your app). #ACME Dashboard will turn into a clickable link that jumps to the app home page. It'll also add the app for users that haven't already added the app.
At least, this worked for me in limited testing with myself and one other person, so I hope it works for you. I haven't tried to figure it out, but I'm sure there's a way to send the '#app name' as part of a message from the API.

Is there a way to keep my Slack App from being used in Channels?

Is there a way to keep my Slack App from being used in Channels?
I only want the current user to be able to interact with the App directly and it not to show in any channels.
When setting up a app in MS Teams using App Studio there is a option that lets you limit the App to "Personal" I'm looking for something similar in Slack.
I am not sure what use cases you want to prohibit exactly, but in general your app can check each incoming request and decide if and how it wants to react to it.
For example you will always get the user ID of who sent the slash command or message to the bot. You can use that to filter our users that should not have access.
To restrict your app the the app channel you need to do the following:
When receiving a request from the user, first open a direct message channel to the user from the bot user. That will always give you the channel ID of the app channel.
Then reply with a direct message in that app channel
or alternatively check if the received request is from the app channel and ask the user to only talk in app channel if it is not.
See also this answer on how this works in detail.

MS Skype bot isn't responding

I use Azure to create my bot. The Telegram, Web and S4B channels works as expected, but the Skype channel doesn't work. I don't get any error.
To create the Skype channel I just click the "Add channel" link and add the new contact to my Skype contacts. Is it enough?
Could you please help me? Thank you.
If you want to connect Skype to your bot, all you need to do is click on the Skype option in the 'Add a featured channel' and then configure the settings in Web control, Messaging, Calling, Groups and Publish.
In your case, click on the 'Messaging' tab and make sure that the 'enable messaging' option is selected. Once your changes are saved, you can add the bot to your contacts and it will work.
Skype can take up to 15 minutes to propagate the settings changes. Wait for a few minutes before sending a message to the bot.
If it still doesn't work, delete the channel and again following the steps above to add the Skype channel to your bot. You can also use ngrok to debug any channel locally.
The source of issue was the turned off ciphers the my IIS:
When I turn on all of these my skype bot start to work.

Getting TeamCity notify using Google Talk

I'm setting up TeamCity 7.0.3 on a build machine. Everything is working OK apart from the Google Talk notifications using the Jabber notifier. When I send a test notification it works fine. But when the build completes/fails I don't get any notifications. The notifications do work locally on the machine using the system tray notifier. I have registered for all projects and all events but stil nothing is coming through. I am using the same gmail account to send the message as to receive it which could be a bit odd but the test messages work. This could be a firewall issue I guess but again the test message works.
Any ideas?
I use the following settings in TeamCity 7.1 to set up Jabber:
Obviously, replace with the Google Talk user that should send notifications. Note that, when using Google Talk, you can't send messages to yourself, so the Server User must be different than the Jabber accounts for any users that want to receive notifications.
Now, you need to configure the notification rules for your user. Click on your name in the upper right hand corner, then in "My Settings & Tools" click "Edit" beside the Jabber Notifier under "Watched Builds and Notifications". This page looks like this:
Note that the "Jabber Account" must be different than the "Server User" above (or else you won't receive notifications; this is the first mistake I made when first setting this up). Also note that you must set up rules for each build or groups of builds that you want Jabber notifications for by clicking "Add new rule." Jabber Notifier will not inherit your Email Notifier rules (this is the other mistake I made when first setting this up).
