Mutator for unique user attribute - laravel

In my code the line User::where('socialite_id', $socialite_id)->exists(); is used so many times, that i want to just write a mutator or sth around it to make this line shorter.
So i need to make mutator, that checks if there's a user with the same socialite_id that a new user is about to have.
I've come with
public function hasUniqueSocialiteIdAttribute($value){
return !$this->where('socialite_id', $value)->exists();
Mabye it is better to catch the duplicate exception and abort on catch, but.. naah.
But this thing is not working. Any suggestions?

You can use a scope for reusability purposes:
public function scopeSocialiteId($query,$id) {
return $query->where('socialite_id', $id);
and then
For additional info see


Eloquent model getRawOriginal() returns new values in `updating` observer

I need to compare original model values with changes that are done when update occurs, but I am not able to do that.
My model update code looks like this:
public function update(array $user, int $userId): ?bool
return User::find($userId)->update($user);
I thought that the best way to capture changes is to use observer and observe updating event, because I assume it's called right before changes are stored in the database. Here is updating method code:
public function updating(User $user)
Log::info('Original user', ['original' => $user->getRawOriginal('status')]);
I've tried logging a bit and it seems that updating method gets called after the update happens and then when I try to retrieve original model values there it returns new ones, instead of the original ones.
If I use getChanges() method in updating it returns exactly what has changed, so it seems that changes are tracked somehow, but not the original values?
Can someone give me any pointers how to solve this and explain to me why my approach doesn't work?
Update: Code, where I call update, is wrapped with DB transaction methods. After removing them it seems that updating method gets called at the right time and getRawOriginal then returns expected results.
In this case, what are my options? Is there a way to do what I want without removing transactions?
You can add boot method in your model .Both updating and updated trigger while updating .
protected static function boot()
static::updating(function ($model){
echo "updating";
static::updated(function ($model){
echo "updated";

Resolving service based on model in AppServiceProvider

To give you a brief view: I am trying to make redirect based on conditions. If request satisfy conditions of given destination you will get redirect to certain destination.
I have Destination model which has many conditions (Condition model). I have many Conditions which extends basic Condition model like DateCondition, LocationCondition etc (made by polimorphic relation). Each of condition type should has 'service' which tells if given condition match do the request. Example DateCondition should has own DateConditionMatcher which implements ConditionMatcherInterface.
(just public function match($condition, $request)).
I would like to write it with Open Closed principle from SOLID. Firstly I thought to add getMatcher() function straight to condition model and return different ConditionMatcher for each condition type, but some of ConditionMatchers need some other services passed in contructor, so it would force me to inject them also in Condition models which is bad pratice.
Maybe using Contextual binding in ServiceProvider could resolve this but how?
I have no idea how to couple Model to to the right one ConditionMatcher to then use it freely like this:
foreach ($destination->conditions as $condition){
$isMatched = $this->conditionMatcher->match($condition, $request);
To always have correct ConditionMatcher under $this->conditionMatcher.
I hope someone understood my not very clear message.
I had an idea overnight to make service which keeps all the matchers. The only downside to this solution is injecting every matcher.
class ConditionResolver implements ConditionResolverInterface
/** #var ConditionMatcherInterface[] */
private $conditionMatchers = [];
public function __construct(
DateConditionMatcher $dateConditionMatcher,
TimeConditionMatcher $timeConditionMatcher,
LocationConditionMatcher $locationConditionMatcher
) {
$this->conditionMatchers[DateCondition::class] = $dateConditionMatcher;
$this->conditionMatchers[TimeCondition::class] = $timeConditionMatcher;
$this->conditionMatchers[LocationCondition::class] = $locationConditionMatcher;
so now I am able to use correct matcher to given condition in this way(simplified):
foreach ($model->conditions as $condition)
$this->conditionMatchers[get_class($condition)]->match($condition, $request);
It allows me to inject various of services into that matchers in AppServiceProvider.
$this->app->singleton(LocationServiceInterface::class, function($app){
return new LocationService();
$this->app->singleton(DateConditionMatcher::class, function($app){
return new DateConditionMatcher();
$this->app->singleton(TimeConditionMatcher::class, function($app){
return new TimeConditionMatcher();
$this->app->singleton(LocationConditionMatcher::class, function($app){
return new LocationConditionMatcher($app->make(LocationServiceInterface::class));
Overall I think I miessed something and it would be done in more elegant way, but for now I treat it as an answer. If you have better solution, please share :)

laravel: function in model must return a relationship instance

I try to build a path for a model on laravel
I created a function in my model:
public function path()
return App\Helper\GeneralController::getURL($this);
with dd(App\Helper\GeneralController::getURL($this)) test I got the right answer. (output is a URL)
but in view with the call: $article->path I get this error:
App\Article:: path must return a relationship instance.
What is wrong?
You need to call it:
When you do $article->path, you're trying to use Eloquent relationship which you don't have.
I know this has already been answered and accepted. However, if the OP did want to use a property accessor rather than a method use the "get{property name}Attribute" syntax of Laravel to create a custom attribute.
Here is what it would look like for this specific case:
public function getPathAttribute()
return App\Helper\GeneralController::getURL($this);
using this approach "path" can now be called as an attribute and will not be resolved to a relationship using the syntax:
You're calling a relationship.
To call the method, use '()', like so,
I faced that error when I forgot to write return before relation in the model!
check it out now!
path() is method not object element you need to call as method
Laravel 9 introduced a new way to define accessors/mutators within a model using Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute.
public function path(): Attribute
return new Attribute(fn () => GeneralController::getURL($this));
For future visitors from Google, all the other answers can be applicable in certain scenarios, but you might want to also look if your method access modifier, if your method is protected and you try to call it you will be welcome with this error. You need change your method to public.

Different state for Eloquent model fields depending on current user in laravel

I have the model:
class Task extends Model {
with some fields
protected $fillable = ['message', 'due_time', 'status', 'etc...'];
I've added custom function:
public function getEditableStateFor{AttributeName}
In my helper function I check that if
method_exists($class, 'getEditableStateForField1')
than I allow to edit this field depending on boolean value returned from this function.
if( ! $class->getEditableStateForField1() ) {
return "You can not edit field field1";
Here is how looks like some functions in Task:
private function isCreator() {
$user = Auth::user();
if($user) {
return $user->id === $this->creator_id;
return false;
public function getEditableStateForMessage() {
return $this->isCreator();
public function getEditableStateForDueTime() {
return $this->isCreator();
Is this a good way to do it or it is very bad design because of hidden dependency on Auth::user()?
What is a better way?
I do not want to put this logic inside controllers because this logic propagates to another models and is universal across application.
I'm like you and like to have Models that contain as much of the business logic as possible while remaining totally free of depencies on the "web" part of the application, which I believe should stay in Controllers, Request objects, etc. Ideally, Models should be easily usable from command line interfaces to the application, from within the Tinker REPL, and elsewhere while still guaranteeing data integrity and that business rules are observed.
That said, it seems the Laravel creators had slightly different ideas, hence the Auth facade being easily available in the model.
What I would likely do is add a parameter of type User to the getEditableStateFor series functions, and then in turn pass that parameter to isCreator ($user) and elsewhere. That also frees you up to be able to allow associated users to edit each other's Tasks if that ever became a desired feature in the future.
Edit: another, perhaps better or perhaps worse, is to have an instance method like setCurrentUser ($user) then use setFieldNameAttribute methods so that the controller doesn't have to check the editability of fields, keeping that the model's responsibility. Then you could call the getEditableStateFor methods, which now check for the current user set by the above method (maybe falling back to Auth::user() or throwing a helpful error), inside the setter.

Customer session is different in different parts of a Magento website

I have a function inside of a Helper in Magento that returns whether or not a customer attribute equals one.
Here is my Helper class
class Nie_Nie_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract {
public function isNieAdmin() {
if(Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer()->getNieAdmin() == 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Now when I call this function from a class that extends Mage_Core_Block_Template, everything seems to work fine. However when I try to use this inside one of my controllers, it does not work. In fact when I do Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer()->debug() the only variable that is returned is the website_id.
Does anyone know what I have to do in order to get this to work?
At the time of the controller the session objects are not yet initialised (although the session variable must be) so it returns a blank model. My guess is the website_id is deliberately set in the creation of a customer object to act as a default.
You could access $_SESSION['customer'] directly to find what you need, but that is messy. An alternative would be to do what you want in an event that occurs later.
I hope someone can come up with a better answer than mine.
Ok it looks like I had to load up the session myself. I had to put the following in my functions:
Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name' => 'frontend'));
Hope this helps.
